ButtonEditAppearance in Windows Forms ButtonEdit

26 Apr 20215 minutes to read

A ButtonEdit control is a combination of controls with textbox and buttons. The ButtonEdit control supports properties which controls the appearance and behavior of the control.

See Also

TextBox Settings for ButtonEdit, Child Button Customization

Style Settings

The ButtonEdit control can be customized by following ways,

  1. Button Styles.
  2. Custom Colors for ButtonEdit.
  3. Border Styles.

Button Styles

Styles for the ButtonEdit control can be applied using ButtonStyle property. UseVisualStyle property must be enabled before applying style for ButtonEdit.

Properties Description
ButtonStyle Specifies the button style for the control. The styles are, Classic, Office2000, WindowsXP, OfficeXP, Office2003, Office2007, Metro, Office2016Colorful, Office2016White, Office2016DarkGray and Office2016Black.
UseVisualStyle Specifies whether the visual styles can be applied using ButtonStyle property or not. This property should be set to true to make the ButtonStyle setting effective.
this.buttonEdit.UseVisualStyle = true;
this.buttonEdit.ButtonStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ButtonAppearance.Office2016Colorful;
Me.buttonEdit.UseVisualStyle = True
Me.buttonEdit.ButtonStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.ButtonAppearance.Office2016Colorful

ButtonStyle for ButtonEdit


ButtonEdit control also supports all the three windows color themes, i.e., Blue, Silver and Oliver themes. We need to change the Windows theme color in desktop properties for this.

Custom Colors for ButtonEdit

You can apply custom colors to the ButtonEdit Control by setting Office2007ColorScheme of individual child buttons to “Managed” and specifying the custom color through the ApplyManagedColors method as follows.

this.buttonEditChildButton1.Office2007ColorScheme = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2007Theme.Managed;
this.buttonEditChildButton2.Office2007ColorScheme = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2007Theme.Managed;
this.buttonEditChildButton3.Office2007ColorScheme = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2007Theme.Managed;
Office2007Colors.ApplyManagedColors(this, Color.LightGreen);
Me.buttonEditChildButton1.Office2007ColorScheme = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2007Theme.Managed
Me.buttonEditChildButton2.Office2007ColorScheme = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2007Theme.Managed
Me.buttonEditChildButton3.Office2007ColorScheme = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Office2007Theme.Managed
Office2007Colors.ApplyManagedColors(Me, Color.LightGreen)

CustomColor for ButtonEdit

Border Styles

The border styles for the ButtonEdit control can be customized using the Border3DStyle, BorderSides, FlatStyle and FlatBorderColor properties.

Properties Description
Border3DStyle Sets the 3D border style for the control. The options are, RaisedOuter, RaisedInner, SunkenOuter, SunkenInner, Raised, Sunken, Etched, Flat, Adjust and Bump.
BorderSides Specifies the sides of the control which should have border.
FlatStyle Specifies the flat style to be applied to the ButtonEdit control. Set UseVisualStyle property to false to make this setting effective.
FlatBorderColor Specifies the border color for the control, when FlatStyle is set to "Flat". This color setting can be reset by calling ButtonEdit.ResetFlatBorderColor method.
this.buttonEdit.UseVisualStyle = false;
this.buttonEdit.FlatBorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
this.buttonEdit.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
Me.buttonEdit.UseVisualStyle = False
Me.buttonEdit.FlatBorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
Me.buttonEdit.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;

BorderStyle for ButtonEdit


The Border styles of the child buttons can be controlled using ButtonEditChildButton BorderStyleAdv property. SeeSee Button Types and Border Styles topic for details.

Size Settings

You can set the maximum and minimum size for the ButtonEdit control using MaximumSize and MinimumSize properties.

Properties Description
MaximumSize Sets the maximum size of the ButtonEdit control.
MinimumSize Sets the minimum size of the ButtonEdit control.

Foreground Settings

The font style and the fore color of the ButtonEdit control can be customized by Font and ForeColor properties. These property settings can be overridden by TextBox.Font and TextBox.ForeColor respectively.

this.buttonEdit.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
this.buttonEdit.ForeColor = Color.SteelBlue;
Me.buttonEdit.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Verdana", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular)
Me.buttonEdit.ForeColor = Color.SteelBlue


Foreground settings for the ButtonEditChildButton can be specified using Font and ForeColor properties.

Foreground customization of ButtonEdit

Case Settings

Using CharacterCasing property of ButtonEdit, we can specify whether the case of the character can be modified as they are typed. The options are Upper, Lower and Normal.

buttonEdit.Text = "ButtonEdit1";
buttonEdit.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Lower;
Me.buttonEdit.Text = "ButtonEdit1"
Me.buttonEdit.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Lower


This case setting can be overridden by TextBox.CharacterCasing property.

ButtonEdit CharacterCasing

See Also

TextBox Settings for ButtonEdit, Child Button Customization