DataBinding in JavaScript PivotGrid

5 Apr 202324 minutes to read

Binding pivot grid to offline cube

To connect to an OLAP cube available in the local machine, set the physical path of the cube in the connection string. The following code example illustrates the same.

  • C#
  • string connectionString = @"DataSource = system drive:\OfflineCube\Adventure_Works_Ext.cub; Provider = MSOLAP;";
    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);

    Binding pivot grid to cube in local SQL Server

    To connect to an OLAP cube available in SQL Server Analysis Service in the local machine, set the server name and database name in the connection string. If you have any credentials to connect your cube, then set the “User ID” and “Password” attributes accordingly. The following code example illustrates the same:

  • C#
  • string connectionString = "Data source=localhost; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW;";
    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);

    Binding pivot grid to cube in online SQL Server

    To connect to an OLAP cube available in the SQL Server Analysis Service in the online server through XML/A, set the host server link and database name in the connection string. If you have any credentials to connect your cube, then set the “User ID” and “Password” attributes accordingly. The following code example illustrates the same:

  • C#
  • string connectionString = "Data Source=; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008 SE;";
    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);

    Binding PivotGrid to Cube in online Mondrian Server

    To connect to an OLAP cube available in the Mondrian Server through XML/A, set the host server link and database name in the connection string. If you have any credentials to connect your cube, then set the “User ID” and “Password” attributes accordingly. The following code example illustrates the same:

  • C#
  • string connectionString = @"Data Source = https://localhost:8080/mondrian/xmla; Initial Catalog =FoodMart;";
    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
    DataManager.DataProvider.ProviderName = Syncfusion.Olap.DataProvider.Providers.Mondrian;

    Binding pivot grid to cube in online ActivePivot Server

    To connect to an OLAP cube available in the ActivePivot Server through XML/A, set the host server link and database name in the connection string. If you have any credentials to connect your cube, then set the “User ID” and “Password” attributes accordingly. The following code example illustrates the same:

  • C#
  • string connectionString = @"Data Source = https://localhost:8080/cva_s/xmla; Initial Catalog = CVAS;";
    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);


    Adding a WCF service

    To add a WCF service in an existing web application, right-click the project in the solution explorer and select Add > New Item. In the Add New Item window, select WCF Service and name it as “OlapService.svc”, and then click Add.

    Now, the WCF service is added to your application, which, in turn, comprise of the following files. The utilization of these files will be explained in the immediate sections.

    • OlapService.svc
    • OlapService.svc.cs
    • IOlapService.cs

    Configuring WCF service class

    Remove the “DoWork” method that is present inside both OlapService.svc.cs and IOlapService.cs files. Next, add “AspNetCompatibilityRequirements” attribute on top of main class that is present inside the OlapService.svc.cs and set the “RequirementsMode” value to “Allowed”.

  • C#
  • namespace PivotGridDemo
        [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
        public class OlapService : IOlapService

    List of dependency libraries

    Next, you should add the below mentioned dependency libraries to your Web Application. These libraries can be found in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).

    To add them to your web application, right-click References in the solution explorer and select Add Reference. Now, in the Reference Manager dialog, under Assemblies > Extension, the following Syncfusion libraries are found.


    If you have installed any version of SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS) or Microsoft ADOMD.NET utility, then the location of Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient library is [system drive:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET\ADOMD.NET]. If you have installed any version of Essential Studio, then the location of Syncfusion libraries is [system drive:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\24.2.3\Assemblies].

    • Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
    • Syncfusion.Compression.Base
    • Syncfusion.Linq.Base
    • Syncfusion.Olap.Base
    • Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.Base
    • System.Data.SqlServerCe (Version:
    • Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base
    • Syncfusion.Pdf.Base
    • Syncfusion.DocIO.Base
    • Syncfusion.EJ
    • Syncfusion.EJ.Export
    • Syncfusion.EJ.Pivot

    List of namespaces

    Following are the list of namespaces to be added on top of the main class in the OlapService.svc.cs file:

  • C#
  • using System;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.ServiceModel;
    using System.Text;
    using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
    using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Manager;
    using Syncfusion.Olap.Reports;
    using Syncfusion.JavaScript.Olap;
    using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
    using System.Data;
    using OLAPUTILS = Syncfusion.JavaScript.Olap;
    namespace PivotGridDemo
        [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
        public class OlapService : IOlapService

    Datasource initialization

    Now, the connection string to connect OLAP Cube, PivotGrid, and JavaScriptSerializer instances are created immediately in the main class of the OlapService.svc.cs file.

