Load content

24 Oct 20182 minutes to read

By default, the content inside the DialogContent element is considered as the content for the Dialog widget.

Also, we can render the Dialog widget content through the following ways.

  1. Request through AJAX

  2. Request iframe content

  3. Request image content

This settings can be specified through ContentType property.


Create an aspx file (AjaxContent.aspx) which contains the content of the dialog.

  • HTML
  • <ej:Dialog ID="dialog" Title="Dialog" ContentType="ajax" ContentUrl="AjaxContent.aspx" runat="server"></ej:Dialog>


  • HTML
  • <div id="content"> This content is loaded via AJAX request. </div>

    Load content

    We can handle the AJAX request’s success and failures through the events ClientSideOnAjaxSuccess and ClientSideOnAjaxError events respectively.

    You can modify the previous example as below to handle the success and failure events.

  • HTML
  • <ej:Dialog ID="dialog" Title="Dialog" ContentType="ajax" ClientSideOnAjaxSuccess="OnSuccess" ClientSideOnAjaxError="OnError" ContentUrl="AjaxContent.aspx" runat="server"></ej:Dialog>

    Add the following script

  • JS
  • <script>
            function onSuccess(args) {
                //handle success event
            function onError(args) {
                //handle success event


    The same way we can render the iframe and image content for the Dialog widget by specifying the ContentType as “iframe” and “image” respectively and also by specifying the proper location in the “ContentUrl” property. If you wish to dynamically change the dialog content, you can set the ContentUrl and the ContentType property through setModel on any action.