Integration of aurelia-syncfusion-bridge with Aurelia application on ASP.NET Core SPA

11 Dec 201718 minutes to read

An ASP.NET Core web application with an Aurelia frontend is configured for TypeScript support.This application uses NPM for package management and Webpack for bundling.

The aurelia-syncfusion-bridge plugin brings the Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript Widgets into Aurelia world. So, by configuring aurelia-syncfusion-bridge plugin with Aurelia application on ASP.NET Core SPA, we can use Syncfusion components in Aurelia application.


Setting up machine Environment

The following steps must be performed once on the target machine.

  • BASH
  • > dotnet new --install "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaTemplates::*"

    Creating an Aurelia application on ASP.NET Core SPA via command line

    Create a project folder, from that folder execute the following command to create a new Aurelia application.

  • BASH
  • > dotnet new aurelia

    Restoring the project dependencies

    To restore project dependencies, execute the following commands at root of our application.

  • BASH
  • > dotnet restore
    > npm install

    Installation of syncfusion-javascript widgets and aurelia-syncfusion-bridge

    Install syncfusion-javascript widgets and aurelia-syncfusion-bridge by executing the following commands.

  • BASH
  • > npm install syncfusion-javascript --save
    > npm install aurelia-syncfusion-bridge --save
    • We are working with typescript, since, we need to install the typings dependencies jquery and ej.web.all. We may need of accessing the ej object for Syncfusion widget’s properties in Aurelia application, which is defined in ej.web.all typings file.
      E.g. ej.TextAlign.right
  • npm install --save-dev @types/jquery
    npm install --save-dev @types/ej.web.all
    • And also include the typings jquery and ej.web.all in tsconfig.json file.
  • {
      "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "es2015",
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "target": "es5",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
        "skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
        "strict": true,
        "lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ],
        "types": [ "webpack-env", "jquery", "ej.web.all" ]
      "exclude": [ "bin", "node_modules" ],
      "atom": { "rewriteTsconfig": false }

    Configuring our Environment

    Before running the application, we want to configure our environment so that the ASP.NET tooling runs in development mode.

    • Set the environment variable to development mode by executing the following command.
  • BASH
  • > setx ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT "Development"


    After executing the above command, restart the command prompt to make the change take effect.

    Webpack configuration

    In this section, we will discuss about the configuration of webpack to seamlessly work with aurelia-syncfusion-bridge.

    • In webpack.config.js file, add the following loader configuration in module.rules to support various Syncfusion file formats.
  • module: {
                rules: [
                    { test: /\.ts$/i, include: /ClientApp/, use: 'ts-loader?silent=true' },
                    { test: /\.html$/i, use: 'html-loader' },
                    { test: /\.css$/i, use: isDevBuild ? 'css-loader' : 'css-loader?minimize' },
                    { test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|cur|svg)$/, use: 'url-loader?limit=25000' },
                    { test: /\.woff2(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: 'url-loader', query: { limit: 10000, mimetype: 'application/font-woff2' } },
                    { test: /\.woff(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: 'url-loader', query: { limit: 10000, mimetype: 'application/font-woff' } },
                    { test: /\.(ttf|eot|svg|otf)(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, loader: 'file-loader' },

    Bridge registration

    In this section, we will discuss about the registration of Syncfusion bridge with Aurelia.

    • In boot.ts file, Export jquery to window object and register the aurelia-syncfusion-bridge plugin with Aurelia which is in ClientApp folder.
  • import 'isomorphic-fetch';
    import { Aurelia, PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-framework';
    import { HttpClient } from 'aurelia-fetch-client';
    import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
    import 'bootstrap';
    declare const IS_DEV_BUILD: boolean; // The value is supplied by Webpack during the build
    //Export jQuery to window object
    import * as $ from 'jquery';
    let winObj:any = <any>window;
    winObj['jQuery'] = $;
    winObj['$'] = $;
    export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
            //register aurelia-syncfusion-bridge plugin here
        .plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('aurelia-syncfusion-bridge'), (syncfusion: any) => syncfusion.ejGrid());
        if (IS_DEV_BUILD) {
        new HttpClient().configure(config => {
            const baseUrl = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href;
        aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName('app/components/app/app')));


    To use ejTemplate, we need to add syncfusion.ejGrid().ejTemplate(); in our boot.ts file.


    To load button component with grid component additionally, we need to add syncfusion.ejGrid().ejButton(); in our boot.ts file.


    To load all Syncfusion components, we need to add syncfusion.useAll() in our boot.ts file.

