- Workbook to JSON as schema
- Workbook to JSON without schema
- Worksheet to JSON as schema
- Worksheet to JSON without schema
- Range to JSON as schema
- Range to JSON without schema
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Excel to JSON Conversion
19 Feb 202524 minutes to read
Essential® XlsIO supports to convert Excel data as JSON files by simply saving the workbook using the SaveAsJson method. This support includes the features:
- Save as a simple JSON file or a JSON file as schema
- Save a workbook to JSON
- Save a worksheet to JSON
- Save a range to JSON
- Save as a stream with the above features
To quickly start converting an Excel document to a JSON, please check out this video:
Workbook to JSON as schema
The following code illustrates how to convert an Excel workbook to the JSON file or JSON file stream as schema.
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"Data/InputTemplate.xlsx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
#region save as JSON
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath("Output/Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-as-schema-default.json"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream as schema
FileStream stream1 = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath("Output/Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-as-schema.json"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, true);
//Dispose streams
#region Open JSON
//Open default JSON
//Open JSON with Schema
using(ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON file, as schema by default
//Saves the workbook to a JSON file as schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-as-schema.json", true);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream stream = new FileStream("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json", FileMode.Create);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream as schema
FileStream stream1 = new FileStream("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, true);
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine()
Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
'Saves the workbook to a JSON file, as schema by default
'Saves the workbook to a JSON file as schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-as-schema.json", true)
'Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream as schema by default
Dim stream As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json", FileMode.Create)
'Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream as schema
Dim stream1 As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json",FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, true)
End Using
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
//Gets assembly
Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
//Gets input Excel document from embedded resource collection
Stream inputStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample.xlsx");
IWorkbook workbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Initializes FileSavePicker
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Excel-To-JSON-as-schema-default";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
//Creates a storage file from FileSavePicker
StorageFile storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
//Saves the workbook to a JSON as specified storage file, as schema by default
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(storageFile);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(stream);
Save(stream, "Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json");
//Save the workbook stream as a file.
#region Setting output location
async void Save(Stream stream, string filename)
stream.Position = 0;
StorageFile stFile;
if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".json";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = filename;
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
stFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
stFile = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (stFile != null)
Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await stFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
Stream st = fileStream.AsStreamForWrite();
st.Write((stream as MemoryStream).ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
A complete working example to convert Excel to JSON with schema in C# is present on this GitHub page.
Workbook to JSON without schema
The following code illustrates how to convert an Excel workbook to the JSON file or JSON file stream without schema.
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"Data/InputTemplate.xlsx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
#region save as JSON
//Saves the workbook to a JSON file without schema
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream("Output/Workbook-To-JSON-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
//Dispose streams
#region Open JSON
//Open default JSON
using(ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON file without schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-without-schema.json", false);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream without schema
FileStream stream = new FileStream("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, false);
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine()
Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
'Saves the workbook to a JSON file without schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-without-schema.json", false)
'Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream without schema
Dim stream As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, false)
End Using
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
//Gets assembly
Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
//Gets input Excel document from embedded resource collection
Stream inputStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample.xlsx");
IWorkbook workbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Initializes FileSavePicker
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Excel-To-JSON-without-schema";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
//Creates a storage file from FileSavePicker
StorageFile storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
//Saves workbook to JSON as specified storage file without schema
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(storageFile, file);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream without schema
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(stream, false);
Save(stream, "Excel-Workbook-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json");
//Save the worksheet stream as a file.
#region Setting output location
async void Save(Stream stream, string filename)
stream.Position = 0;
StorageFile stFile;
if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".json";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = filename;
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
stFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
stFile = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (stFile != null)
Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await stFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
Stream st = fileStream.AsStreamForWrite();
st.Write((stream as MemoryStream).ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
A complete working example to convert Excel to JSON without schema in C# is present on this GitHub page.
Worksheet to JSON as schema
The following code illustrates how to convert an Excel worksheet to the JSON file or JSON file stream with schema.
