Filtering in ASP.NET Webforms DataManager

18 Apr 202324 minutes to read

Filtering is a basic technique in DataManager query. The “where” query is used to filter some particular or related records from the data source to review details of records.

Filter Operators

Filter operators are used to specify the filter type. The various filter operators corresponding to the type of the column is listed in the following table.

Column type Filter operators
Number ej.FilterOperators.greaterThan
String ej.FilterOperators.startsWith
Boolean ej.FilterOperators.equal
Date ej.FilterOperators.greaterThan


This operator is used to get the records with values less than that of the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('OrderID', 'lessThan', 10252, false)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image1


    This operator is used to get the records with values greater than that of the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('OrderID', 'greaterThan', 10252, false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image2


    This operator is used to get the records with values less than or equal to the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('OrderID', 'lessThanOrEqual', 10252, false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image3


    This operator is used to get the records with values greater than or equal to the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('OrderID', 'greaterThanOrEqual', 10252, false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image4


    This operator is used to get the records with values equal to that of the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('EmployeeID', 'equal', 4, false).take(4)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image5


    This operator is used to get the records with values not equal to that of the filter value specified.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('EmployeeID', 'notEqual', 4, false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image6


    This operator is used to get the records that contains the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('CustomerID', 'contains', 'A', false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image7


    This operator is used to get the records that starts with the filter value specified.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('CustomerID', 'startswith', 'A', false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image8


    This operator is used to get the records that ends with the filter value specified.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query().where('CustomerID', 'endswith', 'A', false).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image9


    and predicate

    The “and” predicate is used to add n-number of predicates with “and” condition and filter the data.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query()
                .where(ej.Predicate('OrderID', ej.FilterOperators.greaterThan, 10399, true).and('CustomerID', ej.FilterOperators.startsWith, 'V', true)).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image10

    or predicate

    By using this method you can add n-number of predicates with “or” condition and filter the data.

  • HTML
  • <asp:Content runat="server" ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
            <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                 Query = "ej.Query()
                .where(ej.Predicate('OrderID', ej.FilterOperators.greaterThan, 10399, true).or('CustomerID', ej.FilterOperators.startsWith, 'V', true)).take(5)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCity" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    Result of the above code example is illustrated as follows.

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image11

    Containment Operators


    This operator is used to get the records that not contains the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
            <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                    Query = "ej.Query()
                    .from('Orders').select('OrderID', 'CustomerID', 'EmployeeID', 'Freight', 'ShipCountry')
                    .page(1,5).where('ShipCountry', 'notcontains', 'CAN', false)">
                    <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                    <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image12


    This operator is used to get the records that contains the filter value.

  • HTML
  • <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
        <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
            Query = "ej.Query()
            .from('Orders').select('OrderID', 'CustomerID', 'EmployeeID', 'Freight', 'ShipCountry')
            .page(1,5).where('ShipCountry', 'contains', 'CAN', false)">
            <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
            <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
            <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
            <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
            <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image111


    This operator used to fetch the records with value match with the given filter value.

  • HTML
  • <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
        <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                Query = "ej.Query()
                .from('Orders').select('OrderID', 'CustomerID', 'EmployeeID', 'Freight', 'ShipCountry')
                .page(1,5).where('ShipCountry', 'IN', ['INDIA'], false)">
                <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image13


    This operator used to fetch the records with value not match with the given filter value.

  • HTML
  • <ej:DataManager ID="FlatData" runat="server" URL=""/>
        <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"  DataManagerID="FlatData"
                Query = "ej.Query()
                .from('Orders').select('OrderID', 'CustomerID', 'EmployeeID', 'Freight', 'ShipCountry')
                .page(1,5).where('ShipCountry', 'notin', ['INDIA'], false)">
                <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image14

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image15

    Lambda Operators


    The ALL operator returns true if all the sub query values meet the condition. This operator used to fetch the records of the fields match with the given value’s fields.

  • HTML
  • <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server" >
                <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />
  • setTimeout(function () {
            var gridData = [{ OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: "VINET", EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5), ShipName: "Vins et alcools Chevalier", ShipCity: "Reims", ShipAddress: "59 rue de l'Abbaye", ShipRegion: null, ShipPostalCode: "51100", ShipCountry: "France", Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0 }];
            var data = [{ OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: "VINET", EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5), ShipName: "Vins et alcools Chevalier", ShipCity: "Reims", ShipAddress: "59 rue de l'Abbaye", ShipRegion: null, ShipPostalCode: "51100", ShipCountry: "France", Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0 }];
            var dataManager = ej.DataManager(gridData);
            var source = ej.DataManager(data);
            var result = ej.Query().select("ShipCountry")
            var ShipCountry = source.executeLocal(result);
            var query = ej.Query()
                .where("ShipCountry", "equal all", ShipCountry, false).select("OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "Freight", "ShipCountry");
            var execute = dataManager.executeLocal(query); // executing query
            var obj = $("#MainContent_OrdersGrid").ejGrid("instance");
        }, 1000);

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image16


    The ANY operator returns true if any of the sub query values meet the condition. The returned data match with any one of the field in existing table.

  • HTML
  • <ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server" >
                <ej:Column Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="EmployeeID" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="ShipCountry" HeaderText="Ship City" Width="75" />
                <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="75" />
  • setTimeout(function () {
            var gridData = window.gridData;
            var data = [{ OrderID: 10343, CustomerID: "LEHMS", EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8467002e5), ShipName: "Lehmanns Marktstand", ShipCity: "Frankfurt a.M.", ShipAddress: "Magazinweg 7", ShipRegion: null, ShipPostalCode: "60528", ShipCountry: "Germany", Freight: 110.37, Verified: !0 }, { OrderID: 10344, CustomerID: "WHITC", EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8467866e5), ShipName: "White Clover Markets", ShipCity: "Seattle", ShipAddress: "1029 - 12th Ave. S.", ShipRegion: "WA", ShipPostalCode: "98124", ShipCountry: "USA", Freight: 23.29, Verified: !1 }];
            var dataManager = ej.DataManager(gridData);
            var source = ej.DataManager(data);
            var result = ej.Query().select("ShipCountry")
            var ShipCountry = source.executeLocal(result);
            var query = ej.Query()
                .where("ShipCountry", "equal any", ShipCountry, false).select("OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "Freight", "ShipCountry");
            var execute = dataManager.executeLocal(query); // executing query
            $("#table1 tbody").html($("#tableTemplate").render(execute));
            var obj = $("#MainContent_OrdersGrid").ejGrid("instance");
        }, 1000);

    ASPNET DataManager Filtering image17