Pivot client
29 May 201924 minutes to read
The pivot client is an ad hoc analysis tool that can be easily bound to any OLAP and relational datasources to provide a visual presentation of the information retrieved from the database.
<div id="PivotClient1"></div>
//Create PivotClient
- module: jQuery-3.0.0.min.js
- module: ej.core.js
- module: ej.data.js
- module: ej.globalize.js
- module: ej.touch.js
- module: ej.draggable.js
- module: ej.scroller.js
- module: ej.chart.js
- module: ej.synchart.js
- module: ej.rangescrollbar.js
- module: ej.tooltip.js
- module: ej.button.js
- module: ej.checkbox.js
- module: ej.dropdownlist.js
- module: ej.dialog.js
- module: ej.togglebutton.js
- module: ej.toolbar.js
- module: ej.maskedit.js
- module: ej.waitingpopup.js
- module: ej.menu.js
- module: ej.treeview.js
- module: ej.tab.js
- module: ej.pivot.common.js
- module: ej.pivotanalysis.base.js
- module: ej.olap.base.js
- module: ej.pivotchart.js
- module: ej.pivottreemap.js
- module: ej.pivotpager.js
- module: ej.pivotgrid.js
- module: ej.pivotschemadesigner.js
- module: ej.pivotclient.js
analysisMode enum
Sets the mode for the pivot client widget for binding the OLAP or relational data sources.
Default Value: ej.Pivot.AnalysisMode.Pivot
Name | Description |
Pivot | To bind Relational datasource to PivotClient widget |
OLAP | To bind OLAP datasource to PivotClient widget |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ analysisMode: ej.Pivot.AnalysisMode.Olap });
chartType enum
Allows you to set the specific chart type for the pivot chart in the pivot client widget.
Default Value: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Column
Name | Description |
Line | To render a Line type for PivotChart. |
Spline | To render a Spline type for PivotChart. |
Column | To render a Column type for PivotChart. |
Area | To render an Area type for PivotChart. |
SplineArea | To render a SplineArea type for PivotChart. |
StepLine | To render a StepLine type for PivotChart. |
StepArea | To render a StepArea type for PivotChart. |
Pie | To render a Pie type for PivotChart. |
Bar | To render a Bar type for PivotChart. |
StackingArea | To render a StackingArea type for PivotChart. |
StackingColumn | To render a StackingColumn type for PivotChart. |
StackingBar | To render a StackingBar type for PivotChart. |
Pyramid | To render a Pyramid type for PivotChart. |
Funnel | To render a Funnel type for PivotChart. |
Doughnut | To render a Doughnut type for PivotChart. |
Scatter | To render a Scatter type for PivotChart. |
Bubble | To render a Bubble type for PivotChart. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ chartType: ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Spline });
clientExportMode enum
Allows you to set the content for exporting the pivot client widget.
Default Value: ej.PivotClient.ClientExportMode.ChartAndGrid
Name | Description |
ChartAndGrid | Exports both the PivotChart and PivotGrid on exporting. |
ChartOnly | Exports the PivotChart control alone on exporting. |
GridOnly | Exports the PivotGrid control alone on exporting. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ clientExportMode: ej.PivotClient.ClientExportMode.ChartOnly });
cssClass string
Specifies the CSS class to the pivot client for achieving the custom theme.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ cssClass: "Olive" });
customObject object
An object is utilized to pass the additional information between the client-end and the service-end when the control functions are present in the server-mode.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ customObject: { "MyMessage": "Hi Syncfusion!!" } });
dataSource object
Initializes the data source for the pivot client widget, when it functions completely on the client-side.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient( { dataSource: { data: value } });
dataSource.columns array
Lists out the items to be arranged in the columns section of the pivot client.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: itemsArray } });
dataSource.columns.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.columns.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for an item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter array
Allows you to filter the report by default using the advanced filtering (e.g., Microsoft Excel) option for the OLAP data source in the client-mode.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : itemArray }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.name string
Allows you to provide a level unique name to perform the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ name: "levelUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.labelFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform label filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.valueFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform value filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.Between }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.advancedFilterType string
Allows you to set the filtering type while performing the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.LabelFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.measure string
In value filtering, this property contains the measure name to which the filter is applied.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ measure: "measureUniqueName", advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.ValueFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.advancedFilter.values array
Allows you to hold the filter operand values in the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
//For Label Filters
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith, values: ["002"] }] }] } });
//For Value Filters
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.GreaterThan, values: ["200"] }] }] } });
dataSource.columns.isNamedSets boolean
Allows you to indicate whether the added item is a named set or not.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP data source.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "[Core Product Group]", isNamedSets : true }] } });
dataSource.columns.showSubTotal boolean
Shows/hides the sub-total of the field in the pivot grid.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", showSubTotal : false }] } });
