Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

March 27, 2019



  • Provided predefined item templates to login the Visual Studio for Xamarin.Forms.

  • Xamarin.Forms dependency has been upgraded to version
  • Support has been provided to dark theme for Syncfusion controls using predefined dynamic resource keys.

UI Templates Preview

Login screen templates have been added to help you to easily reuse the code to add login screens to your Xamarin.Forms application.

  • Login Page - A page with visual elements to enter the credentials to login or login using social media.

  • Sign Up Page - A page with visual elements to enter the user details to create a new user account.

  • Forgot Password Page - A page with visual elements to get the email from the user to send the password recovery link.

  • Reset Password Page - A page with visual elements to get the new password and confirm password from the user.

Cards Preview

The new Cards control allows you to create a dismissible card, or a stack of cards where one card is visible at a time until you swipe to see the next card.

Key Features

  • Swipe in the left or right direction to move the card smoothly to view the next card.
  • Swipe in the left or right direction to dismiss the card.
  • Customize the background, border width, corner radii, border color, and indicator.
  • Elevation support in iOS and Android platforms.



  • Provided predefined item templates to login the Visual Studio for Xamarin.Forms.

  • Xamarin.Forms dependency has been upgraded to version
  • Support has been provided to dark theme for Syncfusion controls using predefined dynamic resource keys.



  • #225207 - Support has been added to preserve chart while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #215654, #215551, #217709, #217596, #213468, #220078, #221808, #218691, #221806, #220279, #218691, #223653 - Improved text size calculation in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #219302, #224607, #224937 - Improved font retrieval and substitution algorithm in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #225752 – Provided support to update unknown type fields in a Word document.
  • #224654 – API has been added to set created date and time for Word document comments.
  • #223907 - API has been added to skip the Complex format is not supported exception while opening an incrementally saved DOC format Word document.

Bug Fixes

  • #221972 - Text is now highlighted properly while converting a Word document to tagged PDF.
  • #223350 - Table cell is now preserved properly while opening an HTML document.
  • #222922 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222713 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while adding a table.
  • #222608 - Font name is now preserved properly while converting an HTML document to Word document.
  • #222751 - The StackOverFlowException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222670 - Inline content control text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222320 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly in inline content control while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222345 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while updating TOC in RTF format document.
  • #221260 - Line space preservation issue has been resolved While converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221153 - Inline content control custom XML data is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221725 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while cloning a Word document.
  • #221611 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while saving a Word document.
  • #220710 - Table row is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #220324 - Checkbox content control state is now preserved properly while cloning a Word document.
  • #221119 - List number is now preserved properly while opening an RTF format document.
  • #218943 - List bullet is now preserved properly while opening an RTF format document.
  • #221974 - Gray scale recoloring is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #219092 - Merge field before and after text is now preserved properly while executing mail merge.
  • #223340 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222852 - Footer content is now preserved properly while merging multiple RTF documents.
  • #223355 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a cloned Word document to Image.
  • #223510 - Text overlapping issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #223931 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #222588 - Formula field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
  • #224323, #225518, #225883 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while calling the GetText API.
  • #224412 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #224287 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #223508 - Word document instance is now disposed properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225386 - Page field is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225611, #225386 - Table content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #218799 - Pagination issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #224351, #224561 - Inline content control’s text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #224062, #226901 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as RTF.
  • #226599, #226243, #220279 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #226599, #226243, #225970, #225679, #226352, #223713, #223959, #224412, #221455 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #226243 - Frame content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #227112 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while updating the Word document fields.
  • #224637 - Picture preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225091 - Check box is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225458, #223134 - Table row border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225091 - Underline is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #224701 - Univers 45 Light font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225176 - Image is now preserved properly while converting the RTF document to HTML.
  • #226725 - Embedded Microsoft Visio (VSDX) object is now preserved properly in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
  • #220362 - Picture watermark is now preserved properly while resaving the RTF document.
  • #225947 - Number format is now preserved properly while performing Mail merge.
  • #225062 - Image is now preserved properly while importing a Word document.
  • #218957, #220198 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225481 - The NotSupportedException will no longer be thrown while opening an HTML document.
  • #225481 - Image size is now preserved properly while opening an HTML document.
  • #225481 - Table border is now preserved properly while opening an HTML document.
  • #218799 – Text format is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #218799, #225679 – Text box is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #225386 – Table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #221089 – Picture watermark is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #227058 – Html contains not well formatted table will no longer be thrown while opening an HTML document with caption tag.
  • #223350 – Vertical merged cells are now preserved properly while opening an HTML document.
  • #217709, #231056 – Unicode character ‘€’ is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.



