Aurelia Syncfusion Bridge

21 Sep 202314 minutes to read

Syncfusion jQuery based widgets are no longer in active development. Switch to our pure JavaScript based next generation Essential JS 2 library.

Aurelia-Syncfusion-Bridge includes wrappers for Syncfusion-JavaScript widget’s, which act as the interface for both Aurelia frameworks and Syncfusion JavaScript widgets. This bridge is a structured, configurable collection of JavaScript classes which wrap Syncfusion JavaScript controls, presenting them in the form of Aurelia components.

The Syncfusion Aurelia components are named with prefix ej to avoid conflicting with other library component and offers the following features.

  • Properties
  • Two-way binding
  • Event binding
  • Templates


Those who are wish to directly getting started with Syncfusion Aurelia components navigate to here.


All the properties of Syncfusion JavaScript widget are defined as attributes for particular Aurelia component, so you can easily set value to widget properties, simply by prefixing property name with e- in component markup.

The allowPaging property of ejGrid widget can be defined as like the below code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej-grid e-data-source.bind="gridData" e-allow-paging="true"></ej-grid>


    The gridData will be loaded from Aurelia view-model.

    Two-way binding

    Two-way binding observes the property in model and updates the UI automatically. The Syncfusion Aurelia component supports two-way binding for all the interactive properties. For ex., value property in input components, dataSource in Grids etc.

    The dataSource property of ejGrid widget can be defined as two-way bindable property like the below code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej-grid e-data-source.two-way="gridData" e-allow-paging="true"></ej-grid>

    The below table depicts the properties of all the Syncfusion widgets that supports two-way data binding.

    Control Supported properties
    ejAccordion -
    ejAutoComplete value
    ejBarcode -
    ejBulletGraph -
    ejButton -
    ejChart xZoomFactor
    ejCheckBox Checked
    ejCircularGauge value
    ejColorPicker value
    ejDatePicker value
    ejDateTimePicker value
    ejDiagram -
    ejDialog -
    ejDigitalGauge value
    ejDropDownList value
    ejFileExplorer -
    ejGantt dataSource
    ejGrid dataSource
    ejKanban dataSource
    ejLinearGauge value
    ejListBox value
    ejListView dataSource
    ejMap baseMapIndex
    ejMaskEdit value
    ejMenu -
    ejNavigationDrawer -
    ejPdfViewer -
    ejPivotChart -
    ejPivotGauge -
    ejPivotGrid -
    ejPivotSchemaDesigner -
    ejProgressBar -
    ejRadialMenu -
    ejRadialSlider -
    ejRadioButton -
    ejRangeNavigator -
    ejRating value
    ejReportViewer -
    ejRibbon -
    ejRotator -
    ejRTE value
    ejSchedule currentView
    ejScroller scrollLeft
    ejSlider value
    ejSparkline -
    ejSplitButton -
    ejSplitter -
    ejSpreadsheet -
    ejSymbolPalette -
    ejTab selectedItemIndex
    ejTagCloud -
    ejTile -
    ejTimePicker value
    ejToggleButton -
    ejToolbar -
    ejTooltip -
    ejTreeGrid dataSource
    ejTreeMap dataSource
    ejTreeView -
    ejUploadbox -

    Event binding

    Events can be bound to the components using the concern event name attribute with prefix e-on-.

    The recordClick event of ejGrid widget can be bound to Aurelia component as like below code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej-grid e-data-source.two-way="gridData" e-allow-paging="true" 


    Aurelia framework’s template engine and syntaxes can be used within all template supported Syncfusion Aurelia components.

    The ejGrid widget’s column template can be rendered as like the below code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej-grid e-data-source.two-way="gridData" e-allow-paging=true 
       <ej-column e-field="EmployeeImage" e-header-text="Employee Image"
             <div><img src="images/grid/Employees/${EmployeeID}.png" /> </div>
       <ej-column e-field="EmployeeID" e-header-text="Employee ID"></ej-column>
       <ej-column e-field="FirstName" e-header-text="First Name"></ej-column>
       <ej-column e-field="LastName" e-header-text="Last Name"></ej-column>

    Getting started

    We are going to club all the above code examples in this section to render ejGrid widget. For quick start, we already configured a template project in GitHub repository syncfusion-template-repository. Run the below set of commands to clone the repository and install the required packages for Syncfusion Aurelia application.

  • HTML
  • > git clone ""
    > cd syncfusion-template-repository
    > npm install
    > jspm install

    The below steps describes to create Syncfusion Aurelia Grid component.

    • Create grid folder inside src/samples/ location.
    • Create grid.html file inside src/samples/grid folder and use the below code example to render the Grid component.
  • HTML
  • <template>
        <ej-grid e-data-source.two-way="gridData" e-allow-paging=true e-allow-sorting=true 
          <ej-column e-field="OrderID" e-header-text="Order ID" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
          <ej-column e-field="CustomerID" e-header-text="Customer ID"></ej-column>
         <ej-column e-field="EmployeeID" e-header-text="Employee ID" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
         <ej-column e-field="Freight" e-header-text="Freight" e-format="{0:C}" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
         <ej-column e-field="OrderDate" e-header-text="Order Date" e-format="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" e-text-align="right"></ej-column>
    • Create grid.js file with the below code snippet inside src/samples/grid folder.
  • export class Grid {
      constructor() {
        this.gridData = [{
          OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', EmployeeID: 5, 
          OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5), Freight: 32.38
          OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', EmployeeID: 6, 
          OrderDate: new Date(836505e6), Freight: 11.61
          OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', EmployeeID: 4, 
          OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5), Freight: 65.83
          OrderID: 10251, CustomerID: 'VICTE', EmployeeID: 3, 
          OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5), Freight: 41.34
          OrderID: 10252, CustomerID: 'SUPRD', EmployeeID: 4, 
          OrderDate: new Date(8368506e5), Freight: 51.3
      recordClick(e) {
         //handle event here
    • Now, we are going to configure the navigation for created Grid sample in src/app.js file.
  • export class App {
     configureRouter(config, router) {
      config.title = 'Aurelia Syncfusion';[
       { route: ['', 'welcome'], name: 'welcome', moduleId: 'welcome',                              
                    nav: true, title: 'Welcome' },
       { route: 'child-router',  name: 'child-router', moduleId: 'child-router',                         
                    nav: true, title: 'Child Router' },
       { route: 'button',        name: 'button', moduleId: 'samples/button/button',                
                    nav: true, title: 'Button' },
       { route: 'grid',        name: 'grid',       moduleId: 'samples/grid/grid',                
                    nav: true, title: 'Grid' }
     this.router = router;
    • To run the application, execute the following command.
  • gulp watch
    • Browse to http://localhost:9000 to see the application. You can make changes in the code found under src folder and the browser should auto-refresh itself while you save files. The Grid component is rendered as like the below screenshot.

    Essential JS 1 Aurelia components skeleton navigation

    Catalog application

    We have developed Catalog application for Aurelia-Syncfusion-Bridge demo which is fully built on Aurelia framework.