TreeMap Elements

25 Mar 202112 minutes to read

TreeMap contains various elements such as,

  • Legend
  • Headers
  • Labels


You can set the color value of leaf nodes using TreeMapLegend. This legend is appropriate only for the TreeMap whose leaf nodes are colored using RangeColorMapping.

You can set ShowLegend property value to “true” to enable or disable legend visibility.

TreeMap Legend

You can customize the treemap legend using following properties

  • For customizing the alignment of legend, you can use Alignment property.

  • You can set the legend column count using ColumnCount property.

  • To set the dock position of the legend text, you can use DockPosition.

  • You can specify the size of the legend by setting Height and Width of the TreeMapLegend.

  • You can decide the size of the legend icons by setting IconWidth and IconHeight properties of the TreeMapLegend property avail in TreeMap.

  • You can customize the left and right label text for the legend using LeftLabel and RightLabel properties.

  • To set the legend mode as default or interactive, you can use Mode property.

  • Using the property Template, you can specify template for legend settings.

  • To set the legend title, you can use the Title property of the LegendSettings.

Label for Legend

You can customize the labels of the legend item using LegendLabel property of RangeColorMapping.

  • C#
  • protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.treemap.DataSource = TreeMapPopulationData.GetData();
  • HTML
  • <div style="min-height:404px">
        <ej:Treemap ID="treemap" runat="server" ColorValuePath = "Growth" WeightValuePath = "Population" ShowLegend = "true" >
           <TreeMapLegend IconHeight = "17" IconWidth = "17"></TreeMapLegend>
            <LeafItemSettings LabelPath = "Country"></LeafItemSettings>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#77D8D8" Legendlabel = "1% Growth" From = "0" To = "1"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#AED960" Legendlabel = "2% Growth" From = "0" To = "2"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#FFAF51" Legendlabel = "3% Growth" From = "0" To = "3"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#F3D240" Legendlabel = "4% Growth" From = "0" To = "4"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                <ej:TreeMapLevel GroupPath = "Continent" GroupGap = "5" HeaderHeight = "25"></ej:TreeMapLevel>

    ASPNET TreeMap TreeMap-Elements Image1

    Interactive Legend

    The legends can be made interactive with an arrow mark indicating the exact range color in the legend when the mouse hovers over the corresponding treemap items. You can enable this option by setting Mode property in Legend settings value as “interactive” and default value of Mode property is “default” to enable the normal legend.

    Title for Interactive Legend

    You can provide the title for interactive legend by using Title property in LegendSettings.

    Label for Interactive Legend

    You can provide the left and right labels to interactive legend by using LeftLabel and RightLabel properties in LegendSettings.

  • HTML
  • <ej:Treemap ID="treemap" runat="server" ShowLegend="true">
        <TreeMapLegend Mode="Interactive"
                    LeftLabel ="20000000" 
                    Title = "Population"
                    Height = "20" 
                    Width = "150" 
                    DockPosition = "Top" 

    ASPNET TreeMap TreeMap-Elements Image2

    You can set headers for each level by setting the ShowHeader property of the each TreeMap levels. The HeaderHeight property helps to set the height of the header and Group path value determines the header value. You can customize the default header appearance by setting the HeaderTemplate of the TreeMap levels.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.treemap.DataSource = TreeMapPopulationData.GetData();
    <div style="min-height:404px">
        <ej:Treemap ID="treemap" runat="server" ColorValuePath = "Growth" WeightValuePath = "Population" ShowLegend = "true" >
           <TreeMapLegend IconHeight = "17" IconWidth = "17"></TreeMapLegend>
            <LeafItemSettings LabelPath = "Country"></LeafItemSettings>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#77D8D8" Legendlabel = "1% Growth" From = "0" To = "1"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#AED960" Legendlabel = "2% Growth" From = "0" To = "2"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#FFAF51" Legendlabel = "3% Growth" From = "0" To = "3"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#F3D240" Legendlabel = "4% Growth" From = "0" To = "4"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                <ej:TreeMapLevel GroupPath = "Continent" GroupGap = "5" HeaderHeight = "25"></ej:TreeMapLevel>

    ASPNET TreeMap TreeMap-Elements Image3

    Customizing the header

    The text in the header can be customized by triggering the event HeaderTemplateRendering of the TreeMap. This event is triggered before rendering the header template.

  • HTML
  • <ej:TreeMap ID="treemap" runat="server" OnClientHeaderTemplateRendering="loadTemplate">
                <ej:TreeMapLevel GroupPath = "Continent" ShowLabels = "true" GroupGap = "5" ShowHeader="false" LabelPosition="TopLeft" HeaderHeight = "25"></ej:TreeMapLevel>
    	 <script  id="Template" type="application/jsrender">
            <div style="background-color: white; margin:5px">
                <label style="color:black;font-size:large;" ></label><br />            
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function loadTemplate(sender) {

    ASPNET TreeMap TreeMap-Elements Image4


    You can also set labels for the leaf nodes by setting the ShowLabels property as true. Group path value is displayed as a label for leaf nodes. You can customize the default label appearance by setting the LabelTemplate of the TreeMap levels.

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.treemap.DataSource = TreeMapPopulationData.GetData();
    <div style="min-height:404px">
        <ej:Treemap ID="treemap" runat="server" ColorValuePath = "Growth" WeightValuePath = "Population" ShowLegend = "true" >
           <TreeMapLegend IconHeight = "17" IconWidth = "17"></TreeMapLegend>
            <LeafItemSettings LabelPath = "Country"></LeafItemSettings>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#77D8D8" Legendlabel = "1% Growth" From = "0" To = "1"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#AED960" Legendlabel = "2% Growth" From = "0" To = "2"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#FFAF51" Legendlabel = "3% Growth" From = "0" To = "3"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                 <ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping Color = "#F3D240" Legendlabel = "4% Growth" From = "0" To = "4"></ej:TreeMapRangeColorMapping>
                <ej:TreeMapLevel GroupPath = "Continent" GroupGap = "5" HeaderHeight = "25"></ej:TreeMapLevel>

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    Customizing the Overflow labels

    You can handle the label overflow, by specifying any one of the following values to the property TextOverflowas

    None - It displays the default label text.
    Hide - You can hide the label, when it exceeds the header width.
    Wrap - You can wrap the label text by letter.
    WrapByWord - You can wrap the label text by word.

  • HTML
  • <ej:TreeMap ID="treemap" runat="server" OnClientHeaderTemplateRendering="loadTemplate">
            <LeafItemSettings ShowLabels = "true" TextOverflow="Wrap"></LeafItemSettings>
                <ej:TreeMapLevel GroupPath = "Continent" HeaderTemplate="headertemplate" ShowLabels = "true" GroupGap = "5" ShowHeader="false" LabelPosition="TopLeft" HeaderHeight = "25"></ej:TreeMapLevel>
        <script  id="headertemplate" type="application/jsrender">
            <div style="background-color: white; margin:5px">
                <label style="color:black;font-size:medium;" ></label><br />            

    Palette Color Mapping

    Treemap is having support for PaletteColorMapping. You can set the color for palette color mapping using the property Color in palette color mapping.

  • HTML
  • <ej:TreeMap ID="treemap" runat="server">