dataSource.columns.format string
Allows to set the format for the column headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ format : "date" }] } });
dataSource.columns.formatString string
This property is set to display the formatted values with format types in the pivot grid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ formatString : "MM/DD/YYYY" }] } });
dataSource.columns.cssClass string
Allows you to set the custom theme for the column headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ cssClass : "className" }] } });
dataSource.columns.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of members of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in any order. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", sortOrder : ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending }] } });
dataSource.columns.drilledItems array
Contains the list of members need to be drilled down by default in the field.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", drilledItems : ["Canada", "France"] }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems object
Applies the filter to field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter whether to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.columns.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { columns: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.rows array
Lists out the items to be arranged in the rows section of the pivot client.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: itemsArray } });
dataSource.rows.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.rows.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for an item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter array
Allows you to filter the report by using the advanced filtering (e.g., Microsoft Excel) option for the OLAP data source in the client-mode.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : itemArray }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.name string
Allows you to provide a level unique name to perform the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ name: "levelUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.labelFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform the label filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.valueFilterOperator string
Allows you to set the operator to perform the value filtering.
Default Value: “none”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.Between }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.advancedFilterType string
Allows you to set the filtering type while performing the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.LabelFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.measure string
In value filtering, this property contains the measure name to which the filter is applied.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ measure: "measureUniqueName", advancedFilterType: ej.olap.AdvancedFilterType.ValueFilter }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.advancedFilter.values array
Allows you to hold the filter operand values in the advanced filtering.
Default Value: “”
//For Label Filters
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ labelFilterOperator: ej.olap.LabelFilterOptions.EndsWith, values: ["002"] }] }] } });
//For Value Filters
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ advancedFilter : [{ valueFilterOperator: ej.olap.ValueFilterOptions.GreaterThan, values: ["200"] }] }] } });
dataSource.rows.isNamedSets boolean
Allows you to indicate whether the added item is a named set or not.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP data source.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "[Core Product Group]", isNamedSets : true }] } });
dataSource.rows.showSubTotal boolean
Shows/hides the sub-total of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", showSubTotal : false }] } });
dataSource.rows.format string
Allows to set the format for row headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ format : "date" }] } });
dataSource.rows.formatString string
This property is set to display the formatted values with format types in the pivot grid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ formatString : "MM/DD/YYYY" }] } });
dataSource.rows.cssClass string
Allows to set the custom theme for row headers.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ cssClass : "className" }] } });
dataSource.rows.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order for the field members.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in any order. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", sortOrder : ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending }] } });
dataSource.rows.drilledItems array
Contains the list of members need to be drilled down by default in the field.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", drilledItems : ["Canada", "France"] }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems object
Applies the filter to the field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter whether to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.rows.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { rows: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.values array
Lists out the items which supports calculation in the pivot client.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: itemsArray } });
dataSource.values.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name for the relational data source.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.values.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display caption for an item for the relational data source.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.values.measures array
This holds the list of unique names of measures to bind them from the OLAP cube.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ measures : itemsArray }] } });
dataSource.values.measures.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the measure from the OLAP data source by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ measures : [{ fieldName: "MeasureUniqueName" }] }] } });
dataSource.values.axis string
Allows to set the axis name to place the measures items.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP data source.
