Getting Started with WinUI Badge control

This section describes how to create a Badge control in a WinUI application and overview of its basic functionalities.

Structure of Badge control

Structure of WinUI Badge control

Assembly deployment

Refer to the Control Dependencies section to get the list of assemblies or NuGet package that needs to be added as a reference to use the control in any application.

Refer to this documentation to find more details about installing nuget packages in a WinUI application.

Adding WinUI Badge control via XAML

To add the Badge control manually in XAML, follow these steps:

1) Create a new WinUI project in Visual Studio.

2) Add the following required assembly references to the project:

  • Syncfusion.Notifications.WinUI

3) Import Syncfusion WinUI schema using:Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Notifications and declare the Badge control in XAML page.

        <syncfusion:Badge Name="badge" 

Adding WinUI Badge control via C#

To add the Badge control manually in C#, follow these steps:

1) Create a new WinUI application via Visual Studio.

2) Add the following required assembly references to the project:

  • Syncfusion.Notifications.WinUI

3) Include the required namespace.

using Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Notifications;

4) Create an instance of Badge control and add it to the page.

// Creating an instance of the Badge control
Badge badge = new Badge();

// Setting height and width to Badge control
badge.Height = 30;
badge.Width = 30;

Adding badge for a Button

If you want to assign Badge for any objects, create the Badge and assign the badge to the BadgeContainer.Badge property. Before that you need to create a BadgeContainer and add that object to the BadgeContainer.Content property.

Here, Badge control added for the Button control.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Name="badge" 
        <Button Content="Inbox">
//Creating Badge control
Badge badge = new Badge();
badge.Content = "10";

BadgeContainer badgeContainer = new BadgeContainer();
badgeContainer.Content = new Button(){ Content="Inbox" };

//Assigning Badge control to the content of BadgeContainer
badgeContainer.Badge = badge;

Badge added to the Button control

Adding badge without BadgeContainer

You can directly add the Badge to any objects without using the BadgeContainer.

public class ListItem {
    public string ItemName { get; set; }
    public int? UnreadMessageount { get; set; }

public class ViewModel {
    public List<ListItem> MailItems { get; set; }

    public ViewModel() {
        MailItems = new List<ListItem>();
        MailItems.Add(new ListItem() { ItemName = "Inbox", 
            UnreadMessageount = 20 });
        MailItems.Add(new ListItem() { ItemName = "Drafts", 
            UnreadMessageount = null });
        MailItems.Add(new ListItem() { ItemName = "Sent Intems", 
            UnreadMessageount = 5 });
        MailItems.Add(new ListItem() { ItemName = "Deleted Items",
            UnreadMessageount = null });
        MailItems.Add(new ListItem() { ItemName = "Junk Email",
            UnreadMessageount = null });
    <ListView BorderThickness="1"
              ItemsSource="{Binding MailItems}" 
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="150"/>
                        <ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
                                      Content="{Binding ItemName}" 
                                      Content="{Binding UnreadMessageount}"

Badge added for ListView Items

Setting Badge display content

If you want to set or change the display content of the Badge, use the Badge.Content property. The default value of Badge.Content property is null.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge  Name="badge" 
        <Button Content="Inbox">
Badge badge = new Badge();
//Setting Badge display content
badge.Content = "99+";

BadgeContainer badgeContainer = new BadgeContainer();
badgeContainer.Content = new Button(){ Content="Inbox" };

//Assigning Badge control to the content of BadgeContainer
badgeContainer.Badge = badge;

Badge display content changed

Custom UI for Badge content

You can change the appearance of Badge content by using Badge.ContentTemplate property. The DataContext of Badge.ContentTemplate property is Badge.Content.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge  Name="badge" 
                    <Grid Background="Yellow">
                        <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" 
        <Button Content="Inbox">

Displaying the custom UI of Bagde content

Alignment of Badge

you can align the Badge either horizontally or vertically by using the Badge.HorizontalAlignment or Badge.VerticalAlignment properties. The default value of Badge.HorizontalAlignment property is Right and Badge.VerticalAlignment property is Top.

<th colspan=1>HorizontalAlignment</th>
VerticalAlignment Left Center Right Stretch
Top Left-Top alignment of Badge Center-Top alignment of Badge Right-Top alignment of Badge Stretch-Top alignment of Badge
Center Left-center alignment of Badge Center-Center alignment of Badge Right-Center alignment of Badge Stretch-Center alignment of Badge
Bottom Left-Bottom alignment of Badge Center-Bottom alignment of Badge Right-Bottom alignment of Badge Stretch-Bottom alignment of Badge
Stretch Left-Stretch alignment of Badge Center-Stretch alignment of Badge Right-Stretch alignment of Badge Stretch-Stretch alignment of Badge
<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge HorizontalAlignment="Left"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
badge.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
badge.Content = "99+";

Alignment of the Badge control is changed

Positioning of Badge

You can change the horizontal or vertical position of the Badge either inside, outside or in the middle by using the Badge.HorizontalAnchor and Badge.VerticalAnchor properties. The default value of Badge.HorizontalAnchor and Badge.VerticalAnchor properties is Center.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge HorizontalAnchor="Outside"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalAnchor = BadgeAnchor.Outside;
badge.VerticalAnchor = BadgeAnchor.Center;
badge.Content = "99+";

Position of the Badge control is changed

Predefined colors for displaying the badges

You can change background color of the Badge by using the Badge.Fill property. Based on the value of Badge.Fill property, respective background color will be applied to the Badge. The default value of Badge.Fill property is Accent.

