ChildButtonCustomization in Windows Forms ButtonEdit

26 Apr 20216 minutes to read

The child buttons in a ButtonEdit control are normal windows button, but supports additional features within ButtonEdit control.

Button Types and Border Styles

Button Types

The button types for child Buttons in ButtonEdit control are similar to that of ButtonAdv control. To learn more about ButtonType of ButtonEditChildButton click here.

Border Styles

The border styles for the ButtonEditChildButton in ButtonEdit can be set through BorderStyleAdv property.

Property Description
BorderStyleAdv Specifies the border style for child buttons of the ButtonEdit control. The styles are,
SunkenInner and


This setting will be effective only for Office2003, OfficeXP and WindowsXP styles set through ButtonStyle property of ButtonEdit control. We can also set border style for ButtonEdit controls without enabling visual styles.

//Sample code for setting "Bump" Border Style for BorderEdit Child Button
this.buttonEditChildButton1.BorderStyleAdv = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Bump;
'Sample code for setting "Bump" Border Style for BorderEdit Child Button
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.BorderStyleAdv = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ButtonAdvBorderStyle.Bump

Button Style for ButtonEdit

See Also

Style Settings, How to set tooltip for ButtonEdit Child buttons?

Button Alignment

You can align the child buttons inside the ButtonEdit control is set through ButtonAlign property.

Property Description
ButtonAlign Specifies whether the child button should be aligned to left or right of the ButtonEdit control.
this.buttonEditChildButton1.ButtonAlign = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ButtonAlignment.Left;
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.ButtonAlign = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ButtonAlignment.Left

ButtonAlign of ButtonEdit

Image and Text Settings

The image and text of child buttons in ButtonEdit can be customized by using Image, ImageAlign, ImageIndex, ImageList, PreferredWidth, Text, TextAlign and TextImageRelation properties.

Properties Description
Image Sets image for the child button.
ImageAlign Sets alignment of the image.
ImageIndex Sets the index of the image to be set for the child button.
ImageList Indicates the image list to be used for child button.
PreferredWidth Specifies the width of the button. Default value is 18.
Text Sets text for the button if ButtonType is set to Normal.
TextAlign Sets the alignment of the text in the child button control.
TextImageRelation Sets the relative location of the image to the text in the button.
this.buttonEditChildButton1.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("buttonEditChildButton2.Image")));
this.buttonEditChildButton1.ImageAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
this.buttonEditChildButton1.Text = "Browse";
this.buttonEditChildButton1.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
this.buttonEditChildButton1.TextImageRelation = System.Windows.Forms.TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
this.buttonEditChildButton1.PreferredWidth = 64;
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.Image = DirectCast((resources.GetObject("buttonEditChildButton2.Image")), System.Drawing.Image)
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.ImageAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.Text = "Browse"
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.TextImageRelation = System.Windows.Forms.TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.PreferredWidth = 64

Image and Text Customization

Flat Style for the Buttons

You can customize the child button for flat style or appearance in ButtonEdit using FlatStyle and FlatAppearance property.

Properties Description
FlatAppearance Represents the appearance of the border and the color for the check state and mouse over state. Set FlatStyle to Flat and UseVisualStyleBackColor should be set to false to make this setting effective.
FlatStyle Specifies the flat style for the button. The options are Flat, Popup, Standard and System.
this.buttonEditChildButton1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
this.buttonEditChildButton1.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson;
this.buttonEditChildButton1.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Pink;
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Pink

Flat style of child button

Style Settings

The visual style of child buttons can be set in ButtonEdit using UseVisualStyleBackColor, Office2007ColorScheme and Office2010ColorScheme properties.

Properties Description
UseVisualStyleBackColor Determines whether the background of child button is drawn using visual style if the button supports visual styles.
Office2007ColorScheme Specifies the office2007 color scheme.
Office2010ColorScheme Specifies the office2010 color scheme.


Visual style of a child buttons is inherited from the visual style of it’s parent ButtonEdit control. You can override those settings using the above properties.

Focusing the Child Button at Runtime

The child buttons can be focused based on the order set by TabIndex property set for individual child buttons and TabStop property should be enabled to make this effective. While focusing the button, we can display a focus rectangle, by enabling KeepFocusRectangle property of ButtonEditChildButton control.

this.buttonEditChildButton1.KeepFocusRectangle = true;
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.KeepFocusRectangle = True

Focusing child button in ButtonEdit

Hide Child Button in ButtonEdit

You can hide the child buttons of ButtonEdit control by using HideButton method.

Method Description
HideButton Indicates whether a child button is hidden or visible. The parameters are, buttonIndex - Specifies the index of the button. visible - Specifies the visibility of the button. It can be true or false. If true, the button will be visible and if false, the button will not be visible.
this.buttonEdit1.HideButton(0, false);
Me.buttonEdit1.HideButton(0, False)