  • #136187 - Added support to create the ZUGFeRD PDF invoice.
  • #135996, #179159, #124105 - Added support to create the PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-3b conformance level document.
  • #222759, #226015 - Added support to import and export a PDF annotation with FDF and XFDF formats.
  • Added support to rotate annotations.
  • #220871 - Added support to retrieve the acroform radio button option values.
  • #141170, #222335, #223048 - Added support to retrieve review status and comments from a PDF annotation.
  • #221779 - Added support to update the layout result.
  • #194410, #198765 - Added support to create an ink annotation with ink list collection.
  • #141253 - Added support to create multiple range of page labels.
  • #227357 - Added option value support to import and export the radio button field.

Breaking Changes

  • #223629 – Now, by default, EnableMemoryOptimization is set to false when append the PDF files, so close the existing PDF document after saving the new PDF document.
  • Free text annotation call-out line coordinate points are now changed to top to bottom.
  • Annotations are now rotating based on the page rotation in an existing PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #215133 - Performance has been improved when accessing the PDF document layers.
  • #210943, #216074 - String was not recognized as a valid DateTime exception will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #215941 - Barcode is now preserving with proper size when specifying the size of a barcode.
  • #215595 - The 1D barcode is now scanning properly with default width.
  • #215096 - FNC characters in the given input is now preserving properly for PdfGS1Code128Barcode.
  • #215166 - The Null-reference exception will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #214918 - Light table header is now preserving properly when providing the data source through IEnumerable.
  • #214401 - The ArgumentException will no longer occur when loading a PDF document.
  • #219778 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception will no longer occur when saving the PdfInkAnnotation.
  • #217829 - Index was outside the bounds of the array exception will no longer occur when loading the PDF document.
  • #220618 - “Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception will no longer occur when creating PDF signature..
  • #219990 - Text mark annotation is now preserving properly when flatten the PDF document.
  • #217865 - NullReferenceException will no longer occur while removing custom metadata entries.
  • #218695 - Bookmark destination is now preserving properly after reading the bookmark.
  • #218348 - Gap between barcode data sections is now preserving properly when drawing 1D barcode to PDF.
  • #218231 - The PdfCode128Barcode Size property is now working properly.
  • #218235 - Barcodes are now preserving properly with its default size.
  • #218230 - Exception will no longer occur when getting the size of the PdfCode128Barcode.
  • #217889 - The PDF document is now preserving properly when drawing a string with OTF font.
  • #219709 - Object reference not set instance of an object exception will no longer occur when drawing PdfGrid in a PDF.
  • #218192, #218299 - NullReferenceException will no longer occur when saving the document with EnableValidationAppearance.

