Namespace Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Scroll
Provides automatic scrolling of content when the user drags the pressed mouse to an edge of the control. |
AutoScroller.AutoScrollerValueChangedEventHandler |
Provides data about AutoScroller update |
Specifies horizontal or vertical autoscrolling. |
Corner side enumeration. |
DefaultLineSizeChangedEventArgs |
DefaultLineSizeChangedEventHandler |
A collection of entities for which distances need to be counted. The collection provides methods for mapping from a distance position to an entity and vice versa. For example, in a scrollable grid control you have rows with different heights. Use this collection to determine the total height for all rows in the grid, quickly detemine the row index for a given point and also quickly determine the point at which a row is displayed. This also allows a mapping between the scrollbars value and the rows or columns associated with that value. |
A collection of entities that is shared with a parent collection for which distances need to counted. The collection only is a subset for a specific range in the parent distance collection. When you change the size of an element in this collection the change will also be reflected in the parent collection and vice versa. |
A collection of entities for which distances need to be counted. The collection provides methods for mapping from a distance position to an entity and vice versa. For example, in a scrollable grid control you have rows with different heights. Use this collection to determine the total height for all rows in the grid, quickly detemine the row index for a given point and also quickly determine the point at which a row is displayed. This also allows a mapping between the scrollbars value and the rows or columns associated with that value. |
An empty LineSizeCollection. |
Implements the ILineSizeHost interface for an empty collection that cannot be modified. |
HiddenRangeChangedEventArgs |
Handles events with HiddenRangeChangedEventArgs. |
The LineScrollAxis implements scrolling only for whole lines. You can hide lines and LineScrollAxis provides a mapping mechanism between the index of the line and the scroll index and vice versa. Hidden lines are not be counted when the scroll index is determined for a line. The LineScrollAxis does not support scrolling in between lines (pixel scrolling). This can be of advantage if you have a large number of lines with varying line sizes. In such case the LineScrollAxis does not need to maintain a collection that tracks line sizes whereas the PixelScrollAxis does need to. |
LinesInsertedEventArgs |
Handles events with LinesInsertedEventArgs. |
A collection that manages lines with varying height and hidden state. It has properties for header and footer lines, total line count, default size of a line and also lets you add nested collections. |
LineSizeUtil |
LinesRemovedEventArgs |
Handles events with LinesRemovedEventArgs. |
MouseControllerDispatcher has no dependency on ScrollControl. You can use it with any FrameworkElement-derived class. You only need to forward mouse events to methods from IMouseEventsTarget interface or add MouseControllerDispatcher to MouseEventTargetCollection. VirtualizingCellsControl uses a derived CellMouseControllerDispatcher class which adds support for changing context of a mouse operation when pressing mouse inside a textbox or other UIElement and then switching to a cell selection mode when moving mouse outside textbox. |
The SupspendState of the MouseControllerDispatcher object when CancelMode() was called. |
Provides event data for mouse events dispatched from the MouseControllerDispatcher to IMouseController controllers. |
Represents the method that will handle MouseControllerDispatcher related events. |
PixelScrollAxis implements scrolling logic for both horizontal and vertical scrolling in a ScrollAxisControl. Logical units in the ScrollAxisBase are called "Lines". With the ScrollRows a line representes rows in a grid and with ScrollRows a line represents columns in a grid. PixelScrollAxis supports pixel scrolling and calculates the total height or width of all lines. |
RangeChangedEventArgs |
Handles events with RangeChangedEventArgs. |
Holds a range together with a value assigned to the range. |
ScrollAxisBase is an abstract base class and implements scrolling logic for both horizontal and vertical scrolling in a ScrollAxisControl. Logical units in the ScrollAxisBase are called "Lines". With the ScrollRows a line representes rows in a grid and with ScrollRows a line represents columns in a grid. ScrollAxisBase has support for frozen header and footer lines, maintaining a scroll position and updating and listening to scrollbars. It also maintains a collection of VisibleLineInfo items for all the lines that are visible in the viewing area. ScrollAxisBase wires itself with a ScrollLinesHost and reacts to changes in line count, line sizes, hidden state and default line size. |
ScrollAxisControl provides support for scrolling through rows and columns. The logic to map from row or column index to scroll position and back is implemented in the ScrollAxisBase which is accessed through the ScrollRows and ScrollColumns property. You can assign a collection that implements ILineSizeHost and manages row heights or column widths to the RowHeightsProvider and ColumnWidthsProvider. ScrollAxisBase will use information from these objects to map from row or column index to scroll position and back map from row or column index to scroll position and back. Rows and Columns can have varying size and they can be hidden. They can be frozen at the top, bottom, left and right side. Both pixel scrolling and non-pixel scrolling is supported. ScrollBar logic and child frame logic is implemented in the base ScrollControl class. |
A scroll axis has three regions: Header, Body and Footer. |
