Setting Background for RichTextBox

22 Apr 20223 minutes to read

The RichTextBox control allows you to change background color of the control. A background of a control is represented by Background property of SfRichTextBoxAdv class. The default value of this property is black.

The following code illustrates how to apply color as background to the document.

<RichTextBoxAdv:SfRichTextBoxAdv x:Name="richTextBoxAdv" Background="#6699cc" />
// Initializes a new instance of RichTextBoxAdv.
SfRichTextBoxAdv richTextBoxAdv = new SfRichTextBoxAdv();
// Sets the control background color
richTextBoxAdv.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(102, 153, 204));
' Initializes a new instance of RichTextBoxAdv.
Dim richTextBoxAdv As New SfRichTextBoxAdv()

' Sets the control background color.
richTextBoxAdv.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(102, 153, 204))

Pages layout
Pages layout

Continuous layout
Continuous layout

Block layout
The block layout always inherits the control background color.
Bolck layout

How to override the document background in continuous layout type?

By default, the document background properties will be applied when the LayoutType is continuous. You can suppress the document background and apply the control background by setting OverridesDocumentBackground property to true. The default value of this property is false.


This property is valid only when the LayoutType is continuous.

The following code illustrates how to override the document background color.

<RichTextBoxAdv:SfRichTextBoxAdv x:Name="richTextBoxAdv" LayoutType="Continuous" Background="#6699cc" OverridesDocumentBackground="True" />
// Initializes a new instance of RichTextBoxAdv.
SfRichTextBoxAdv richTextBoxAdv = new SfRichTextBoxAdv();
// Sets the control background color
richTextBoxAdv.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen);
// Sets the layout type as continous 
richTextBoxAdv.LayoutType = LayoutType.Continuous;
//Enable the OverridesDocumentBackground property 
richTextBoxAdv.OverridesDocumentBackground = true;
' Initializes a new instance of RichTextBoxAdv.
Dim richTextBoxAdv As New SfRichTextBoxAdv()
' Sets the control background color.
richTextBoxAdv.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(102, 153, 204))
' Sets the layout type as continous 
richTextBoxAdv.LayoutType = LayoutType.Continuous
' Enable the OverridesDocumentBackground property
richTextBoxAdv.OverridesDocumentBackground = true

Continuous layout:
Continuous layout

Setting Background for Document Pages

The RichTextBox control allows you to change background color of the document pages. A background of a document is represented by Background property of DocumentAdv class. The default value of this property is white.


  1. This property is independent for a document. So the background will change when the document is changed.
  2. To maintain same background for all documents, you can reset this property in DocumentChanged event.

The following code illustrates how to apply color as background to the document pages.

// Initializes a new instance of RichTextBoxAdv.
SfRichTextBoxAdv richTextBoxAdv = new SfRichTextBoxAdv();
// Sets the document background color
richTextBoxAdv.Document.Background.Color = Color.FromRgb(102, 153, 204);
' Initializes a new instance of RichTextBoxAdv.
Dim richTextBoxAdv As New SfRichTextBoxAdv()
' Sets the document background color.
richTextBoxAdv.Document.Background.Color = Color.FromRgb(102, 153, 204)

Pages layout:
Page background

Continuous layout:
Continuos layout


This API is supported starting from release version v17.4.0.X.