  • #227081 – Row span is now applying properly in PdfGrid header.
  • #224992, #225719 – Argument out of range exception will no longer occurs when importing pages from a PDF document.
  • #227605 – Border width is now retrieving properly from the free text annotation.
  • #226916 – Documents will no longer be corrupted when creating PDF template from imported PDF document.
  • #226124 - PDF lexer issues are now thrown with PdfException.
  • #226167 – PDF documents will no longer be corrupted after modifying the PDF document information.
  • #221393, #221376 – Memory leaks will no longer occurs when converting Word document to PDF.
  • #225910 – The “PathException” will no longer occurs while retrieving custom metadata from an existing PDF document.
  • #225853 – Display date format is now preserving properly while filling the PdfLoadedXfaDateTimeField.
  • #225896 – “ArgumentOutOfRangeException” will no longer occurs while importing the PDF document.
  • #222797, #225325 – Vertical alignment of the Thai language text is now preserving properly.
  • #223629 – Performance of the PDF append method is now improved.
  • #224583 – Font size is now preserving properly in combo box field.
  • #224603 – Null reference exception will no longer occurs while merging certain PDF documents.
  • #223346 – Images are now preserving properly while encrypting the PDF document.
  • #224531 – Null reference exception will no longer occurs while saving the PDF document.
  • #224269 – Free text annotation’s properties are now retrieving properly.
  • #221805 – Fonts are now embedding properly in conformance enabled PDF document.
  • #141148 – Tool tip is now changing as expected for PdfSignatureField.
  • #219569 – Arithmetic overflow exception will no longer occurs while signing the PDF document.
  • #185722 – PDF document content is now preserving properly after merging the PDF files.
  • #224887 – Added PDF signatures are now valid.
  • #221808, #205098 – Text is now preserving properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #225055 – The bounds are now retrieving properly from PdfLoadedTextBoxField.
  • #225055 – RTL text is now preserving properly in PDF form fields.



  • #220046 - Support has been added to convert PowerPoint presentation to Image in Xamarin applications.
  • #220046 - Support has been added to convert PowerPoint presentation to PDF document in Xamarin applications.
  • #227243 - Support has been added to add the OLE Object into PowerPoint slide as link.

Bug Fixes

  • #224226 - Application will no more hang while adding an image to a PowerPoint slide.
  • #225390 - PowerPoint file will no longer get corrupted while resaving multiple times with charts.
  • #222440 - Notes in a PowerPoint slide can now be cloned and added to another slide.
  • #228231 - Application will no more hang while opening the PowerPoint document with empty field tag.

SfAccordion Preview

The Accordion control allows content to be organized in a vertically stacked list of items that is collapsible. Each item can also be expanded to reveal the content associated with that item.

Key Features

  • Animation - Supports customization of animation duration and easing.
  • Different expand modes - Support to expand single or multiple items.
  • Customization - Supports to customize the header icon position, space between the items and more.


Bug fixes

  • #I227655 - [UWP] Now, the value is updated properly in the RemovedItem property of the SelectedChanged event.

Breaking Changes

  • In previous, SfAutoComplete had default height and now it has been removed from our control. Now, SfAutoComplete height is rendered based on the parent height or height request provided in the sample.



  • #F141702 - Allows users to customize the icons of navigation header in the revealed and closed states separately.


Bug fixes

  • #228223 - The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when adding the BadgeView control in SfTabView and navigating from current page to other page.
  • #225151 – [Android] The BadgeText will be aligned properly, when long text is set.
  • #229765,#229666 – [Android] The BadgeText will no longer be cropped when adding the control inside the StackLayout and set the LayoutOptions to Horizontal.



  • [Android, iOS] Now, shadow can be given to the border control properly using the HasShadow API.


Bug fixes

  • #I227465 - Now, padding is applied to layout inside the content of button.


  • [Android, iOS] Now, shadow can be given to the button control properly using the HasShadow API.


Bug Fixes

  • #229272 - [Android, UWP] Now, SelectedDates count will be shown properly when deselect dates after navigating back from a page in MultiSelection of SfCalendar.
  • #137708 – [Android] The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when InlineView is open and navigate back from SfCalendar.
  • #229516 – [Android, iOS] Now, SfCalendar is working properly when placing inside SfPopupLayout.


Bug fixes

  • #I230175 - [iOS] Now, the chart responds properly after calling the GetStream method.
  • #F142971 - [iOS] Now, the EdgeLabelsDrawingMode property works properly for the last label of CategoryAxis when it is set to Shift.
  • #I220493 - [UWP] Now, the Tooltip for line series shows the data properly when adding data points with same x-data continuously in the ItemsSource.
  • #I225708 - [Android] Now, the GetStream method works properly when applying the DataMarker template and chart is not included in visual tree.



