Converting Blazor application to Syncfusion Blazor application

9 Mar 20233 minutes to read

Syncfusion Blazor conversion is a Visual Studio add-in that converts an existing Blazor application to the Syncfusion Blazor application by adding the required assemblies and theme files.

The steps below help you to convert the Blazor application to the Syncfusion Blazor application via the Visual Studio 2019:

Before use the Syncfusion Blazor Project Conversion, check whether the Syncfusion Blazor Template Studio Extension installed or not in Visual Studio Extension Manager by clicking on the Extensions -> Manage Extensions -> Installed. If this extension not installed, please install the extension by follow the steps from the download and installation help topic.

  1. Open your existing Blazor application or create a new Blazor application

  2. To open the Syncfusion Project Conversion Wizard, follow either one of the options below:

    Option 1:

    Choose Extensions -> Syncfusion -> Essential Studio for Blazor -> Convert Project… in the Visual Studio 2019 menu.


    Option 2:

    Right-click the application from the Solution Explorer and select the Syncfusion Blazor and choose the Convert to Syncfusion Blazor application…


  3. The Syncfusion Blazor Project Conversion window will appear. You can choose the required version of Syncfusion Blazor and Themes to convert the application.


    The versions are loaded from the Syncfusion Blazor NuGet packages published in and it requires internet connectivity.

  4. Check the “Enable a backup before converting” checkbox if you want to take the project backup and choose the location.

  5. Once the conversion process has been completed, you will get a successful message window.


    If you enabled project backup before converting, the old application was saved in the specified backup path location, as shown below once the conversion process completed.


  6. If you installed the trial setup or NuGet packages from you must register the Syncfusion license key to your application since Syncfusion introduced the licensing system from 2018 Volume 2 (v16.2.0.41) Essential Studio release. Navigate to the help topic to generate and register the Syncfusion license key to your application. Refer to this blog post for understanding the licensing changes introduced in Essential Studio.

NuGet Packages

Based on the application type, the following NuGet packages are added as NuGet references.

Syncfusion Blazor NuGet packages Application type
Syncfusion.Blazor Syncfusion Blazor Server App
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (ASPNET Core hosted)
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (Progressive Web Application)
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (ASPNET Core hosted and Progressive Web Application)
Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Windows Syncfusion Blazor Server App
Syncfusion.Blazor.WordProcessor Syncfusion Blazor Server App
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (ASPNET Core hosted)
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (Progressive Web Application)
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (ASPNET Core hosted and Progressive Web Application)

The NuGet packages added to the application file as follows.


While converting the application, the Syncfusion Blazor theme is added in the following location of a Blazor application.

Application type File location
Syncfusion Blazor Server App {Project location}\Pages\_Host.cshtml
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (ASPNET Core hosted)
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (ASPNET Core hosted and Progressive Web Application)
{Client Project location}\wwwroot\index.html
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App
Syncfusion Blazor WebAssembly App (Progressive Web Application)
{Project location}\wwwroot\index.html