- Create Legend
- Legend Mode
- Orientation
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8 Jun 20177 minutes to read
Legend is a control used to summarize the range of colors in HeatMap. This gives visual guideline for mapping between value and color.
Create Legend
Legend can be created with color mapping as shown below.
<ej-heatmaplegend id="heatmaplegend" style="margin-left:150px" height="50px" width="75%">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="0" color="#8ec8f8">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="100" color="#0d47a1">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'ej-app',
templateUrl: 'app/components/heatmap/legend.component.html'
export class LegendComponent {
margin: Object;
legendLabel: Object;
legendCollection: Array<Object>;
constructor() {
this.margin = { 'left': 25, 'right': 25 };
this.legendLabel = { 'text': 'poor' };
this.legendCollection = ['heatmaplegend'];
Resultant legend will be like following image.
Legend Mode
There are two modes for Legend
- Gradient
- List
<ej-heatmaplegend id="heatmaplegend" style="margin-left:150px" [legendMode]="legendMode" height="50px" width="75%">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="0" color="#8ec8f8">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="100" color="#0d47a1">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'ej-app',
templateUrl: 'app/components/heatmap/legend.component.html'
export class LegendComponent {
margin: Object;
legendMode: Object;
legendCollection: Array<Object>;
constructor() {
this.margin = { 'left': 25, 'right': 25 };
this.legendMode = 'gradient';
this.legendCollection = ['heatmaplegend'];
<ej-heatmaplegend id="heatmaplegend" style="margin-left:150px" [legendMode]="legendMode" height="50px" width="75%">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="0" color="#8ec8f8">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="100" color="#0d47a1">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'ej-app',
templateUrl: 'app/components/heatmap/legend.component.html'
export class LegendComponent {
margin: Object;
legendMode: Object;
legendCollection: Array<Object>;
constructor() {
this.margin = { 'left': 25, 'right': 25 };
this.legendMode = 'list';
this.legendCollection = ['heatmaplegend'];
There are 2 types of Orientation, applicable for Gradient and List Mode
- Horizontal
- Vertical
<ej-heatmaplegend id="heatmaplegend" style="margin-left:150px" [legendMode]="legendMode" [orientation]="orientation" height="50px" width="75%">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="0" color="#8ec8f8">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="100" color="#0d47a1">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'ej-app',
templateUrl: 'app/components/heatmap/legend.component.html'
export class LegendComponent {
margin: Object;
legendMode: Object;
orientation: Object;
legendCollection: Array<Object>;
constructor() {
this.margin = { 'left': 25, 'right': 25 };
this.legendMode = 'list';
this.legendCollection = ['heatmaplegend'];
this.orientation = 'horizontal';
<ej-heatmaplegend id="heatmaplegend" style="margin-left:150px" [legendMode]="legendMode" [orientation]="orientation" height="50px" width="75%">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="0" color="#8ec8f8">
<e-legendcolormapping [value]="100" color="#0d47a1">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'ej-app',
templateUrl: 'app/components/heatmap/legend.component.html'
export class LegendComponent {
margin: Object;
legendMode: Object;
orientation: Object;
legendCollection: Array<Object>;
constructor() {
this.margin = { 'left': 25, 'right': 25 };
this.legendMode = 'list';
this.legendCollection = ['heatmaplegend'];
this.orientation = 'vertical';