  • [iOS, UWP] Support has been provided to customize the tick color using the TickColor API.


Bug fixes

  • # 225194, #141805 – SfCircularGauge Header text size will be same as the Label Annotation text size.
  • # 221969 - [UWP] SfCircularGauge will be rendered properly when adding control in multiple content view and dynamically switching over the view.
  • #225998 – Invalid context warnings will no longer occur when adding RangePointer with animation in circular gauge.
  • #226414 - [iOS] RangePointer will be rendered under the rim when using multiple [Scales](
  • #226526 - [UWP] Range will be rendered properly when setting the StartAngle and SweepAngle value as equal.
  • #222056,#228001 - [iOS]RangePointer animation will no longer be triggered twice on page navigation.

  • #229279 – The Length of Major and Minor ticks will be rendered with provided size when changing the orientation.


Bug fixes

  • #I228009 - The IsSelectedItemsVisibleDropDown property works properly when the IsEditable mode is set to false.
  • #I221910 - Now, the SfComboBox is rendered properly when changing the device orientation.
  • #I222541, #I223402 - [UWP] The ClearButtonColor and SelectedDropDownItemColor properties are working properly.

Breaking Changes

  • [iOS] The default height of the SfComboBox control has been changed based on the entry height.

  • In previous, SfComboBox have default height and it has been removed in our control. Now, SfComboBox height renderer based on parent height or height request provided in the sample.

  • [Android] The default DropDownButton width has been changed from 45 to 30.

  • [UWP] The default DropDownButton image has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #142653 – [iOS] The issue “SfDataForm is scrolled down to end when select a text field and change the focus to another field” has been fixed.
  • #230825 – Now, DropDownPicker will return correct value when set the value using the DataFormItemManager.
  • #216633 – [Android] The issue “Keyboard is hidden when editing a DataFormItem when SfDataForm is inside the Popup control (Rg.Plugins.Popup)” has been fixed.
  • #143316 – The InvalidCastException will no longer be thrown when convert original string data type property value registered for SwitchEditor using Converter.
  • #227512- [Android] Now, custom SfRangeSlider will be rendered properly in SfDataForm.
  • #138099, #138560 – Now, value changed events will occur properly when override the built-in DataFormDateEditor and DataFormTimeEditor of SfDataForm.
  • The NullReferenceException will no longer thrown when multiple complex properties are used in data object.



  • #I1213741 - Support has been provided for disabling a cell when the IsEnabled property of the GridCell is set to false.
  • #F140419 - The DataTemplateSelector support has been provided for LeftSwipeTemplate and RightSwipeTemplate in data grid.
  • #I210389, #I213091 - Support has been provided for notification of scroll state changes via the ScrollStatesChangedEvent.
  • #I210435, #I222549, #I229328 - Support has been provided for firing current cell events when navigating the grid using keyboard.
  • #I217635 - Support has been provided for loading a template inside TableSummaryRows along with support to DataTemplateSelector.
  • Support has been provided to scroll a row or column to a particular position in data grid using programmatic scrolling.
  • Support has been provided for changing the aspect of the image loaded inside the GridImageColumn.
  • Support has been provided to cancel auto scroll during the drag-and-drop operation of a row/column.

Bug Fixes

  • #I225738 - [UWP] Now, navigation through cells via keyboard scrolls to the next cell properly.
  • #I227689 - [UWP] A template loaded inside the summary rows will now handle touch first.
  • #I225367 – The CaptionSummary text does not overlap with the text of the GridCells in the frozen column.
  • #I226534 - Assigning a new collection to DataGrid.SelectedItems at run time updates the selection according to the new value.
  • #I218038 - The UnboundRow style properties work properly when set via the QueryCellStyle event.
  • #I226216, I230840 - [UWP] DataGrid does not flicker when scrolled using touch in Xamarin.Forms version 3.0 and upwards.
  • #I221598 - The Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when exporting images that present as FileImageSource in the application.
  • #I218038, #I230171 - Unbound rows will no longer be considered for applying alternating row colors.
  • #I221454, #F142503 - [Android] When scrolling horizontally, the text of the scrolled columns will not overlap with the text of the GridCells in the frozen column.
  • #I229502 - Now, when trying to edit a different cell in the same UnboundRow, the value of the previously edited cell will not be displayed.
  • Now, cells of the GridNumericColumn takes GridNumericColumn.MinValue and GridNumericColumn.MaxValue into consideration and commits value only after validation.
  • #I229502, #I228720 - The following error, “SetValue: Can not convert XX to type ‘System.String” will not be displayed in the output window when editing a GridNumericColumn.


