Assembly Information

3 Jan 20241 minute to read

Assembly Description

We have two types of assembly descriptions to distinguish between trial and licensed assemblies.

Trial Installer

In the trial installer, License Enforced Syncfusion assemblies will be shipped and this information will be present in the File Description as License Required (LR).

Example: Syncfusion.SfBarcode.XForms (LR)

Assembly Details

Licensed Installer

In the License installer, licensed Syncfusion assemblies will be shipped and LR information will not be shown in the File description.

Example: Syncfusion.SfBarcode.XForms

Assembly Details

Assembly Version Format

The assembly version format differs for each of the Essential Studio platform. Refer the following table for the assembly version’s format for ASP.NET MVC (Essential JS 2), WPF, Windows Forms, UWP, WinUI, .NET MAUI and Xamarin platforms.

Platforms/Frameworks 4.0 4.5 4.5.1 4.6 netcoreapp3.1 net 5.0 net 6.0 net 7.0 net 8.0 uap10.0
.NET MAUI NA NA NA NA NA NA 21.1.x 21.1.x 23.1.x NA
WinUI NA NA NA NA NA 21.1.x NA NA NA 21.1.x
Windows Forms 21.1400.x 21.1450.x 21.1451.x 21.1460.x 21.1.x 21.1.x NA NA NA NA
WPF 21.1400.x 21.1450.x 21.1451.x 21.1460.x 21.1.x 21.1.x NA NA NA NA
Xamarin NA NA 21.1.x NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
ASP.NET MVC (Essential JS 2) MVC 4 - 21.1400.x MVC 5 - 21.1450.x NA NA NA NA NA 23.1.x NA NA

For .NET Standard Frameworks:

netstandard 1.2 netstandard 1.4 netstandard 2.0
21.1.x 21.1.x 21.1.x

The following Essential Studio platforms do not have assembly support.

  • JavaScript (Essential JS 2)

Supported Framework version for Essential Studio Assemblies

Following are the supported Framework versions of the Essential Studio assemblies

Essential Studio platform Supported Framework version
Xamarin netstandard 2.0. Find the platform specific version


.NET MAUI .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0 and .NET 8.0
UWP Target Platform version UAP 10.0.16299 and above
WinUI Target Platform version UAP 10.0.17134 and above
WPF .NET Framework 4.0 to 4.6, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0, and .NET8.0
Windows Forms .NET Framework 4.0 to 4.6, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0, and .NET8.0
ASP.NET MVC (Essential JS 2) MVC 4 and MVC 5