User Interactions

24 Jul 20184 minutes to read


EjRangeNavigator provides highlighting supports to the intervals on mouse hover. To enable the highlighting option, set the [enable] property to true in the [highlightSettings] of [navigatorStyleSettings].

  • TS
  • this.navigatorStyle = {
        highlightSettings: {
            // enable the highlight settings
            enable: true
  • HTML
  • <ej-rangenavigator id="rangecontainer" [navigatorStyleSettings]= "navigatorStyle">

    Customize the highlight style

    To customize the highlighted intervals, use color, border and opacity options in the [highlightSettings].

  • TS
  • this.navigatorStyle = {
        highlightSettings: {
            // enable the highlight settings
            enable: true,
            // customizing style
            color: '#006fa0',
            border: {
                color: 'red', width: 2
  • HTML
  • <ej-rangenavigator id="rangecontainer" [navigatorStyleSettings]= "navigatorStyle">


    EjRangeNavigator provides selection supports to the intervals by, clicking and dragging the highlighted intervals. To enable the selection option, set the [enable] property to true in the [selectionSettings].

  • TS
  • this.navigatorStyle = {
        selectionSettings: {
            // enable the selection settings
            enable: true
  • HTML
  • <ej-rangenavigator id="rangecontainer" [navigatorStyleSettings]= "navigatorStyle">

    Customize the selection style

    To customize the selected intervals, use color, border and opacity options in the selectionSettings.

  • TS
  • this.navigatorStyle = {
        selectionSettings: {
            // enable the selection settings
            enable: true,
            // customizing style
            color: '#27e8e5',
            border: {
                color: 'red', width: 2
  • HTML
  • <ej-rangenavigator id="rangecontainer" [navigatorStyleSettings]= "navigatorStyle">


    • To render the Scrollbar in RangeNavigator, you need to enable [enableScrollbar] option.

    • [scrollRangeSettings] of range navigator [start] and [end] value is used to set the minimum and maximum datasource value to be added in the range navigator.

    • Based on the scrollRangeSettings start, end value and dataSource start, end value scrollbar will be adjust.

    • When you change the scrollbar position, [scrollEnd] event returns the current position of start and end range value.

  • HTML
  • <ej-rangenavigator id="rangecontainer" [enableScrollbar]= "true" 
                   (scrollEnd)="onScrollbarChange($event)"  scrollRangeSettings.start="2010/0/1"
  • function onScrollbarChange(sender) {
                var start  =;
                var end  =;