Default Value: “rows”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ axis : ej.olap.AxisName.Row }] } });
dataSource.values.isCalculatedField boolean
Indicates whether the field is a calculated field or not with the relational data source.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ isCalculatedField : true }] } });
dataSource.values.summaryType enum
Allows to set the type of the pivot grid summary calculation for the value field with the relational data source.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SummaryType.Sum
Name | Description |
Sum | Calculates the summary as the total of all values. |
Average | Displays the average of all values as the summaries. |
Count | Displays the count of items in summaries. |
Min | Displays the minimum value of all the items in the summary. |
Max | Displays the maximum value of all the items in the summary. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ summaryType : ej.PivotAnalysis.SummaryType.Average }] } });
dataSource.values.format string
Allows to set the format of the values.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ format : "percentage" }] } });
dataSource.values.formatString string
This property is set to display the formatted values with format types in the pivot grid.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ formatString : "MM/DD/YYYY" }] } });
dataSource.values.cssClass string
Allows to set the custom theme for the values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ cssClass : "className" }] } });
dataSource.values.formula string
Allows to set the formula for calculation of members values in the relational data source.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { values: [{ formula : "Quantity*10" }] } });
dataSource.filters array
Lists out the items which supports filtering of values without displaying the members in UI of the pivot client.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { filters: itemsArray } });
dataSource.filters.fieldName string
Allows you to bind the item by using its unique name as field name.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName : "MyFieldName" }] } });
dataSource.filters.fieldCaption string
Allows you to set the display name for an item.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldCaption : "MyFieldCaption" }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems object
Applies filter to the field members.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems.filterType enum
Sets the type of filter whether to include/exclude the mentioned values.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational data source.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude
Name | Description |
Exclude | Excludes the specified values among the members of the field. |
Include | Includes the specified values alone among the members of the field. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Include, values: valueArray } }] } });
dataSource.filters.filterItems.values array
Contains the collection of items to be included/excluded among the field members.
Default Value: []
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { filters: [{ fieldName: "Country", filterItems : { filterType: ej.PivotAnalysis.FilterType.Exclude, values: ["Canada", "France"] } }] } });
dataSource.cube string
Contains the respective cube name from the OLAP database as string type.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { cube: "Adventure Works" } });
dataSource.sourceInfo string
Allows to set the data source name to fetch the data from that.
Note: This is applicable only for the Mondrian connection.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { sourceInfo: "Provider Mondrian" } });
dataSource.providerName string
Sets the provider name for the pivot client to identify whether the provider is SSAS or Mondrian.
Note: This is applicable only for the client side OLAP data.
Default Value: “ssas”
Name | Description |
ssas | To bind an OLAP data source to PivotClient through SSAS provider. |
mondrian | To bind a relational data source to PivotClient through Mondrian provider. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { providerName: "mondrian" } });
dataSource.data object
Provides the raw data source for the pivot client.
Default Value: null
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { data: value } });
dataSource.catalog string
In connection with an OLAP database, this property contains the database name as string to fetch the data from the given connection string.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient( { dataSource: { catalog: "databaseName" } } );
dataSource.enableAdvancedFilter boolean
Allows you to filter the members (by its name and values) through the advanced filtering (e.g., Microsoft Excel) option in the client-mode.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { enableAdvancedFilter: true } });
dataSource.reportName string
Sets a name to the report bound to the control.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { reportName: "Default Report" } });
dataSource.pagerOptions object
Allows to set the page size and current page number for each axis on applying the paging.
Note: This is applicable only for binding the OLAP data from the client-side.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: pagerSettings } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.categoricalPageSize number
Allows to set the number of categorical columns to be displayed in each page on applying the paging.
Default Value: 0
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { categoricalPageSize: 10 } } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.seriesPageSize number
Allows to set the number of series rows to be displayed in each page on applying the paging.
Default Value: 0
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { seriesPageSize: 5 } } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.categoricalCurrentPage number
Allows to set the page number in the categorical axis to be loaded by default.
Note: This is applicable only for binding the OLAP data from the client-side.
