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You can decide the visual representation of nodes belonging to all the TreeMap levels using the LayoutType property of TreeMap.

The following four different types of layout are available in TreeMap:

  • Squarified
  • SliceAndDiceAuto
  • SliceAndDiceHorizontal
  • SliceAndDiceVertical


The Squarified layout creates rectangles with best aspect ratio.

treeMap.LayoutType = SFTreeMapLayoutType.SFTreeMapLayoutTypeSquarified;

Squarified layout


The SliceAndDiceAuto layout creates rectangles with high aspect ratio and displays them sorted both horizontally and vertically.

treeMap.LayoutType = SFTreeMapLayoutType.SFTreeMapLayoutTypeSliceAndDiceAuto;

SliceAndDiceAuto layout


The SliceAndDiceHorizontal layout creates rectangles with high aspect ratio and displays them sorted horizontally.

treeMap.LayoutType = SFTreeMapLayoutType.SFTreeMapLayoutTypeSliceAndDiceHorizontal;

SliceAndDiceHorizontal layout


The SliceAndDiceVertical layout creates rectangles with high aspect ratio and displays them sorted vertically.

treeMap.LayoutType = SFTreeMapLayoutType.SFTreeMapLayoutTypeSliceAndDiceVertical;

SliceAndDiceVertical layout

The following code is the complete code for squarified layout type.

SFTreeMap treeMap = new SFTreeMap();
            treeMap.WeightValuePath = (NSString)"Population";
            treeMap.ColorValuePath = (NSString)"Growth";
            treeMap.LayoutType = SFTreeMapLayoutType.SFTreeMapLayoutTypeSquarified;

            SFTreeMapFlatLevel flatLevel = new SFTreeMapFlatLevel();
            flatLevel.GroupBorderColor = UIColor.Gray;
            flatLevel.GroupBorderWidth = 1;
            flatLevel.GroupBackground = UIColor.White;
            flatLevel.HeaderHeight = 20;
            flatLevel.GroupPath = (NSString)"Continent";
            flatLevel.GroupGap = 5;
            flatLevel.HeaderStyle = new SFStyle() { Color = UIColor.Black };
            flatLevel.ShowHeader = true;

            SFLeafItemSetting leafItemSetting = new SFLeafItemSetting();
            leafItemSetting.Gap = 2;
            leafItemSetting.LabelPath = (NSString)"Region";
            leafItemSetting.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(169, 217, 247);
            leafItemSetting.ShowLabels = true;
            treeMap.LeafItemSettings = leafItemSetting;

            SFRangeColorMapping colorMapping = new SFRangeColorMapping();

            SFRange range1 = new SFRange();
            range1.LegendLabel = (NSString)"1 % Growth";
            range1.From = 0;
            range1.To = 1;
            range1.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(119, 216, 216);

            SFRange range2 = new SFRange();
            range2.LegendLabel = (NSString)"2 % Growth";
            range2.From = 0;
            range2.To = 2;
            range2.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(174, 217, 96);

            SFRange range3 = new SFRange();
            range3.LegendLabel = (NSString)"3 % Growth";
            range3.From = 0;
            range3.To = 3;
            range3.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(255, 175, 81);

            SFRange range4 = new SFRange();
            range4.LegendLabel = (NSString)"4 % Growth";
            range4.From = 0;
            range4.To = 4;
            range4.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(243, 210, 64);


            treeMap.LeafItemColorMapping = colorMapping;

            SFLegendSetting legendSetting = new SFLegendSetting();
            legendSetting.ShowLegend = true;
            legendSetting.Size = new CoreGraphics.CGSize(500, 45);
            treeMap.LegendSettings = legendSetting;

            treeMap.DataSource = PopulationDetails;
            treeMap.ShowTooltip = true;
            treeMap.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(View.Frame.Left, View.Frame.Top + 50, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height - 100);