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"Data/InputTemplate.xlsx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
#region save as JSON
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream("Output/Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(outputStream, worksheet);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream as schema
FileStream stream1 = new FileStream("Output/Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, worksheet, true);
//Dispose streams
#region Open JSON
//Open default JSON
//Open JSON with Schema
using(ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
//Active worksheet
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON file, as schema by default
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-as-schema-default.json", worksheet);
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON file as schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-as-schema.json", worksheet, true);
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream stream = new FileStream("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson("stream", worksheet);
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream as schema
FileStream stream1 = new FileStream("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, worksheet, true);
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine()
Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
'Active worksheet
Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
'Saves the worksheet to a JSON file, as schema by default
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-as-schema-default.json", worksheet)
'Saves the worksheet to a JSON file as schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-as-schema.json", worksheet, true)
'Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream as schema by default
Dim stream As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json",FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, worksheet)
'Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream as schema
Dim stream1 As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json",FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, worksheet, true)
End Using
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
//Gets assembly
Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
//Gets input Excel document from embedded resource collection
Stream inputStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample.xlsx");
IWorkbook workbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Initializes FileSavePicker
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Excel-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
//Creates a storage file from FileSavePicker
StorageFile storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
//Saves the worksheet to JSON as specified storage file, as schema by default
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(storageFile, worksheet);
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(stream, worksheet);
Save(stream, "Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json");
//Save the worksheet stream as a file.
#region Setting output location
async void Save(Stream stream, string filename)
stream.Position = 0;
StorageFile stFile;
if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".json";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = filename;
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
stFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
stFile = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (stFile != null)
Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await stFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
Stream st = fileStream.AsStreamForWrite();
st.Write((stream as MemoryStream).ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
A complete working example to convert Excel worksheet to JSON with schema in C# is present on this GitHub page.
Worksheet to JSON without schema
The following code illustrates how to convert an Excel worksheet to the JSON file or file stream without schema.
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"Data/InputTemplate.xlsx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
#region save as JSON
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath("Output/Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
workbook.SaveAsJson(outputStream, worksheet,false);
//Dispose streams
#region Open JSON
//Open default JSON
using(ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
//Active worksheet
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON file without schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-without-schema.json", worksheet, false);
//Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream without schema
FileStream stream = new FileStream("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, worksheet, false);
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine()
Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
'Active worksheet
Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
'Saves the worksheet to a JSON file without schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-without-schema.json", worksheet, false)
'Saves the worksheet to a JSON filestream without schema
Dim stream As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, worksheet, false)
End Using
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
//Gets assembly
Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
//Gets input Excel document from embedded resource collection
Stream inputStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample.xlsx");
IWorkbook workbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Initializes FileSavePicker
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Excel-To-JSON";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
//Creates a storage file from FileSavePicker
StorageFile storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
//Saves the to worsheet to a JSON as specified storage file without schema
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(storageFile, worksheet, false);
//Saves the worsheet to a JSON filestream without schema
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(stream, worksheet, false);
Save(stream, "Excel-Worksheet-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json");
//Save the worksheet stream as a file.
#region Setting output location
async void Save(Stream stream, string filename)
stream.Position = 0;
StorageFile stFile;
if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".json";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = filename;
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
stFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
stFile = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (stFile != null)
Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await stFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
Stream st = fileStream.AsStreamForWrite();
st.Write((stream as MemoryStream).ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
A complete working example to convert Excel worksheet to JSON without schema in C# is present on this GitHub page.
Range to JSON as schema
The following code illustrates how to convert an Excel Custom Range to the JSON file or file stream as schema.
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"Data/InputTemplate.xlsx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Custom range
IRange range = worksheet.Range["A1:F100"];
#region save as JSON
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath("Output/Excel-Range-To-JSON-as-schema-default.json"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
workbook.SaveAsJson(outputStream, range);
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream as schema
FileStream stream1 = new FileStream("Output/Excel-Range-To-JSON-as-schema.json", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, range, true);
//Dispose streams
#region Open JSON
//Open default JSON
//Open JSON with Schema
using(ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
//Active worksheet
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Custom range
IRange range = worksheet.Range["A2:A5"];
//Saves the range to a JSON file, as schema by default
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Range-To-JSON-as-schema-default.json", range);
//Saves the range to a JSON file as schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Range-To-JSON-as-schema.json", range, true);
//Saves the range to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream stream = new FileStream("Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, range);
//Saves the range to a JSON filestream as schema
FileStream stream1 = new FileStream("Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, range, true);
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine()
Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
'Active worksheet
Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
'Custom range
Dim range As IRange = worksheet.Range("A2:A5")
'Saves the range to a JSON file, as schema by default
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Range-To-JSON-as-schema-default.json", range)
'Saves the range to a JSON file as schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Range-To-JSON-as-schema.json", range, true)
'Saves the range to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
Dim stream As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json", FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, range)
'Saves the range to a JSON filestream as schema
Dim stream1 As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema.json", FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream1, range, true)
End Using
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
//Gets assembly
Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
//Gets input Excel document from embedded resource collection
Stream inputStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample.xlsx");
IWorkbook workbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Custom range
IRange range = worksheet.Range["A2:A5"];
//Initializes FileSavePicker
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Excel-To-JSON-as-schema-default";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
//Creates a storage file from FileSavePicker
StorageFile storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
//Saves the Range to a JSON as specified storage file, as schema by default
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(storageFile, range);
//Saves the Range to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(stream, range);
Save(stream, "Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-as-schema-default.json");
//Save the Range stream as a file.