Bug fixes

  • #I229100 – [iOS] Now, the RangeChanged event occurs properly at load time.



  • #214069 - [iOS, Android] Padding support for save as image has been provided.
  • #214099 - [iOS, Android] Now, SfDiagram supports connector’s constraints.
  • #212364 - [UWP] Now, support has been provided to save as JSON data.

SfExpander Preview

The Expander is a layout control that can load any UI view in Header and Content which can be easily expanded or collapsed by tapping on the header and thus saving valuable screen space.


Bug fixes

  • #141991 - Path shape thickness will be updated when adding the path shape with customized stroke thickness using the AddShape method.
  • #223574 - Rectangle shape will no longer exceed the boundary of SfImageEditor.
  • #226032 – [Android] Saving image background will be transparent when saving image in PNG format.
  • #225097,#227319,#226985 -[UWP] The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when saving the image more than two times.
  • #226514 - [iOS] Path stroke thickness preview will be shown properly when changing stroke thickness value using slider.
  • #226510 – Shapes will be positioned properly, when saving the image with custom size.
  • #143063 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when changing the view with cropping handles.
  • #229065 - The FontSizeof text will be updated when changing the value of FontSize dynamically.


  • Support has been provided to highlight the edited text in the text editor dialog box.


Bug fixes

  • #I219845 - Now, the Kanban column’s ItemsCount is updated properly when dynamically clearing the columns and again adding them with HeaderTemplate.
  • #F140882 - [Android] Cannot access a disposed object exception will no longer be thrown on localization.

Breaking Changes

  • Due to internal architecture change, now, it is not required to add the Syncfusion.SfKanban.Android.dll and Syncfusion.SfKanban.iOS.dll assemblies to your platform specific projects such as Android and iOS in Xamarin.Forms, respectively. Hence, you need to remove these two assemblies from your platform specific projects.


Bug fixes

  • # 215230 - [UWP] SfLinearGauge will be rendered with the available size.
  • # 224262, #226639 - Annotation view will be shown when adding custom annotation views inside the layouts.
  • # 225581 - The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when adding the linear gauge in ListView.
  • # 225513 - [iOS] LinearScale’s Pointers collection will be updated properly when changing the pointer collection dynamically.
  • # 226627 - Gradient colors will be applied properly when changing the start and end values of the Range.
  • # 225513 – Labels will be visible when changing the ShowLabels value dynamically with multiple scales.
  • # 143039 – [Android] The value of BarPointer will be updated properly when setting the decimal points.


  • #221892 - Support has been provided to set the duration for Pointers Animation.


Bug Fixes

  • #229672 - [UWP]The ScrollStateChanged event did not triggered on scrolling SfListView by mouse wheel or touch pad has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • # 222606, #141389 – MarkerTemplate binding works properly when changing the MarkerTemplate dynamically.
  • # 141437, #222839 – The KeyNotFoundException will no longer be thrown when changing the Marker collection.
  • # 226047 – The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when changing the ZoomLevel value before adding the control in view.
  • # 226910 – The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when setting the MarkerTemplate using DataTemplateSelector.
  • # 226888 – The Legend position will be aligned properly when resizing the window.
  • #226888 - The Legend FontSize and Icon color will be applied properly when adding multiple ShapeFileLayer.
  • #226047 – [iOS] The ShapeFileLayer’s ZoomLevel value will be updated properly.
  • #225777 – [UWP] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when enabling data labels using the ReadAsStream method.
  • #228007 – Cleared the ShapeLayer’s SelectedItems collection when unselecting the shapes.
  • #228671 - The [UWP]InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown when selecting the shapes.