Default Value: 1
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { categoricalCurrentPage: 3 } } });
dataSource.pagerOptions.seriesCurrentPage number
Allows to set the page number in the series axis to be loaded by default.
Default Value: 1
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ dataSource: { pagerOptions: { seriesCurrentPage: 7 } } });
enableDrillThrough boolean
Enables the drill-through feature which retrieves the raw items that are used to create a specific cell in the pivot grid.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableDrillThrough: true });
displaySettings object
Allows you to customize the layout and appearance of the widget.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ displaySettings: settingsObject });
displaySettings.controlPlacement enum
Allows you to customize the display of the pivot chart and pivot grid widgets in the tabs or tiles.
Default Value: ej.PivotClient.ControlPlacement.Tab
Name | Description |
Tab | Displays PivotChart and PivotGrid widgets in separate tabs. |
Tile | Displays PivotChart and PivotGrid widgets one above the other. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ displaySettings: { controlPlacement: ej.PivotClient.ControlPlacement.Tile } });
displaySettings.defaultView enum
Allows you to set either the chart or grid as the start-up widget.
Default Value: ej.PivotClient.DefaultView.Grid
Name | Description |
Chart | To set PivotChart as a default control in view. |
Grid | To set PivotGrid as a default control in view. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ displaySettings: { defaultView: ej.PivotClient.DefaultView.Chart } });
displaySettings.enableFullScreen boolean
Allows you to switch to full screen view of the pivot chart and the pivot grid from default view in the pivot client.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ displaySettings: { enableFullScreen: true } });
displaySettings.enableTogglePanel boolean
Enables an option to enhance the space for the pivot grid and pivot chart by hiding the cube browser and the axis element builder.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ displaySettings: { enableTogglePanel: true } });
displaySettings.mode enum
Sets the display mode (only chart/only grid/both) in the pivot client.
Default Value: ej.PivotClient.DisplayMode.ChartAndGrid
Name | Description |
ChartOnly | To display only PivotChart widget. |
GridOnly | To display only PivotGrid widget. |
ChartAndGrid | To display both PivotChart and PivotGrid widgets. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ displaySettings: { mode: ej.PivotClient.DisplayMode.ChartOnly } });
toolbarIconSettings object
Allows you to set the visibility of icons in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: settingsObject });
toolbarIconSettings.enableAddReport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Add Report
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableAddReport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableNewReport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of New Report
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableNewReport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableRenameReport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Rename Report
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableRenameReport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableDBManipulation boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of DB Manipulation
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableDBManipulation : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableWordExport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Word Export
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableWordExport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableExcelExport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Excel Export
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableExcelExport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enablePdfExport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of PDF Export
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enablePdfExport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableMDXQuery boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of MDX Query
icon in the toolbar panel.
Note: This is not applicable for the relational data source.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableMDXQuery : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableDeferUpdate boolean
Allows to set the visibility of Defer Update
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableDeferUpdate : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableFullScreen boolean
Allows to set the visibility of Full Screen
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableFullScreen : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableSortOrFilterColumn boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Sort/Filter Column
icon in the toolbar panel.
Note: This is only applicable for the OLAP data bound from the server-side.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableSortOrFilterColumn : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableSortOrFilterRow boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Sort/Filter Row
icon in the toolbar panel.
Note: This is only applicable for the OLAP data bound from the server-side.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableSortOrFilterRow : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableToggleAxis boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Toggle Axis
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableToggleAxis : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableChartTypes boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Chart Types
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableChartTypes : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableRemoveReport boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Remove Report
icon in the toolbar panel.
Default Value: true
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableRemoveReport : true} });
toolbarIconSettings.enableCalculatedMember boolean
Allows you to set the visibility of Calculated Member
icon in the toolbar panel.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP data bound from the server-side.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ toolbarIconSettings: {enableCalculatedMember : true} });
showUniqueNameOnPivotButton boolean
Allows you to show a unique name on the pivot button.
