Color Mapping

28 Jun 20177 minutes to read

You can customize the colors of the leaf nodes of PivotTreeMap using the color mapping support.

Color mapping is categorized into two different types such as,

  • Normal
  • Range

You can color all the leaf nodes with the different colors by setting the color value of the rangeColorMapping property.

Normal Color Mapping

You can customize the nodes based on number of leaf items using different color ranges. You can also define the color value range using from and to properties.

The following code sample explains how to customize PivotTreeMap appearance using Normal mode (i.e., differentiate color based on number of the leaf items in each header).

  • HTML
  • <body>
        <div ng-controller="PivotTreeMapCtrl">
            <div id="PivotTreeMap1" ej-pivottreemap e-dataSource="dataSource" e-renderSuccess= "onTypeChange"></div>
            <!--Tooltip labels can be localized here-->
            <script id="tooltipTemplate" type="application/jsrender">
                <div style="background:White; color:black; font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; border: 1px solid #4D4D4D; white-space: nowrap;border-radius: 2px; margin-right: 25px; min-width: 110px;padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom: 2px ;width: auto; height: auto;">
                    <div>Measure(s) : </div><div>Row : </div><div>Column : </div><div>Value : </div>
            angular.module('PivotTreeMapApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotTreeMapCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.dataSource = {
                    data: ";Locale identifier=1033;", //data
                    catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008 SE",
                    cube: "Adventure Works",
                $scope.onTypeChange = function(args){
    				treemapTarget = $('#PivotTreeMap1TreeMapContainer').data("ejTreeMap");
    				treemapTarget.model.colorValuePath = "";
    				treemapTarget.model.enableGradient = false;
    				treemapTarget.model.showLegend = false;
    				treemapTarget.model.legendSettings.leftLabel = "";
    				treemapTarget.model.legendSettings.rightLabel = "";
    				treemapTarget.model.rangeColorMapping = [];
    				treemapTarget.model.colorValuePath = "Index";
    				{ color: "#9de24f", from: "0", to: "0" },
                    { color: "#a2e2fe", from: "1", to: "1" },
                    { color: "#ffff66", from: "2", to: "2" },
                    { color: "#FF0040", from: "3", to: "3" },
                    { color: "#f6b53f", from: "4", to: "4" },
                    { color: "#6FAAB0", from: "5", to: "5" },
                    { color: "#C4C24A", from: "6", to: "6" }

    Range Color Mapping

    You can customize the nodes based on its value and color ranges using Range color. You can also define the color value range using from and to properties.

    The following code sample explains how to customize PivotTreeMap appearance using Range mode (i.e., differentiate color for leaf items based on values).

  • HTML
  • <script>
        angular.module('PivotTreeMapApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotTreeMapCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.dataSource = {
                data: ";Locale identifier=1033;", //data
                catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008 SE",
                cube: "Adventure Works",
            $scope.onTypeChange = function(args){
                treemapTarget = $('#PivotTreeMap1TreeMapContainer').data("ejTreeMap");
                treemapTarget.model.colorValuePath = "";
                treemapTarget.model.enableGradient = false;
                treemapTarget.model.showLegend = false;
                treemapTarget.model.legendSettings.leftLabel = "";
                treemapTarget.model.legendSettings.rightLabel = "";
                treemapTarget.model.rangeColorMapping = [];
                treemapTarget.model.colorValuePath = "Value";
                { color: "#a2e2fe", from: "0", to: "10" },
                { color: "#9de24f", from: "11", to: "250" },
                { color: "#ffff66", from: "251", to: "1000" },
                { color: "#C4C24A", from: "1001", to: "3000" },
                { color: "#f6b53f", from: "3001", to: "5000" },
                { color: "#6FAAB0", from: "5001", to: "10000" },
                { color: "#FF0040", from: "10001", to: "20000" }