  • # 226888 – The FontFamily and FontAttributes supports have been added for Marker’s Label.
  • # 225826 – The RequestTileUri event support has been added to get the custom MapsProvider Uri.
  • #217199,#224951 - The sublayer support has been provided for ImageryLayer.


Bug fixes

  • #I226866 - [UWP] Now, the values can be entered correctly in the latest Windows version(1809) .


Bug fixes

  • #I227004 - [Android] Now, the entry is focused when placing it inside the content view of the navigation drawer.


Bug fixes

  • #I227318 - Now, the non-numeric characters can be entered in SfNumericTextBox when the AllowNull property is set to true.
  • #I227414 - The Maximum property works properly when parsing mode is set to double.
  • #I225057 - Now, the SfNumericTextBox is rendered with correct height inside the SfTextInputLayout control.
  • #I225538 - [UWP] SfNumericTextBox works properly in custom string formating.


Bug fixes

  • #I227365 - [Android] The data types of the resultant value are updated properly.
  • #I227346 - [UWP] SfNumericUpDown works properly when increment and decrement the value in comma culture.
  • #I224232 - Now, the focus of the SfNumericUpDown control is not changed when changing the value using the increment and decrement buttons.
  • #I221583 - [UWP] SfNumericUpDown works properly when setting Culture to fr-CA.

Breaking Changes

  • #I231985 - [iOS] Now, the public API SfNumericTextField has been removed from the SfNumericUpDown class.


Bug Fixes

  • #142673 – Free text annotation edit popup will now be displayed properly in landscape mode.
  • #226750 – InkAdded event will now be triggered while adding signature to a PDF document.
  • #226742 – More options button will now work properly.
  • #230786 – Application will no longer crash when loading the PDF document.
  • #228578 – Form field values will now be preserved in the saved PDF document.
  • #227860, #228012 – Form field data in a PDF will now be visible directly in Adobe Reader which is saved using SfPdfViewer.
  • #142476 – The FreeTextPopupDisappeared event will now be triggered when the free text edit popup disappears.
  • #226089 – Large PDF documents are now loaded in SfPdfViewer with minimal time.
  • #226089 – Pages are now navigated in SfPdfViewer with minimal time using TOC.
  • #218383 – Application will no longer crash while unloading the SfPdfViewer control.
  • #225495 – Application will no longer crash while editing an existing ink annotation in the loaded PDF document.
  • #225516, #225331, #223565 – PDF document will now be displayed properly and application will no longer crash on unload when SfPdfViewer is added to ContentPage.


  • #224597 – Provided support to remove page number label while scrolling using scroll head.



  • #I207554, #I207803, #F132375, #F136839, #I218035, #I226541 - Support has been provided to customize the text color and background color of the OK and Cancel buttons in footer view.



  • Support has been provided to display the pop-up in full width and height of the screen.
  • Support has been provided to display multiple pop-ups at the same time without closing the other pop-up.
  • Support to change the flow of text in the right-to-left direction has been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • #I227287, #F142074, #F142489, #I227407, #I227768 – The Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when setting the content template for pop-up view in Xamarin.Forms version 3.5.
  • #I228037, #I228051, #I228371, #I228555, #F142789, #I228786, #I228716 - No more lags will occur when opening and closing the pop-up multiple times.
  • #I228037, #I228051, #I228371, #I228555, #F142789, #I228786, #I228716 – The same view will not be shown as the content of the PopupView of two different SfPopupLayout instances.
  • #I226140 - [iOS] The PopupView detects orientation changes of the iPad and is positioned at the center properly.
  • #I227301 - [UWP] Application will not crash when pop-up is opened at the second time if the PopupView’s content template is created outside the DataTemplate delegate.
  • #I224985 - [Android] By default, PopupView fits within the screen bounds when it is launched in Android_Emulator_x_86_Oreo.
  • #I225064 - [iOS] Pop-up opening events will not occur for orientation changes from/to FaceUp and FaceDown.
  • #I226296, #I226867, #I226868 -[Android] The Exception will no longer be thrown when displaying the pop-up in devices running less than API 21(Lollipop).
  • #F140972 - The Exception will no longer be thrown when opening the pop-up whose SfPopupLayout.Content is null, but added as child of any layout in XAML.


