
22 Feb 20181 minute to read

  • Circular Gauge has an exporting feature that converts Gauge control into image format and then export in client side. The method API exportImage is used to export the Circular Gauge.
  • It has two arguments such as file name and file format to specify the file name and file formats. For exporting refer the following code example.
  • <ej-circular-gauge id="circularGauge">
    <input type="submit" value="Export Image" id="ExportImage" />
    <div>FileName </div>
    <input type="text" id="txtFileName">
    <div >FileFormat </div>
    <select id="FileType">
    <option value="JPEG">JPEG</option>
    <option value="PNG">PNG</option>
    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                $("#ExportImage").ejButton({ width: "100px", click: "buttonClickEvent", });
            function buttonClickEvent() {
                var FileName = $("#txtFileName").val();
                var FileFormat = $("#FileType").val();
                $("#circularGauge").ejCircularGauge("exportImage", FileName, FileFormat);

    Execute the above code to render the following output.

    Circular Gauge control Export Functionality