ScrollControl maintains a collection of child frames at the top, bottom, left and right of the control so that they do not scroll similiar to Internet Explorer frames concept. It maintains clipping for child elements inside these frames. The height and width of the frames is specified through the TopLeftFrameExtent and BottomRightFrameExtent methods. The inner frame is scrollable both horizontally and vertically. ScrollControl implements IScrollInfo and provides VScrollBar and HScrollBar properties to simplify management of scrollbars. Adding and removing Visual elements from the Children collection does not trigger calls to InvalidateMeasure. This allows adding and removing elements on the fly. A derived control is responsible to call Measure and Arrange on child elements since this base class will not do this by itsself. ScrollControl also has support for automatic scrolling of content when the user drags the pressed mouse to an edge of the control. ScrollControl is best embedded inside a ScrollViewer container, but can also be placed standalone on a form. |
Implements a child frame in a ScrollControl that can be placed at the top, bottom, left and right side of the control so that contents do scroll similiar to the Internet Explorer frames concept. Each frame remembers its placement. Adding and removing elements from the children collection does not trigger calls to InvalidateMeasure. This allows adding and removing elements on the fly. A derived control is responsible to call Measure and Arrange on child elements since this base class will not do this by itsself. |
Provides data for mouse button related events in the ScrollControl and allows you to specify whether the ScrollControls mouse event listeners should be prevented from handling the event with the SkipListeners property. |
Represents the method that will handle mouse button related routed events, ScrollControlPreviewMouseDown. |
Provides data for mouse related events in the ScrollControl and allows you to specify whether the ScrollControls mouse event listeners should be prevented from handling the event with the SkipListeners property. |
Represents the method that will handle mouse related routed events, for example ScrollControlPreviewMouseMove. |
Provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. |
SharedSubsetScrollAxis implements scrolling logic for both horizontal and vertical scrolling in a ScrollAxisControl that is embeded in a parent scroll axis control. Logical units in the ScrollAxisBase are called "Lines". With the ScrollRows a line representes rows in a grid and with ScrollRows a line represents columns in a grid. SharedSubsetScrollAxis supports pixel scrolling and calculates the total height or width of all lines. |
A sorted list with RangeValuePair<T> ordered by the start index of the ranges. SortedRangeValueList ensures that ranges of the elements inside the list do not overlap and it also ensures that there are no empty gaps meaning that the subsequent range will always have the Start position be set to the End position of the previous range plus one. |
ValueChangingEventArgs |
Handles events with ValueChangingEventArgs. |
Contains information about a visible line (can also be a row or column). |
A strong-typed collection of VisibleLineInfo items. |
VisualContainer maintains a collection of child elements. Adding and removing elements from the children collection does not trigger calls to InvalidateMeasure. This allows adding and removing elements on the fly. A derived control is responsible to call Measure and Arrange on child elements since this base class will not do this by itsself. |
A collection of System.Windows.Media.Visual objects. Adding and removing elements through the this collection does not trigger calls to InvalidateMeasure in the parent container. |
This interface is used by MouseControllerDispatcher to support interaction with UIElements that grab mouse capture. When a mouse was pressed and a control grabs the mouse capture the MouseControllerDispatcher creates a capture context to allow the mouse to interact with the UIElement while inside the context but also to switch back to another context when the user drags the mouse out of the UIElement. An example scenerio is selection of cells inside a grid. While inside a textbox you can select text but when dragging the mouse outside the grid switches to selecting cells. When dragging the mouse back inside the textbox, the textbox gets the mouse capture again and you switch back to selecting text inside the cell. |
A collection of entities for which distances need to counted. The collection provides methods for mapping from a distance position to an entity and vice versa. For example, in a scrollable grid control you have rows with different heights. Use this collection to determine the total height for all rows in the grid, quickly detemine the row index for a given point and also quickly determine the point at which a row is displayed. This also allows a mapping between the scrollbars value and the rows or columns associated with that value. |
An object that implements the Distances property. |
A collection that manages lines with varying height and hidden state. It has properties for header and footer lines, total line count, default size of a line and also lets you add nested collections. Methods are provided for changing the values and getting the total extent. |
This interface can optionially be implemented by a cell renderer. When the user presses or release the mouse button MouseControllerDispatcher checks whether the mouse was pressed directly over a renderer (in such case MouseControllerEventArgs.DirectlyOverRenderer should have been set). If the interface is implemented the MouseDown and MouseUp methods are called. The grids cell renderers implement this interface to move the current cell to the cell when the mouse is clicked inside the cells live UIElement visual. |
A collection that manages lines with varying height and hidden state. It has properties for header and footer lines, total line count, default size of a line and also lets you add nested collections. |
IMouseController defines the interface for mouse controllers to be used with MouseControllerDispatcher. |
This interface provides methods that the ScrollControl class can call to forward mouse events in the MouseEventListeners collection. |
An object that implements the GetDistances(Int32) method. |
IPaddedEditableLineSizeHost |
Defines an interface that provides all properties to configure a scrollbar. |
An object that provides HScrollBar, VScrollBar and Element properties. |