Bug fixes

  • #I223714 - The SfProgressBar works properly when updating the progress value dynamically.



  • #F142243 - Support has been provided for loading individual templates for pulling and refreshing.
  • #F138824, #I217378 - Support has been provided for refreshing programmatically in MVVM.



  • #I213332 - Support has been provided to customize the thumb size using the ThumbSize API.


Bug fixes

  • #F141430 - [UWP] Thumbnail is updated properly when using the content template.
  • #F142096 - The TapGesture property of content is working properly when using it in ItemTemplate.


Bug Fixes

  • #229445 – [Android] The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when navigating back from schedule WeekView using Prism.
  • #143259 – [iOS] Now, custom selection view will be interacted properly in SfSchedule.



  • Layout and UI have been improved in SfSegmentedControl. Now, selection strip is drawn inside the segment border.

Breaking Changes

  • In previous, the SfSegmentedControl had minimum height and width, and now it has been removed from our control. Now, the height of SfSegmentedControl is rendered based on both the SegmentHeight and BorderThickness properties, and width is rendered based on the VisibleSegmentCount property or based on both the SegmentWidth and BorderThickness properties.


Bug fixes

  • #I227915 - The content of tab header is displayed properly when changing the visible header count dynamically.
  • #I225073, #I228465, #I225073 - The Title property of SfTabItem is updated properly when changing dynamically.
  • #I227188, #I227343, #I228860 - [Android] Selected item is updated properly when using using nested TabView.
  • #I227135, #I227343 - SfTabView works properly when updating it to the latest Xamarin.Forms version.
  • #I226347 - [iOS] SfTabView allows simultaneous recognition of multiple gestures inside the ScrollView in SfTabView.
  • #I228002 , #I229614, #I229556 - Content is updated properly when changing BindingContext dynamically.



  • #I222148, #I227654, #I229791, #I229797 - Support has been added to customize padding around the input view.
  • #I221103, #I222148, #I222666, #I220275, #F142099, #I229786 - Support has been added to customize the font family, font size, and font attributes for hint, error, helper text, and the counter label.



  • #221283 - The ToolTip support has been provided to TreeMap.
  • #221283 - Support has been provided to trim,wrap and hide the overlapping data labels.
  • #I228501,#F141141 - The ItemSelected event support has been added to TreeMap.


Bug Fixes

  • #228167, #228888, #223215 - The issue that occurred after upgrading to Xamarin.Forms 3.5 when setting the data template or custom view has been resolved.

  • #228423, #229209 -[Android, iOS] TreeView node disappears on repeated expand collapse and margin property didn’t respect for tree view node when value returned from converter has been resolved.


  • The CheckBox support has been provided to SfTreeView for Xamarin.Forms.
  • The ExpanderPosition support has been provided to change the expander icon position in SfTreeView.
  • Animation support has been provided to expand or collapse nodes in SfTreeView.
  • Support has been provided to update the ChildItems when the property in underlying model is changed in SfTreeView.
  • Support has been provided for Real-time updates when binding ItemsSource for both Bound and Unbound modes in SfTreeView.
  • The Hierarchy adapter data model support has been provided to SfTreeView.

UI Templates

Login screen templates have been added to help you to easily reuse the code to add login screens to your Xamarin.Forms application.

  • Login Page - A page with visual elements to enter the credentials to login or login using social media.

  • Sign Up Page - A page with visual elements to enter the user details to create a new user account.

  • Forgot Password Page - A page with visual elements to get the email from the user to send the password recovery link.

  • Reset Password Page - A page with visual elements to get the new password and confirm password from the user.



