Create report in JavaScript Report Viewer

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This topic describes how to create a RDL and RDLC reports to use in Report Viewer.

Create RDL report

You can create a RDL reports using any of the following reporting tools,

  1. Syncfusion Web Report Designer.
  2. Microsoft Report Builder.
  3. Visual Studio Report Server project template.

Syncfusion Web Report Designer

Provides intuitive user interface to create or edit report online. For more details refer to the Web Report Designer documentation.

Microsoft SQL Report Builder

You can create a RDL report using the Microsoft stand-alone Report Builder. For more details refer to the online documentation.

Visual Studio Report Server template

To create a RDL report in Visual Studio, a Report Server project is required where you can save your report definition (.rdl) file. For more details, refer to the Visual Studio documentation.


If you do not see the Business Intelligence or Report Server Project options, you should update SSDT with the Business Intelligence templates. See Download SQL Server Data Tools.

Create RDLC report using business object data source

This section describes step by step procedure to create a RDLC report using Visual Studio Reporting project type.

Create an application

1.Open Visual Studio 2013, from the File menu, select New Project.
2.Select the Visual C#, Reporting project type from the project type, and then select the Reports Application project type. Set the project’s Name to RDLCReportsApplication and click OK.
N> If you don’t see the Business Intelligence or Report Server Project options, you need to update SSDT with the Business Intelligence templates. See Download SQL Server Data Tools.

Create new reporting application project

Create business object class

1.In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project, click Add > Class, and name it as ProductSales.cs, and then click Add.
2.Create the properties and method of your choice. You can use the following codes to the newly created class.

  • C#
  • public class ProductSales
            public string ProdCat { get; set; }
            public string SubCat { get; set; }
            public string OrderYear { get; set; }
            public string OrderQtr { get; set; }
            public double Sales { get; set; }

    3.Clean and build the application.

    Add a RDLC report

    1.Right click on the project, click Add -> New Item.
    2.Click Reporting project type, select the Report Wizard template then name the report as SalesReport.rdlc.
    3.Click Add.
    Add a new rdlc using report wizard template

    Data source and table configuration wizard

    1.Choose Object type from the Data Source Configuration Wizard and click Next.
    Select data source type in configuration wizard

    2.Expand the tree view and select ProductSales and click Finish.
    Choose data object class in the application namespace

    3.In the DataSet Properties wizard, specify the dataset name as SalesData.
    Set rdlc dataset properties

    4.Drag and drop fields into Values, Row and Column groups, and then click Next.
    Arrange table row, column and value groups

    5.Choose the table layout and click Next.
    6.Select table style, and click Finish.
    Choose table toggle, repeat header and total options

    7.Once select Finish, the RDLC report is ready and is displayed in the Visual Studio as shown below.
    Visual Studio design output of the sales report

    To render the RDLC using Report Viewer refer to the section RDLC Report.