  • C#
  • namespace PivotGridDemo
        [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
        public class OlapService : IOlapService
            Syncfusion.JavaScript.PivotGrid htmlHelper = new Syncfusion.JavaScript.PivotGrid();
            string connectionString = "Data Source=; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008 SE;";
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string conStringforDB = ""; //Enter appropriate connection string to connect database for saving and loading operation of reports
            public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeGrid(string action, string gridLayout, bool enablePivotFieldList, object customObject)
            //Other codes

    Service methods in WCF service

    You can define the service methods inside the IOlapService interface. To do this, find the IOlapService.cs file, which is created while adding the WCF Service to your web application.

  • C#
  • namespace PivotGridDemo
        public interface IOlapService
            Dictionary<string, object> InitializeGrid(string action, string gridLayout, bool enablePivotFieldList, object customObject);
            Dictionary<string, object> DrillGrid(string action, string cellPosition, string currentReport, string headerInfo, string layout, object customObject);
            Dictionary<string, object> Paging(string action, string pagingInfo, string currentReport, string gridLayout, object customObject);
            Dictionary<string, object> NodeDropped(string action, string dropType, string nodeInfo, string filterParams, string gridLayout, string currentReport);
            Dictionary<string, object> RemoveButton(string action, string headerInfo, string gridLayout, string currentReport);
            Dictionary<string, object> FetchMembers(string action, string headerTag, string currentReport);
            Dictionary<string, object> Filtering(string action, string filterParams, string gridLayout, string currentReport);
            Dictionary<string, object> MemberExpanded(string action, bool checkedStatus, string parentNode, string tag, string cubeName, string currentReport);
            void Export(System.IO.Stream stream);
            Dictionary<string, object> DeferUpdate(string action, string filterParams, string currentReport);
            Dictionary<string, object> SaveReport(string reportName, string operationalMode, string olapReport, string clientReports);
            Dictionary<string, object> LoadReportFromDB(string action, string gridLayout, bool enablePivotFieldList, object customObject, string reportName, string operationalMode, string olapReport, string clientReports);

    Then, you should elaborate the service methods inside the main class, found in the OlapService.svc.cs file.

