
7 Jun 20231 minute to read

All the Essential JS UI widgets provide built-in compliance with the WAI-ARIA specifications. This ensures that the widgets work properly with assistive technologies. WAI-ARIA compliance for the widgets have been achieved by providing proper keyboard navigation support as well as by defining the required ARIA attributes to the DOM elements.

For example, the ejButton widget, when created through JavaScript code will render in the web browser with HTML DOM elements (along with the assigned built-in ARIA attributes) as shown below,

  • HTML
  • <!--container to render the Syncfusion button-->
    <button id="button11">login</button>
  • //  initialization of ejButton widget 
         size: "normal",
         showRoundedCorner : true

    When the above code is executed on the browser, the button widget will render with the following equivalent HTML DOM attributes created for it,

  • HTML
  • <button id="button11" class="e-button e-js e-btn-normal e-btn e-select e-widget e-corner-all" tabindex="" type="submit" role="button" aria-describedby="login" aria-disabled="false"></button>

    Here, aria-describedby is the ARIA property assigned to the Syncfusion button widget so that the button description is notified to the user through assistive technologies.

    Likewise, aria-disabled is one of the ARIA state assigned to the button, which states that if none of the button actions are currently available, then the button is said to be in an aria-disabled state.