Note: This is only applicable for the OLAP data source.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ showUniqueNameOnPivotButton: true });
showReportCollection boolean
Allows you to load the saved report collection from the database.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ showReportCollection: true });
enableSplitter boolean
Enables the splitter option for resizing the elements in the control.
Note: This is not applicable for the OLAP data bound from the server-side.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableSplitter: true });
enableAdvancedFilter boolean
Enables the advanced filtering options such as value filtering, label filtering, and sorting for each dimensions when binding the OLAP data in the server mode.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableAdvancedFilter: true });
enableDeferUpdate boolean
Allows you to refresh the control on-demand and not during the every UI operation.
Note: This property is applicable for OLAP data bound from the server-side alone.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableDeferUpdate: true });
enableLocalStorage boolean
Allows to save and load the reports in a customized way with the help of events.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableLocalStorage: true });
enablePaging boolean
Allows you to enable the paging for both the pivot chart and the pivot grid components for viewing the large data.
Note: This property is applicable only for the OLAP data bound from the client-side.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enablePaging: true });
enablePivotTreeMap boolean
Allows you to include the pivot tree map component as one of the chart types.
Note: This property is applicable only for the OLAP data bound from the server-side.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enablePivotTreeMap: true });
enableRTL boolean
Allows you to view the layout of the pivot client from right to left.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableRTL: true });
enableMeasureGroups boolean
Enables/disables the visibility of measure group selector drop-down in the cube browser.
Note: This property is applicable only for the OLAP data source bound from the server-side.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableMeasureGroups : true });
enableCellClick boolean
Allows you to get cell details in JSON format by clicking the value cell.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableCellClick: true });
enableCellDoubleClick boolean
Allows you to get cell details in JSON format by double-clicking the value cell.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableCellDoubleClick: true });
enableVirtualScrolling boolean
Allows you to enable the virtual scrolling for both the pivot chart and pivot grid components for viewing the large data.
Note: This is applicable only for the OLAP data.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableVirtualScrolling: true });
maxNodeLimitInMemberEditor number
Allows you to set the maximum number of nodes as well as child nodes to be displayed in the member editor.
Default Value: 1000
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ maxNodeLimitInMemberEditor: 1500 });
enableMemberEditorPaging boolean
Enables/disables paging in the member editor for viewing the large count of members in the pages.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableMemberEditorPaging: true });
memberEditorPageSize number
Allows you to set the number of members to be displayed in each page of the member editor on applying the paging in it.
Default Value: 100
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ memberEditorPageSize: 50 });
enableMemberEditorSorting boolean
Enables/Disables sorting option in member editor dialog for the members of the respective field.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableMemberEditorSorting: true });
gridLayout enum
Sets the summary layout for the pivot grid. Following are the ways in which the summary can be positioned: normal summary (bottom), top summary, no summary, and Microsoft Excel summary.
Note: This property is applicable only for the OLAP data bound from the server-side.
Default Value: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.Normal
Name | Description |
Normal | To set normal summary layout in PivotGrid. |
NormalTopSummary | To set layout with summaries at the top in PivotGrid. |
NoSummaries | To set layout without summaries in PivotGrid. |
ExcelLikeLayout | To set excel-like layout in PivotGrid. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ gridLayout: ej.PivotGrid.Layout.NoSummaries });
collapseCubeBrowserByDefault boolean
Allows you to hide the cube browser and the axis element builder of the pivot client while initiating the widget.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ collapseCubeBrowserByDefault: true });
enableKPI boolean
Allows you to view the KPI elements in tree-view of the pivot client’s cube browser.
Note: This property is applicable only for the OLAP data.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableKPI: true });
isResponsive boolean
Allows you to enable the pivot client’s responsiveness in the browser layout.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ isResponsive: true });
size object
Options to customize the size of the pivot client control.
Default Value: { height: “685px”, width: “1000px” }
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ size: { width: "50%" , height: "80%" } });
locale string
Allows you to set the localized language for the widget.
Default Value: “en-US”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ locale: "fr-FR" });
operationalMode enum
Sets the mode for the pivot client widget to bind the data source in the server-side or the client-side.
