Getting Started with .NET MAUI Switch (SfSwitch)

19 Dec 20233 minutes to read

This section explains the steps to configure the .NET MAUI Switch control in a real-time scenario and provides a walk-through on some of the customization features available in the control.

Adding a .NET MAUI Switch reference

The Syncfusion .NET MAUI controls are available in To add .NET MAUI Switch to your project, open the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio, search for Syncfusion.Maui.Buttons, and install it.

Handler registration

In the MauiProgram.cs file, register the handler for the Syncfusion core.

  • C#
  • using Microsoft.Maui;
    using Microsoft.Maui.Hosting;
    using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility;
    using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Hosting;
    using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml;
    using Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Hosting;
    namespace SwitchSample
        public static class MauiProgram
            public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
                var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
                .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                    fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
                return builder.Build();

    Adding the .NET MAUI Switch control

    Step 1: Add the NuGet to the project as discussed in the above reference section.

    Step 2: Add the namespace as shown in the following code sample.

    using Syncfusion.Maui.Buttons;

    Initialize Switch

    Now, add the SfSwitch control with a required optimal name using the included namespace.

    <syncfusion:SfSwitch />
    SfSwitch sfSwitch = new SfSwitch();
    this.Content = sfSwitch;


    Performing an action based on state

    You can switch between the states. When the state is changed the StateChanging and StateChanged event will be triggered where you can perform an action based on the current state. The StateChanging event allows you to cancel moving to a new state.

    The following code example displays a message box when switched to off state when work is completed.

    <syncfusion:SfSwitch StateChanged="SfSwitch_StateChanged"/>
    SfSwitch sfSwitch = new SfSwitch();
    sfSwitch.StateChanged+= SfSwitch_StateChanged;
    this.Content = sfSwitch;
    private void SfSwitch_StateChanged(object sender, SwitchStateChangedEventArgs e)
         DisplayAlert("Message", "SUCCESS", "OK");


    Find the complete getting started sample of the .NET MAUI Switch from this link.