
19 Apr 20172 minutes to read

This feature includes the animation effect for the Slider when moving the Slider handle.

Enabling Animation

By default, animation is enabled in the Slider. Using the enableAnimation property you can enable/disable the animation effects. Data type of this property is “Boolean”.

The following steps explains you on how to disable the animation effect in Slider.

In an HTML page, specify the <div> elements to render the “Default Slider”.

  • HTML
  • <div class="txt">Default Slider</div>
    <div id="defaultSlider"></div>
  • // In JavaScript, during initialization disable the enableAnimation property.
                value: 60,
                width: "500",

    Customizing Animation speed

    Animation speed of the Slider indicates the speed at which the slider handle can be moved. Higher the value specified for this property decreases the rate of speed at which the Slider handle can be moved. You can customize the animation speed of the Slider using the animationSpeed property. Default value of this property is “500”.

    The following steps explains you on how to customize the animation speed.

    In an HTML page, specify the <div> elements to render the “Default Slider”.

  • HTML
  • <div class="txt">Default Slider</div>
       <div id="defaultSlider"></div>
  • // In JavaScript, during initialization specify the value for animationSpeed property.
                value: 60,
                width: "500",
                animationSpeed: 600