  • #F99670, #185459, #194756, #197860 - Added support for custom table styles in Excel.
  • #128585, #132019, #224861 - Provided support to format unique and duplicate values in conditional formatting.
  • #199594, #199992, #206375, #206374, #209766, #F139259, #218497, #225207 - Provided support for chart to image/PDF conversion in .NET Standard.
  • #222797 - Added support for complex script rendering in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Provided support for PDF conformance level in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Added support for Excel 2019 version in XlsIO.

Breaking Changes

  • #F99670, #185459, #194756, #197860 - The TableStyles property is added in IWorkbook interface to get the table styles collection for adding custom table styles.
  • #128585, #132019, #224861 - The Unique and Duplicate types are included in ExcelCFType enumeration to highlight the cells with unique and duplicate values using conditional formatting feature.
  • #199594, #199992, #206375, #206374, #209766, #F139259, #218497, #225207 - Added ExportChartImageOptions property and ConvertToPDF() and ConvertToImage() methods in IXlsIORenderer class and SaveAsImage() method in IChart interface.
  • #222797 - AutoDetectComplexScript has been added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to support complex script rendering in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Enumeration PdfConformanceLevel is added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to set conformance level in PDF document that is converted from Excel.
  • Type Xlsx is added in ExcelVersion enumeration to represent Excel version 2019 and above.

Bug Fixes

  • #224892 - Unlocked cells are unlocked while moving range from protected worksheet to another worksheet.
  • #226242 - Display text return improper value in French culture issue is resolved.
  • #225272 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting CSV document to PDF with NULL character.
  • #222397, #222732 - Table with query is now preserved properly on invoking Table.Refresh().
  • #223856, #224976 - File will no longer be corrupted while copying a range with multiple list objects.
  • #226454 - The IndexOutOfRange exception will no longer be thrown while converting Excel document into PDF with header and footer.
  • #224770 - Exception will no longer be thrown while exporting worksheet data into data table.
  • #223667 - Exception will no longer be thrown if chart’s data range column is deleted.
  • #225065 - Currency number format is now properly detected in XlsIO generated Excel file.
  • #224023 - Exception thrown while opening an XlsIO re-saved document with group shape has been resolved.
  • #223946 - Conditional format is now preserved properly while saving the workbook multiple times.
  • #223839 - Infinite recursive loop on modifying and saving Excel document with improper chart series indices has been resolved.
  • #224024 - Not implemented exception thrown while opening an Excel document with external formula range in check box has been fixed.
  • #223448 - Pivot table field settings are now preserved properly on resaving the Excel file.
  • #223167 - Custom time format [h]:mm:ss is now detected automatically.
  • #223376 - Exception occurs while saving the Excel document with OLE object has been resolved.
  • #223226 - The NullReferenceException thrown when converting an Excel file to HTML has been fixed.
  • #223041 - Data validation formula is now preserved properly while saving the Excel document as XML.
  • #221229 - Issue with pivot field values due to improper pivot field data format has been resolved.
  • #214445 - Table.Refresh() is now working properly with ODBC connection.
  • #223918 - Conditional format is now preserved properly on converting Excel document to PDF.
  • #223859 - Hyperlink is now set properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #221079 - Exception thrown if print-title row height is higher in Excel to PDF conversion has been fixed.
  • #221693 - The Parameter invalid exception thrown while converting Excel document to PDF has been fixed.
  • #222797 - Incorrect Thai font in Excel to PDF conversion has been fixed.
  • #222156 - Improper number detection with invariant culture has been fixed.
  • #F142414 - Show all item is not enable issue is fixed while resaving the file with pivot table.
  • #F141101 - Issue with incorrect parsing of comments has been resolved.
  • Worksheet LastRow will be properly working when inserting rows beyond used range.
  • Issue with incorrect conditional formatting operator type in resaved Excel document has been fixed.
  • Setting a table column header name will no longer corrupt the Excel document.
  • DataBar color is now applied properly for negative values.
  • External formula is now applied properly in .NET Standard.
  • Shapes rendering issue for curved shapes in Presentation to Image conversion has been fixed.