External Jars Required

22 Oct 20241 minute to read

The following jar files are required to be referenced in your Java application.

  1. syncfusion-docio

  2. syncfusion-javahelper

Get the dependent jar files by installing file formats controls. You can find the required jars in the build installed drive.

Location: {ProgramFilesFolder}\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\ {Platform}\ {version}\JarFiles
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\FileFormats\\JarFiles

Supported Java versions

Syncfusion Java Word library supports Java SE 8.0(1.8) or above versions.

Download Jars

You can download the jars from the Syncfusion maven repository to use our artifacts in your projects. It helps you to use the Syncfusion Java packages without installing Essential Studio or platform installation to development with Syncfusion controls.

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