#region Setting output location
async void Save(Stream stream, string filename)
stream.Position = 0;
StorageFile stFile;
if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".json";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = filename;
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
stFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
stFile = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (stFile != null)
Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await stFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
Stream st = fileStream.AsStreamForWrite();
st.Write((stream as MemoryStream).ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
A complete working example to convert range to JSON with schema in C# is present on this GitHub page.
Range to JSON without schema
The following code illustrates how to convert an Excel Custom Range to the JSON file or JSON file stream without schema.
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath(@"Data/InputTemplate.xlsx"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Custom range
IRange range = worksheet.Range["A1:F100"];
#region save as JSON
//Saves the workbook to a JSON filestream, as schema by default
FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(Path.GetFullPath("Output/Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
workbook.SaveAsJson(outputStream, range, false);
//Dispose streams
#region Open JSON
//Open default JSON
using(ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
IApplication application = excelEngine.Excel;
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
IWorkbook workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic);
//Active worksheet
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Custom range
IRange range = worksheet.Range["A2:A5"];
//Saves the range to a JSON file without schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Range-To-JSON-without-schema.json", range, false);
//Saves the range to a JSON filestream without schema
FileStream stream = new FileStream("Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create);
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, range, false);
Using excelEngine As ExcelEngine = New ExcelEngine()
Dim application As IApplication = excelEngine.Excel
application.DefaultVersion = ExcelVersion.Xlsx
Dim workbook As IWorkbook = application.Workbooks.Open("Sample.xlsx", ExcelOpenType.Automatic)
'Active worksheet
Dim worksheet As IWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
'Custom range
Dim range As IRange = worksheet.Range("A2:A5")
'Saves the range to a JSON file without schema
workbook.SaveAsJson("Excel-Range-To-JSON-without-schema.json", range, false)
'Saves the range to a JSON filestream without schema
Dim stream As FileStream = new FileStream("Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json", FileMode.Create)
workbook.SaveAsJson(stream, range, false)
End Using
using (ExcelEngine excelEngine = new ExcelEngine())
//Gets assembly
Assembly assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
//Gets input Excel document from embedded resource collection
Stream inputStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sample.xlsx");
IWorkbook workbook = await excelEngine.Excel.Workbooks.OpenAsync(inputStream);
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//Custom range
IRange range = worksheet.Range["A2:A5"];
//Initializes FileSavePicker
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Desktop;
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = "Excel-To-JSON-without-schema";
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
//Creates a storage file from FileSavePicker
StorageFile storageFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
//Saves the Range to a JSON as specified storage file without schema
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(storageFile, range, false);
//Saves the Range to a JSON filestream without schema
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.Version = ExcelVersion.Xlsx;
await workbook.SaveAsJsonAsync(stream, range, false);
Save(stream, "Excel-Range-To-JSON-filestream-without-schema.json");
//Save the Range stream as a file.
#region Setting output location
async void Save(Stream stream, string filename)
stream.Position = 0;
StorageFile stFile;
if (!(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons")))
FileSavePicker savePicker = new FileSavePicker();
savePicker.DefaultFileExtension = ".json";
savePicker.SuggestedFileName = filename;
savePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("JSON Files", new List<string>() { ".json" });
stFile = await savePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
StorageFolder local = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
stFile = await local.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (stFile != null)
Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await stFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite);
Stream st = fileStream.AsStreamForWrite();
st.Write((stream as MemoryStream).ToArray(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
A complete working example to convert range to JSON without schema in C# is present on this GitHub page.