Toolbar Customization

20 Feb 201918 minutes to read

You can hide the component toolbar to show customized user interface or to customize the toolbar icons and element’s appearances using the templates and Report Viewer properties.


In this tutorial, the Sales Order Detail.rdl report is used, and it can be downloaded from here. You can add the reports from Syncfusion installation location. For more information, see Samples and demos.

Hide parameter block and toolbar items

To hide toolbar items, set the toolbarSettings property. The following code can be used to remove the parameter option from the toolbar and hide the parameter block.

  • <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        toolbarSettings: {
                            items: ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.Parameters

    The following code sample hides the print options from the toolbar items.

  • <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        toolbarSettings: {
                            items: ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.Print

    Similarly, you can show or hide all other toolbar options with the help of toolbarSettings.items enum.

    Hide toolbar

    To hide the Report Viewer toolbar set the showToolbar property to false.

  • <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        toolbarSettings: { showToolbar: false }

    Decide or hide the export option

    The Report Viewer provides the exportOptions property to show or hide the default export types available in the component. The following code hides the HTML export type from the default export options.

  • <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi ",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        exportSettings: { exportOptions:ej.ReportViewer.ExportOptions.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ExportOptions.Html }

    Add custom items to the export drop-down

    To add custom items to the export drop-down available in the Report Viewer toolbar, use the property customItems and provide the JSON array of collection input with the index, cssClass name, and value properties. Register the exportItemClick event to handle the custom item actions as given in following code snippet..

  • <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        exportSettings: {
                            excelFormat: ej.ReportViewer.ExcelFormats.Excel2013,
                            wordFormat: ej.ReportViewer.WordFormats.Word2013,
                            exportOptions: ej.ReportViewer.ExportOptions.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ExportOptions.Html,
                            customItems: [{
                                index: 2,
                                cssClass: '',
                                value: 'Text File',
                                index: 4,
                                cssClass: '',
                                value: 'DOT',
                        exportItemClick: 'onExportItemClick'
                //Export click event handler
                function onExportItemClick(args) {
                    if (args.value == "Text File") {
                        //Implement the code to export report as Text
                    } else if (args.value == "DOT") {
                        //Implement the code to export report as DOT

    Add custom toolbar item

    You can add custom items to Report Viewer toolbar using the toolbarSettings property. You must register the toolBarItemClick event to handle the newly added custom items action.

    Add custom item to exiting toolbar group

    To add a custom item to existing toolbar group use the property customItems in toolbarSettings and provide the JSON array of collection input with the groupIndex, index, itemType, cssClass name, and tooltip properties as given in following code snippet.

  • <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        toolbarSettings: {
                            showToolbar: true,
                            items: ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.Print,
                            customItems: [{
                                groupIndex: 1,
                                index: 1,
                                itemType: 'Default',
                                cssClass: "e-icon e-mail e-reportviewer-icon CustomItem",
                                tooltip: { header: 'CustomItem', content: 'toolbaritems', value: 'CustomItem' },
                        toolBarItemClick: 'ontoolBarItemClick',
                //Toolbar click event handler
                function ontoolBarItemClick(args) {
                    if (args.value == "CustomItem") {
                        //Implement the code to CustomItem toolbar option

    Add new toolbar group

    To add new toolbar group and custom items to it, use the property customGroups in toolbarSettings and provide the JSON array of collection input with the groupIndex, items properties. The items must have the properties itemType, cssClass and tooltip as given in following code snippet.

  • <script type="text/javascript">
                $(function () {
                        reportServiceUrl: "/api/ReportsApi",
                        reportPath: '~/App_Data/Sales Order Detail.rdl',
                        toolbarSettings: {
                            customGroups: [{
                                items: [{
                                    itemType: 'Default',
                                    cssClass: "e-icon e-mail e-reportviewer-icon CustomGroup",
                                    tooltip: { header: 'CustomGroup', content: 'toolbargroups', value: 'CustomGroup' },
                                    itemType: 'Default',
                                    cssClass: "e-icon e-mail e-reportviewer-icon subCustomGroup",
                                    tooltip: { header: 'subCustomGroup', content: 'subtoolbargroups', value: 'subCustomGroup' },
                                groupIndex: 3
                        toolBarItemClick: 'ontoolBarItemClick',
                //Toolbar click event handler
                function ontoolBarItemClick(args) {
                    if (args.value == "CustomGroup") {
                        //Implement the code to CustomGroup toolbar option
                    if (args.value == "subCustomGroup") {
                        //Implement the code to subCustomGroup toolbar option