Name | Description |
ClientMode | To bind data source completely from client-side. |
ServerMode | To bind data source completely from server-side. |
Default Value: ej.Pivot.OperationalMode.ClientMode
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ operationalMode: ej.Pivot.OperationalMode.ServerMode });
serviceMethodSettings object
Allows you to set the custom name for methods at service-end, and it is communicated during the AJAX post.
Note: This property is applicable only for operating the control from the server-side.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: value });
serviceMethodSettings.cubeChanged string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for updating the entire report and widget, while changing the cube.
Default Value: “CubeChanged”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { cubeChanged: "CubeChangedMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.exportPivotClient string
Allows to set the custom name for the service method responsible for exporting.
Default Value: “Export”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { exportPivotClient: "ExportMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.fetchMemberTreeNodes string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible to get the members for tree-view in the member-editor dialog.
Default Value: “FetchMemberTreeNodes”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { fetchMemberTreeNodes: "FetchMemberTreeNodesMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.fetchReportList string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for fetching the report names from the database.
Default Value: “FetchReportListFromDB”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { fetchReportList: "FetchReportListFromDBMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.filterElement string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for updating the report while filtering the members.
Default Value: “FilterElement”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { filterElement: "filterElementMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.initialize string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for initializing the pivot client.
Default Value: “InitializeClient”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { initialize: "InitializeClientMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.loadReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for loading a report collection from the database.
Default Value: “LoadReportFromDB”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { loadReport: "LoadReportFromDBMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.removeDBReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible to remove a report collection from the database.
Default Value: “RemoveReportFromDB”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { removeDBReport: "RemoveReportFromMyDBMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.renameDBReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for renaming the report collection in the database.
Default Value: “RenameReportInDB”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { renameDBReport: "RenameReportInMyDBMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.mdxQuery string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for retrieving the MDX query for the current report.
Note: This is applicable only with the bounded OLAP data.
Default Value: “GetMDXQuery”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { mdxQuery: "GetMDXQueryMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.measureGroupChanged string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for updating the tree-view in the cube browser, while changing the measure group.
Default Value: “MeasureGroupChanged”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { measureGroupChanged: "MeasureGroupChangedMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.memberExpand string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible to get the child members, on tree-view node expansion.
Default Value: “MemberExpanded”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { memberExpand: "MemberExpandedMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.nodeDropped string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for updating the report while dropping a node/split button in the axis element builder.
Default Value: “NodeDropped”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { nodeDropped: "NodeDroppedMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.removeSplitButton string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible to update the report while removing the split button from the axis element builder.
Default Value: “RemoveSplitButton”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { removeSplitButton: "RemoveSplitButtonMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.saveReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for saving the report collection in the database.
Default Value: “SaveReportToDB”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { saveReport: "SaveReportToDBMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.toggleAxis string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for toggling the elements in the row and column axes.
Default Value: “ToggleAxis”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { toggleAxis: "ToggleAxisMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.toolbarServices string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for all the toolbar operations.
Default Value: “ToolbarOperations”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { toolbarServices: "ToolbarOperationsMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.updateReport string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for updating the report collection.
Default Value: “UpdateReport”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { updateReport: "UpdateReportFromMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.paging string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method while navigating between the pages in the paged pivot client.
Default Value: “Paging”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { calculatedMember: "CalculatedMember" } });
serviceMethodSettings.calculatedMember string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for updating the report with the calculated member.
Default Value: “CalculatedMember”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { paging: "PagingMyMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.valueSorting string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing value sorting operation in the PivotClient.
Default Value: “ValueSorting”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { valueSorting: "MyValueSorting" } });
serviceMethodSettings.drillThroughHierarchies string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing the drill through operation.
Default Value: “DrillThroughHierarchies”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { drillThroughHierarchies: "MyDrillThroughHierarchiesMethod" } });
serviceMethodSettings.drillThroughDataTable string
Allows you to set the custom name for the service method that is responsible for performing the drill through operation in the data table.
