Bar Pointer in .NET MAUI Linear Gauge (SfLinearGauge)

A bar pointer is an accenting line or shaded background that can be placed on a Linear Gauge to mark any current value in the scale track. The bar pointers always start from the minimum value of the scale and end with the specified value. So, the Value property is a required parameter for creating a bar pointer.

Default bar pointer

The following code sample creates a default bar pointer with the value 50.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Value="50"/>
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
		this.Content = gauge;

Initialize linear gauge for bar pointer

Customize bar pointer thickness

The thickness can be changed using the PointerSize property of the bar pointer. The following code sample demonstrates the same.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Value="50" PointerSize="10"/>
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
			PointerSize = 10
		this.Content = gauge;

Change the bar pointer thickness

Customize edge style

The edge style can be changed using the CornerStyle property of the bar pointer. The edge style can be any of the StartCurve, EndCurve, BothCurve, and BothFlat options. The default value is BothFlat.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Value="50" PointerSize="10" 
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
			PointerSize = 10,
			Offset = 5,
			Position = GaugeElementPosition.Outside,
			CornerStyle = CornerStyle.BothCurve
		this.Content = gauge;

Change the bar pointer edge style

Customize the position

By default, the bar pointer is positioned cross to the scale. This position can be changed by the Position property of a pointer. It is possible to position the bar pointer Inside, Cross, or Outside the scale. The following code sample demonstrates how to change the bar pointer position to inside the scale.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Value="50" Position="Inside"/>
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
			Position = GaugeElementPosition.Inside,
		this.Content = gauge;

Customize linear gauge for bar pointer position

Customize the offset

In addition to position the bar pointer, it is also possible to change the offset of the bar pointer. The Offset value is the distance from the scale and it has no effect on cross-positioned elements. The following code sample demonstrates how to change the offset value of the bar pointer.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Value="50" Position="Outside" Offset="5"/>
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
			Position = GaugeElementPosition.Outside,
			Offset = 5
		this.Content = gauge;

Customize linear gauge bar pointer offset

Change the color of bar pointer

The color of the bar pointer can be changed by the Fill property. The following code sample demonstrates the same.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Value="50" Fill="Red"/>
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
			Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red),
		this.Content = gauge;

Apply color to bar pointer

Apply gradient

The gradient can be applied by using the GradientStops property of bar pointer. The following code sample demonstrates how to apply a gradient to the bar pointer.

                    <gauge:BarPointer Position="Outside" Offset="5" 
                                      CornerStyle="BothCurve" Value="70">
                            <gauge:GaugeGradientStop Value="0" Color="Green"/>
                            <gauge:GaugeGradientStop Value="35" 
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
ObservableCollection<GaugeGradientStop> gradientStops = new ObservableCollection<GaugeGradientStop>();
gradientStops.Add(new GaugeGradientStop() { Value = 0, Color = Colors.Green });
gradientStops.Add(new GaugeGradientStop() { Value = 35, Color = Color.FromArgb("#ff0074E3") });
gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
	Value = 70,
	Position = GaugeElementPosition.Outside,
	Offset = 5,
	CornerStyle = CornerStyle.BothCurve,
	GradientStops = gradientStops
this.Content = gauge;

Apply radial gradient to bar pointer

Child support

By using the Child property of bar pointer, you can provide a child for the bar pointer. To improve readability, the child content is used to add any UI content, such as text or images, inside the bar pointer.

<gauge:SfLinearGauge ShowLabels="False" ShowTicks="False">
                    <gauge:LinearLineStyle CornerStyle="BothCurve" 
                    <gauge:BarPointer CornerStyle="BothCurve" Value="50" 
                            <Label Text="50%" Margin="0,0,10,0" 
                                   TextColor="White" VerticalOptions="Center"/>
SfLinearGauge gauge = new SfLinearGauge();
		gauge.ShowLabels = false;
		gauge.ShowTicks = false;
		gauge.LineStyle.Thickness = 30;
		gauge.LineStyle.CornerStyle = CornerStyle.BothCurve;
		Label label = new Label()
			Text = "50%",
			Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 0),
			TextColor = Colors.White,
			HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End,
			VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
		gauge.BarPointers.Add(new BarPointer()
			Value = 50,
			PointerSize = 30,
			CornerStyle = CornerStyle.BothCurve,
			Child = label
		this.Content = gauge;

Child support in bar pointers in a linear gauge