The Badge supports the following different essential states :

  • Accent - RoyalBlue background will be applied

  • Alt - DarkSlateGray background will be applied

  • Default - Lavender background will be applied

  • Error - OrangeRed background will be applied

  • Information - LightSeaGreen background will be applied

  • Success - Green background will be applied

  • Warning - Orange background will be applied

Displaying the various state colors for Badge

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Fill="Success"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Fill = BadgeFill.Success;
badge.Content = "99+";

Displaying the Success state of Badge

Custom colors for displaying the badges

If you want to change the background color of the Badge other than the default Badge.Fill colors, use the Badge.Background property. You can also change foreground of the Badge by using the Badge.Foreground property. The default value of Badge.Background and Badge.Foreground properties is null.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Background="Black"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
badge.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
badge.Content = "99+";

Displaying the Badge with custom colors

Predefined shapes for displaying the Badge

You can change the default shape to either Rectangle, Oval or Ellipse by using Badge.Shape property. If you want to display the Badge content without any default shapes , use the Badge.Shape property value as None. The default value of Badge.Shape property is Ellipse.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Shape="Oval"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Shape = BadgeShape.Oval;
badge.Content = "99+";

Displaying the different default Badge shapes

Custom shape for displaying the Badge

If you want to change the shape of the Badge other than the default shapes, use the Badge.CustomShape property. You can enable the custom shapes by setting the Badge.Shape property value as Custom.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Shape="Custom" 
                          CustomShape="M 300 100 L 500 400 100 400 Z"
                          Width="50" Height="30"
        <Button Content="Inbox">

Displaying the custom shape of Badge

Animate when content changes

You can enable the Scale or Opacity based animation for displaying the Badge text by using Badge.AnimationType property. You can only see the animation when you change the text of the Badge. The default value of Badge.AnimationType property is None.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge AnimationType="Scale"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.AnimationType = AnimationType.Scale;
badge.Content = "1";

Scaling based animation

Displaying the Badge with scale based animation

Opacity based animation

Displaying the Badge with opacity based animation

Stroke customization

You can change stroke color and its thickness by using the Badge.Stroke and Badge.StrokeThikness properties. The default value of Badge.Stroke property is null and Badge.StrokeThikness property is 0.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Stroke="Red"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
badge.StrokeThickness = 3;
badge.Content = "99+";

Displaying the Badge with customized stroke

Hide the Badge

You can hide the Badge by setting the Badge.Visibility property value as Collapsed. Badge will be hidden when its content is null. The default value of Badge.Visibility property is Visible.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Visibility="Collapsed"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
badge.Content = "99+";

Visibility of the Badge control is restricted

Display number formatting

You can format the numbers which are displayed in the Badge content by using the converters. For example, you can display the number as 99+ which is greater than or equal to 100.

public class CustomNumberConverter : IValueConverter {
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
        if (int.TryParse(value.ToString(), out int number)) {
            if (number <= 99) {
                return value;
            else if (number <= 999) {
                return "99+";
            else if (number < 99999) {
                return (number / 1000).ToString("0.#") + "K";
            else if (number < 999999) {
                return (number / 1000).ToString("#,0K");
            else if (number < 9999999) {
                return (number / 1000000).ToString("0.#") + "M";
            else {
                return (number / 1000000).ToString("#,0M");
        return value;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    <local:CustomNumberConverter x:Key="customNumberConverter"/>

    <syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer">
            <syncfusion:Badge  Name="badge"
                               Content="{x:Bind badgeContent.Text, 
            <Button Content="Inbox">

    <Grid Grid.Column="1">
        <muxc:NumberBox x:Name="badgeContent"

Number formatting for the Badge content

Change Badge size

You can change the size of Badge by using the Badge.Width and Badge.Height properties. The default value of Badge.Width property is 40 and Badge.Height property is 30.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Width="60" 
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Width = 60;
badge.Height = 60;
badge.Content = "99+";

Size of the Badge control is changed

Badge content alignment

you can place the Badge content either horizontally or vertically by using the Badge.HorizontalContentAlignment or Badge.VerticalContentAlignment properties. The default value of Badge.HorizontalContentAlignment and Badge.VerticalContentAlignment properties is Center.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge HorizontalContentAlignment="Right"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
badge.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
badge.Content = "99+";

Alignment of the Badge content is changed

Text formatting

You can change the style, size and font family of the Badge display content by using the Badge.FontFamily, Badge.FontStyle and Badge.FontSize properties. The default value of Badge.FontFamily property is Segoe UI, Badge.FontStyle property is Normal and Badge.FontSize property is 14.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge  Name="badge"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Perpetua");
badge.FontSize = 20;
badge.FontStyle = Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle.Oblique;
badge.Content = "99+";

Badge display content text format changed

Rotate the Badge

You can place the Badge with a specific rotation angle by using the Rotation property. The default value of Rotation property is 0.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Rotation="30"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Rotation = 30;
badge.Content = "99+";

Displaying the rotated Badge

Change opacity of Badge

You can change opacity of the Badge by using the Opacity property. The default value of Opacity property is 1.

<syncfusion:BadgeContainer Name="badgeContainer"  >
        <syncfusion:Badge Opacity="0.6"
        <Button Content="Inbox">
badge.Opacity = 0.6;
badge.Content = "99+";

Displaying the Badge with reduced opacity