Default Value: “DrillThroughDataTable”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ serviceMethodSettings: { drillThroughDataTable: "MyDrillThroughDataTableMethod" } });
valueSortSettings object
Holds the necessary properties for value sorting.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: {}
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ valueSortSettings: { } });
valueSortSettings.headerText string
Contains the header of the specific column to which value sorting is applied.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ valueSortSettings: { headerText: "Bike##Amount" } });
valueSortSettings.headerDelimiters string
Allows you to set the string for separating column headers provided in the headerText property.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ valueSortSettings: { headerDelimiters: "##" } });
valueSortSettings.sortOrder enum
Allows you to set the sorting order of values of the field.
Note: This is applicable only for the relational datasource.
Default Value: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Ascending
Name | Description |
Ascending | Sorts the members of the field in ascending order. |
Descending | Sorts the members of the field in descending order. |
None | Displays the members without sorting in default order. |
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ valueSortSettings: { sortOrder: ej.PivotAnalysis.SortOrder.Descending } });
title string
Sets the title for the pivot client widget.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ title: "OLAP Browser" });
url string
Connects the service using the specified URL for any server updates.
Default Value: “”
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ url: "/wcf/OlapService" });
enableCompleteDataExport boolean
Allows you to export entire data instead of current page data, while paging option is enabled.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableCompleteDataExport: true });
enableXHRCredentials boolean
Allows you to enable “withCredentials” property inside XMLHttpRequest object for CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) request.
Default Value: false
$("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ enableXHRCredentials: true });
Performs an asynchronous HTTP (AJAX) request.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
clientObj.doAjaxPost("POST", "/OlapService/Initialize", { "key", "Hello World" }, "renderControlSuccess", null);
Performs an asynchronous HTTP (full post) submit.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
clientObj.doPostBack("/OlapService/Initialize", { "key", "Hello World" });
Navigates to a specified page in the specified axis.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
clientObj.refreshPagedPivotClient("series", 24);//Loads the 24th page in series axis
Updates the pivot client component with the JSON data that is fetched from the service while navigating between the pages.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
clientObj.refreshPagedPivotClientSuccess(jsonData); //jsonData object holds the JSON data required to render a specific page of the control.
Renders the pivot chart and the pivot grid with the provided JSON data.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
clientObj.generateJSON(jsonData);//jsonData object holds the data in JSON format required to render the control
Re-renders the control with the report at that instant.
Note: This method can be used only for the client-side operation.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
Returns the control tab string that displays currently in the pivot client.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
var report = clientObj.getActiveTab();
This function destroys all events of the pivot client widget bound using “this._on” and bring the control to pre-init state.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
Returns the OLAP report string that is maintained along with the axis elements information.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
var report = clientObj.getOlapReport();
Sets the OLAP report string along with the axis information and maintains it in a property.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
Returns the formed JSON records to render the control.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
var jsonRecords = clientObj.getJSONRecords();
Sets the formed JSON records to render the control to a property.
var clientObj = $("#PivotClient1").data("ejPivotClient");
Triggers when it reaches the client-side after any AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotClient control. |
afterServiceInvoke: function(args) { }
Triggers before any AJAX request is passed from the client-side to the service methods.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotClient control. |
beforeServiceInvoke: function(args) { }
Triggers before saving the current collection of reports.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
targetControl | object | returns the current instance of PivotClient control. |
saveReportSetting | object | returns the object which holds the necessary parameters required for saving the report collection. |
saveReport: function(args) { }
Triggers before loading the saved collection of reports.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
targetControl | object | returns the current instance of PivotClient control. |
loadReportSetting | object | returns the object which holds the necessary parameters required for loading a report collection from database. |
loadReport: function(args) { }
Triggers before fetching the report collection from the storage.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
targetControl | object | returns the current instance of PivotClient control. |
fetchReportSetting | object | returns the object which holds the necessary parameters required for fetching the report names stored in database. |
fetchReport: function(args) { }
Triggers before exporting the control.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | holds the url of the service method responsible for exporting the PivotClient control. |
fileName | string | holds the name of the file to be exported. |
beforeExport: function(args) { }
Triggers before rendering the pivot chart.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotChart control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotChart control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
chartLoad: function (args) { }
Triggers before rendering the pivot schema designer.
