Populate Data

When you provide data to RangeNavigator, it produces limited set of data. You can populate the RangeNavigator with data using the dataSource and series properties.

Add series to the RangeNavigator

The Series property provides access to a collection of all series that are defined explicitly within a RangeNavigator control. Each series is assigned with type and name. It contains collection of data point, each point contains x value and y values. You can add data points to the series through dataSource property.You can add data points to the series through DataSource property by providing field name to get the values from the DataSource in xName and yName options.

Animation can be enabled by setting EnableAnimation property as true and the series color can be customized by using Fill property in series.

  • TS
  • this.rangeData = function GetData() {
        var series1 = [];
        var value = 100;
        for (var i = 1; i < 360; i++) {
            if (Math.random() > .5) {
                value += Math.random();
            } else {
                value -= Math.random();
            var point1 = { XValue: new Date(2010, 0, i), YValue: value };
        return data;
  • HTML
  • <ej-rangenavigator align="center" id="rangecontainer" enableDefferedUpdate="true" padding="15" 
                   (load)="onLoad($event)" [dataSource]="rangeData" xName="XValue" yName="YValue" 
                   [allowSnapping]="true"    selectedRangeSettings.start="2010/5/1" padding="15" 
                   selectedRangeSettings.end="2010/10/1" [isResponsive]="true" 
                   sizeSettings.height="120" theme="azuredark">

    The following screenshot illustrates the RangeNavigator that is populated with data using dataSource property in series.