    • To load ejGrid component, we need to import syncfusion-javascript/Scripts/ej/web/ej.grid.min in app.ts file which is in ClientApp/app/components/app folder.
  • import { Aurelia, PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-framework';
    import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
    import 'syncfusion-javascript/Scripts/ej/web/ej.grid.min';
    export class App {
        router: Router;
        configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
            config.title = 'Aurelia';
                route: [ '', 'home' ],
                name: 'home',
                settings: { icon: 'home' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../home/home'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Home'
            }, {
                route: 'counter',
                name: 'counter',
                settings: { icon: 'education' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../counter/counter'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Counter'
            }, {
                route: 'fetch-data',
                name: 'fetchdata',
                settings: { icon: 'th-list' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../fetchdata/fetchdata'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Fetch data'
                route: 'grid',
                name: 'grid',
                settings: { icon: 'th' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../samples/grid/grid'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Grid'
            this.router = router;


    To load button component, we need to import syncfusion-javascript/Scripts/ej/web/ej.button.min in our app.ts file.


    To load all Syncfusion components, we need to import syncfusion-javascript/Scripts/ej/web/ej.web.all.min in our app.ts file.

    Getting started

    In this section, we will discuss about the creation of Aurelia Syncfusion Grid component.

    The below step describes to create Syncfusion Aurelia Grid component.

    • Create grid.html file inside ClientApp/app/components/samples/grid folder structure and use the below code example to render the Grid component.
  • HTML
  • <template>
            <ej-grid e-data-source.two-way="gridData" e-allow-paging=true e-allow-sorting=true e-on-record-click.delegate="recordClick($event.detail)">
                <ej-column e-field="OrderID" e-header-text="Order ID" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
                <ej-column e-field="CustomerID" e-header-text="Customer ID"></ej-column>
                <ej-column e-field="EmployeeID" e-header-text="Employee ID" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
                <ej-column e-field="Freight" e-header-text="Freight" e-format="{0:C}" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
                <ej-column e-field="OrderDate" e-header-text="Order Date" e-format="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
    • Create grid.ts file with the below code snippet inside ClientApp/app/components/samples/grid folder.
  • export class Grid {
        gridData: any;
        constructor() {
            this.gridData = [{
                OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', EmployeeID: 5,
                OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5), Freight: 32.38
                OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', EmployeeID: 6,
                OrderDate: new Date(836505e6), Freight: 11.61
                OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', EmployeeID: 4,
                OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5), Freight: 65.83
                OrderID: 10251, CustomerID: 'VICTE', EmployeeID: 3,
                OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5), Freight: 41.34
                OrderID: 10252, CustomerID: 'SUPRD', EmployeeID: 4,
                OrderDate: new Date(8368506e5), Freight: 51.3
        recordClick(e) {
            //handle event here
    • Add Syncfusion theme in our project by adding the below code snippet in ClientApp/app/components/app/app.html file.
  • HTML
  • <template>
        <require from="../navmenu/navmenu.html"></require>
        <require from="./app.css"></require>
        <!--Add Syncfusion JavaScript themes here-->
        <require from="syncfusion-javascript/Content/ej/web/bootstrap-theme/ej.web.all.min.css"></require>
        <require from="syncfusion-javascript/Content/ej/web/responsive-css/ej.responsive.css"></require>
        <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-3">
                    <navmenu router.bind="router"></navmenu>
                <div class="col-sm-9 body-content">
    • Now, we are going to configure the navigation for created Grid sample in ClientApp/app/components/app/app.ts file.
  • import { Aurelia, PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-framework';
    import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
    export class App {
        router: Router;
        configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
            config.title = 'Aurelia';
                route: ['', 'home'],
                name: 'home',
                settings: { icon: 'home' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../home/home'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Home'
            }, {
                route: 'counter',
                name: 'counter',
                settings: { icon: 'education' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../counter/counter'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Counter'
            }, {
                route: 'fetch-data',
                name: 'fetchdata',
                settings: { icon: 'th-list' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../fetchdata/fetchdata'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Fetch data'
            }, {
                route: 'grid',
                name: 'grid',
                settings: { icon: 'th' },
                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('../samples/grid/grid'),
                nav: true,
                title: 'Grid'
            this.router = router;

    Running the Application

    To run the app, execute the following command and browse to http://localhost:5000 to see the application.

  • BASH
  • > dotnet run

    Running the project using Visual Studio 2017

    Open the .csproj file which is in project folder. Then the IDE will take care of restoring the .NET and NPM dependencies. After restoring project dependencies, press Ctrl+F5 to launch the application in a browser.