Localization of Syncfusion WinUI controls

24 Jun 20222 minutes to read

Localization is the process of making an application multilingual by formatting the content according to the languages. This involves configuring the application for a specific language. For example,
en-US is the language of English spoken in the United States, while en-GB is the language of English spoken in Great Britain. Syncfusion WinUI controls can be localized by adding resource files for each language.

Changing application language

The application language can be changed by setting the desired language to the ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride property in the constructor of the main window. Localization can be done while changing the application language by creating a .resw file.

public sealed partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride = "de";

The following screenshot illustrates how the localization is applied to the datagrid based on the defined language to the ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride property.

WinUI DataGrid Localization

Creating .resw files

The following steps can be used to generate .resw files for any language:


The default resource files of all Syncfusion WinUI libraries can be obtained from GitHub.

1) Right-click the project and add a New folder named as “Resources”.

2) Add another folder and name the folder with “language name”. For example, “de” for German language. Find the supported culture codes from here.

3) Add default resource files in the following structure.

WinUI DataGrid resw file


If the SfDataGrid control is used in the application, copy and paste the Syncfusion.Grid.WinUI.resw (SfDataGrid present in the Syncfusion.Grid.WinUI library) file into the application under Resources folder. So, now you know the key names and values of the default strings in the Syncfusion.Grid.WinUI library.

4) Now, the key names from default resource files can be defined and assigned values based on language.

WinUI DataGrid Localization

Download demo from GitHub

Editing default language strings

The default string of any control can be changed by adding the default .resw files (from GitHub) to the Resources folder of the application. If the default string is added, Syncfusion WinUI controls reads it from the .resw files of the application.