  • C#
  • namespace PivotGridDemo
        [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
        public class OlapService : IOlapService
            Syncfusion.JavaScript.PivotGrid htmlHelper = new Syncfusion.JavaScript.PivotGrid();
            int cultureIDInfoval = 1033;
            string connectionString = "Data Source=; Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008 SE;";
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string conStringforDB = ""; //Enter appropriate connection string to connect database for saving and loading operation of reports
            public Dictionary<string, object> InitializeGrid(string action, string gridLayout, bool enablePivotFieldList, object customObject)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = null;
                DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, gridLayout, enablePivotFieldList);
            public Dictionary<string, object> DrillGrid(string action, string cellPosition, string currentReport, string headerInfo, string layout, object customObject)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, connectionString, DataManager, cellPosition, headerInfo, layout);
            public Dictionary<string, object> NodeDropped(string action, string dropType, string nodeInfo, string filterParams, string gridLayout, string currentReport)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, dropType, nodeInfo, filterParams, gridLayout, true);
            public Dictionary<string, object> Filtering(string action, string filterParams, string gridLayout, string currentReport)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, connectionString, DataManager, null, filterParams, gridLayout);
            public Dictionary<string, object> FetchMembers(string action, string headerTag, string currentReport)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, null, headerTag);
            public Dictionary<string, object> Paging(string action, string pagingInfo, string currentReport, string gridLayout, object customObject)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                DataManager.SetCurrentReport(htmlHelper.SetPaging(currentReport, pagingInfo));
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, gridLayout);
            public Dictionary<string, object> RemoveButton(string action, string headerInfo, string gridLayout, string currentReport)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, connectionString, DataManager, null, headerInfo, gridLayout);
            public Dictionary<string, object> MemberExpanded(string action, bool checkedStatus, string parentNode, string tag, string cubeName, string currentReport)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentReport))
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, checkedStatus, parentNode, tag, cubeName);
            public void Export(System.IO.Stream stream)
                System.IO.StreamReader sReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream);
                string args = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(sReader.ReadToEnd()).Remove(0, 5); ;
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                string fileName = "Sample";
                htmlHelper.ExportPivotGrid(DataManager, args, fileName, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response);
            public Dictionary<string, object> SaveReport(string reportName, string operationalMode, string olapReport, string clientReports)
                string mode = operationalMode;
                bool isDuplicate = true;
                SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection() { ConnectionString = conStringforDB };
                SqlCeCommand cmd1 = null;
                foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
                    if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(reportName))
                        isDuplicate = false;
                        cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("update ReportsTable set Report=@Reports where ReportName like @ReportName", con);
                if (isDuplicate)
                    cmd1 = new SqlCeCommand("insert into ReportsTable Values(@ReportName,@Reports)", con);
                cmd1.Parameters.Add("@ReportName", reportName);
                //cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", OLAPUTILS.Utils.GetReportStream(clientReports).ToArray());
                if (mode == "serverMode")
                    cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", OLAPUTILS.Utils.GetReportStream(clientReports).ToArray());
                else if (mode == "clientMode")
                    cmd1.Parameters.Add("@Reports", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clientReports).ToArray());
                return null;
            public Dictionary<string, object> LoadReportFromDB(string action, string layout, bool enablePivotFieldList, object customObject, string reportName, string operationalMode, string olapReport, string clientReports)
                string mode = operationalMode;
                var reports = "";
                byte[] reportString = new byte[4 * 1024];
                Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                if (mode == "serverMode" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientReports))
                    reports = clientReports;
                    foreach (DataRow row in GetDataTable().Rows)
                        if ((row.ItemArray[0] as string).Equals(reportName))
                            if (mode == "clientMode")
                                reportString = row.ItemArray[1] as byte[];
                                dictionary.Add("report", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reportString));
                            else if (mode == "serverMode")
                                reports = OLAPUTILS.Utils.CompressData(row.ItemArray[1] as byte[]);
                if (reports != "")
                    OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                    dynamic customData = serializer.Deserialize<dynamic>(customObject.ToString());
                    var cultureIDInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(("en-US")).LCID;
                    if (customData is Dictionary<string, object> && customData.ContainsKey("Language"))
                        cultureIDInfo = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((customData["Language"])).LCID;
                    connectionString = connectionString.Replace("" + cultureIDInfoval + "", "" + cultureIDInfo + "");
                    cultureIDInfoval = cultureIDInfo;
                    DataManager.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((cultureIDInfo));
                    DataManager.OverrideDefaultFormatStrings = true;
                    dictionary = htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, layout, enablePivotFieldList);
                return dictionary;
            private DataTable GetDataTable()
                SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection() { ConnectionString = conStringforDB };
                DataSet dSet = new DataSet();
                new SqlCeDataAdapter("Select * from ReportsTable", con).Fill(dSet);
                return dSet.Tables[0];
            public Dictionary<string, object> DeferUpdate(string action, string filterParams, string currentReport)
                OlapDataManager DataManager = new OlapDataManager(connectionString);
                return htmlHelper.GetJsonData(action, DataManager, null, filterParams);
            private OlapReport CreateOlapReport()
                OlapReport olapReport = new OlapReport();
                olapReport.CurrentCubeName = "Adventure Works";
                MeasureElements measureElement = new MeasureElements();
                measureElement.Elements.Add(new MeasureElement { UniqueName = "[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]" });
                DimensionElement dimensionElementRow = new DimensionElement();
                dimensionElementRow.Name = "Date";
                dimensionElementRow.AddLevel("Fiscal", "Fiscal Year");
                DimensionElement dimensionElementColumn = new DimensionElement();
                dimensionElementColumn.Name = "Customer";
                dimensionElementColumn.AddLevel("Customer Geography", "Country");
                return olapReport;


    Here, customObject is utilized to pass additional information between the client-end and the service-end.

    Configuring web configuration file

    You can expose services through the properties such as binding, contract, and address by using an endpoint.

    • Contract: This property indicates that the contract of the endpoint is exposed. Refer to the IOlapService contract, and thus it is PivotGridDemo.IOlapService.
    • Binding: In your application, you can use webHttpBinding to post and receive the requests and responses between the client-end and the service.
    • behaviorConfiguration: This property contains the name of the behavior to be used in the endpoint.

    The endpointBehaviors are illustrated in the following:

  • XAML
  • <system.serviceModel>
        <service name="PivotGridDemo.OlapService">
            <endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration="PivotGridDemo.OlapServiceAspNetAjaxBehavior"
            binding="webHttpBinding" contract="PivotGridDemo.IOlapService" />

    The endpointBehaviors contain all the behaviors for the endpoint. You can link each endpoint to the respective behavior only by using the name property.

  • XAML
  • <system.serviceModel>
            <behavior name="PivotGridDemo.OlapServiceAspNetAjaxBehavior">
            <enableWebScript />


    In this example, “PivotGridDemo” indicates the name and root namespace of the web application created in the Visual Studio IDE and “OlapService” indicates the name of the created WCF service.
    Now, the pivot grid is rendered with Internet sales amount over a period of fiscal years across different customer geographic locations.

    Caption to image