Appearance and Styling
25 Mar 20216 minutes to read
RangeNavigator is enriched with lots of customization options for labels, gridlines and slider to develop high quality graphic rich control.
Customize labels
The labels are found along the range, displaying the value of the data it correspond, both on (higher level label) and below (lower level label) the RangeNavigator. RangeNavigator labels are further customized using higher level label Style
property of Font
and lower level label Style
property of Font
property in LabelSettings
The higher level labels font Color
, FontFamily
, FontStyle
, FontWeight
, Opacity
and Size
can be customized using HigherLevel
The lower level labels font Color
, FontFamily
, FontStyle
, FontWeight
, Opacity
and Size
can be customized using LowerLevel
<ej:RangeNavigator ID="RangeNavigator1" runat="server" onClientSideRangeChanged="onchartloaded">
<Style Font-Color="#ff0000" Font-Opacity="1" Font-FontSize="12px" Font-Style="Normal" Font-Weight="Regular">
<Style Font-Color="#ff0000" Font-Opacity="1" Font-FontSize="12px" Font-Style="Normal" Font-Weight="Regular"></Style>
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Customize labels
Label Placement:
Labels in RangeNavigator are placed inside or outside of the control. You can customize both the higher and lower level labels using LabelPlacement
property in LabelSettings of RangeNavigator. By default LabelPlacement is “outside” for the both higher and lower level labels.
The following screen shot illustrates both the lower and higher level labels that are placed outside the control with LabelPlacement specified as outside.
<ej:RangeNavigator ID="RangeNavigator1" runat="server" onClientSideRangeChanged="onchartloaded">
<HigherLevel LabelPlacement="inside">
<LowerLevel LabelPlacement="inside">
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The following screenshot illustrates a RangeNavigator with labels inside the control after specifying the labelPlacement as inside.
RangeNavigator with labels inside the control
Customize RangeNavigator
Customize NavigatorStyleSettings
RangeNavigator is customized using NavigatorStyleSettings
properties. You can customize the selected and unselected region color using SelectedRegionColor
and UnselectedRegionColor
, SelectedRegionOpacity
and UnselectedRegionOpacity
in NavigatorStyleSettings and the thumb of the slider using ThumbColor
, ThumbRadius
and ThumbStroke
in NavigatorStyleSettings. MajorGridLineStyle
and MinorGridLineStyle
are used to customize the major grid line Color
, Visible
property and minor gridline Color
and Visible
. You can customize the Background
, Opacity
and Border
, DashArray
and Width
of navigatorStyleSettings.
Customize Labels
The visibility of labels are enabled by setting Visible
in higher level and Visible
in lower level. The labels can be aligned by specifying HorizontalAlignment
of higher level style and HorizontalAlignment
of lower level style.
You can customize the Border
and Width
, Fill
, GridLineStyle
, DashArray
and Width
, Position
property of higher level labels in labelSettings.
You can also customize the Border
and Width
, Fill
, GridLineStyle
, DashArray
and Width
, Position
property for lower level labels of labelSettings.
<ej:RangeNavigator ID="RangeNavigator1" runat="server" onClientSideRangeChanged="onchartloaded">
<Style HorizontalAlignment="Left" Font-Color="#ff0000" Font-Opacity="1" Font-FontSize="13px" Font-Style="Normal" Font-Weight="Regular">
<Style HorizontalAlignment="Left" Font-Color="#ff0000" Font-Opacity="1" Font-FontSize="12px" Font-Style="Normal" Font-Weight="Regular"></Style>
<NavigatorStyleSettings UnselectedRegionColor="white" SelectedRegionColor="#5EABDE" ThumbRadius="10" ThumbColor="white" Background="transparent">
<Border Color="black" Width="3"></Border>
<MajorGridLineStyle Color="transparent" Visible="true"></MajorGridLineStyle>
<MinorGridLineStyle Color="transparent" Visible="true"></MinorGridLineStyle>
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Customize RangeNavigator
RangeNavigator Theme
is a set of pre-defined options that are applied to the control before each RangeNavigator is instantiated. Following predefined themes are available in ASP.NET RangeNavigator.
- flatlight
- flatdark
- gradientlight
- gradientdark
- azure
- azuredark
- lime
- limedark
- saffron
- saffrondark
- gradientazure
- gradientazuredark
- gradientlime
- gradientlimedark
- gradientsaffron
- gradientsaffrondark
<ej:RangeNavigator ID="RangeNavigator1" runat="server" Theme="azuredark">
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