Word Document Conversion

26 Apr 20241 minute to read

Working with Document Conversions

The Essential DocIO converts documents from one format to another format. Each file format document can be categorized as flow layout document.

Flow layout document

  • A flow document is designed to “reflow content” depending on the application.
  • Does not contain any information about the position of its content.
  • Dynamically renders the content by application at run time.
  • Example: DOCX, HTML and TEXT file formats.

Essential DocIO can convert various flow document as fixed document by using our layout engine. Following conversions are supported by Essential DocIO.

  • Microsoft Word file format Conversions.
  • Text Conversions.
  • HTML Conversions.

HTML conversion

Essential DocIO supports converting the HTML file into Word document and vice versa. It supports only the HTML files that meet the validation either against XHTML 1.0 strict or XHTML 1.0 Transitional schema.

For further information kindly refer this link.

Supported Document elements

Kindly refer to this link for the document elements and attributes that are supported by DocIO in the Word to HTML and HTML to Word conversions.

Text file

Essential DocIO supports to convert the Word document into a Text file and vice versa. For further information, kindly refer to this link.