</thead> </table> </td> </tr>Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotSchemaDesigner control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotSchemaDesigner control. |
schemaLoad: function (args) { }
Triggers before rendering the pivot tree map.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | returns the current action of PivotTreeMap control. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotTreeMap control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotTreeMap control. |
treeMapLoad: function (args) { }
Triggers when performing the drill up/down operation on the row/columns headers.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
axis | string | returns the axis class name of the drilled cell in PivotGrid. |
cellPosition | string | returns the position of the drilled cell. |
drillAction | string | returns the drill action name. |
drilledMember | string | returns the drilled cell string. |
fieldName | string | returns the field/item name of the drilled cell. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
gridObj | object | returns the object bound with PivotGrid control. |
gridDrillSuccess: function (args) { }
Triggers when performing the drill operation on the chart series.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotChart control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
chartDrillSuccess: function (args) { }
Triggers when performing the drill operation on the tree map.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotTreeMap control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotTreeMap control. |
treeMapDrillSuccess: function (args) { }
Triggers when clicking any value cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
args | object | returns the clicked cell information. |
customerObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
valueCellHyperlinkClick: function (args) { }
Triggers when clicking any row header cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
args | object | returns the clicked cell information. |
customerObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
rowHeaderHyperlinkClick: function (args) { }
Triggers when clicking any column header cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
args | object | returns the clicked cell information. |
customerObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
columnHeaderHyperlinkClick: function (args) { }
Triggers when clicking any summary cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
args | object | returns the clicked cell information. |
customerObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
summaryCellHyperlinkClick: function (args) { }
Triggers when right-clicking a cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
cellType | string | returns the clicked cell type in PivotGrid. |
cellPosition | string | returns the position of the clicked cell. |
cellValue | string | returns the HTML string of the clicked cell. |
rawdata | string | returns the clicked cell string. |
role | string | returns the role of the clicked cell. |
uniqueName | string | returns the unique name of the clicked cell. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
cellContext: function (args) { }
Triggers when select/click any of the cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
JSONRecords | array | returns the JSON information of the clicked cell. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
cellSelection: function (args) { }
Triggers when any of the value cell is edited in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
editCellsInfo | object | returns the edited cell information. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
cellEdit: function (args) { }
Triggers when click action is performed over a grid value cell.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
selectedData | array | returns the JSON details of the respective on cell. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
cellClick: function (args) {}
Triggers when double-click on any of the value cell in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
customerObject | object | returns the custom object bounds with PivotClient control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotGrid control. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
selectedData | array | returns the array of selected data source object for the clicked value cell. |
cellDoubleClick: function (args) { }
Triggers when clicking on any chart series points in the pivot chart.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
data | object | returns the clicked Chart series points information. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
pointRegionClick: function (args) { }
Triggers before the chart label is rendered in the pivot chart.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | returns the current action of PivotClient control. |
data | object | returns the Chart label information. |
model | object | returns the model object bound with PivotClient control. |
axesLabelRendering: function (args) { }
Triggers while clicking the value cells in the pivot grid.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
data | object | return the JSON records of the generated cells on drill-through operation. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotClient. |
drillThrough: function (args) {}
Triggers while initiating the loading of the widget.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotClient component. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotTreeMap control. |
load: function (args) { }
Triggers when the pivot client widget completes all operations at client-end after any AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotClient component. |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with PivotTreeMap control. |
renderComplete: function (args) { }
Triggers when any error is occurred during the AJAX request.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
customObject | object | returns the custom object bound with the control. |
element | object | returns the HTML element of PivotClient control. |
message | string | returns the error message with error code. |
renderFailure: function (args) { }
Triggers when the pivot client is completely rendered.
Event Parameters | ||
Name | Type | Description |
args | object | returns the object of PivotClient control at that instant. |
renderSuccess: function (args) { }