Essential Studio for Xamarin.iOS Release Notes

February 22,2018



  • #135185, #135243, #156004, #119389, #157231, #125603, #163232, #164076, #164410, #164724, #167776, #170758, #129910, #129911, #177323, #156820, #182239, #189834, #197733 - Added support for Word to PDF conversion.
  • #192592 - Added option to import styles with new unique name, if style exist in destination document with same name and different type.
  • #149806 - Added support to preserve editable range permissions of protected Word document in DOCX to DOCX conversion.

Breaking Changes

  • The property ImportStylesOnTypeMismatch was added to the IWordDocument interface.
  • Overload methods OpenReadOnly was added to the IWordDocument interface.
  • Complete field code is now included in Document Object Model(DOM) and in the Text property of WParagraph class. Whereas in previous versions, partial field code is included in DOM. For more information, kindly refer here.
  • #184371 - The TableGrid style is now applied to the table that is added using AddTable() or WTable(IWordDocument doc) API, like Microsoft Word application. Whereas in previous versions, the TableGrid style is not applied to the table.

Bug Fixes

  • #190591 - DOC format document opens properly after modifying the protection type from ‘AllowOnlyFormFields’ to other types for a particular Word document.
  • #194503 - Owner information is now set properly while merging comment from source to destination document.
  • #192944 - CustomDocumentProperties with whitespace values are parsed properly in a particular Word document.
  • #191534 - PAGE and NUMPAGES fields are preserved properly while converting a particular RTF Word document as DOCX.
  • #189597 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException and NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while deleting and accessing a bookmark content from a particular Word document.
  • #190880 - The resultant Word document is no longer corrupted after updating the UpdateDocumentFields for a particular Word document.
  • #190024 - Images are removed properly while clearing the Word document elements.
  • #191067 - StackOverflowException will be no longer thrown while loading a particular Word document.
  • #189874 - Memory leak issue has been resolved while saving a particular Word document as RTF document (multiple times).
  • #188568 - Print Layout view is now preserved properly while opening/printing resultant RTF document in Microsoft Word 2016.
  • #190621 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while opening a particular Word document.
  • #189655 - Bullet size is now preserved properly while merging a particular Word document elements.
  • #189185 - BuiltinDocumentProperties (Company,manager) are imported properly while opening particular DOC format document.
  • #188296 - OutOfMemoryException will be no longer thrown while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #194825 - Table width is now updated properly while setting the table cell width for a particular Word document.
  • #194535 - Paragraph spacing is now preserved properly while importing a particular RTF format document.
  • #195688 - The file is no longer corrupted while extracting and saving native data of an OLE object.
  • #194420 - BookmarkEnd is now preserved properly while importing a particular DOCX format document.
  • #178727 - Numbering.xml file size is not increasing to huge size while importing multiple Word documents.



  • #183293 - Added support to load the X509Certificate for digital signing using PdfCertificate class.
  • #194410 - Added support to retrieve all the ink points collections from PdfLoadedInkAnnotation.
  • #195867 - Added support to get creation date and name from the PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation.
  • Added support to toggle the visibility of an existing layers from the PDF document.
  • Added support to timestamp the PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #192637 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when removing a page from the particular PDF document.
  • #190237 - System not supported exception no longer occurs when merging the PDF document with digital signature.
  • #190870 - Text preservation issue no longer occurs while drawing existing template into another page.
  • #189471 - Empty PdfColor is now retrieving as the background color of PdfLoadedTextBoxField which has no background color.
  • #189756 - Out of range exception no longer occurs while drawing JPEG image to PDF document.
  • #191567 - Null reference exception no longer occurs while reading existing combo box values.
  • #187013 - PDF layers count is retrieving properly while loading an existing document.
  • #190046 - PdfTextMarkup annotation fore color is now preserving properly.
  • #191487 - Form fields data is preserving properly after adding the signature certificate to PDF document.
  • #194078 - OnInstantiate property in 3D annotation is now working properly.
  • #193908 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when drawing a string to the PDF document.
  • #195301 - Individual page size will no longer increase during splitting of PDF document.
  • #195831 - Adding layers are now working as expected in multi-threading environment.
  • #194823 - Time out exception will no longer occurs when converting Word to PDF document if, EnableCache set to false.
  • #196133 - The generated document is not corrupted when loading the PDF document with OpenAndRepair.
  • #195867 - Modified free text annotation content is now properly visible in the Adobe Reader.
  • #195735 - Index and length referred to a location within the string exception will no longer occurs while loading particular PDF document.
  • #195973 - Image index is not valid exception will no longer thrown while replacing image in particular PDF document.
  • #195246 - This implementation is not a part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms exception will no longer thrown while converting particular word document to PDF.
  • #194854 - Performance is improved while retrieving PdfLoadedPage from PdfLoadedPageCollection.
  • #195652 - Radio button item from PdfLoadedRadioButtonListField is retrieving properly in particular page of a PDF document.
  • #190724 - PDFCacheCollection is properly disposed when closing the document.
  • #195286 - Namespace prefix ‘pdf’ is not defined exception is no longer thrown while loading a PDF document.
  • #195206 - Application no longer hangs while extracting images from the PDF document.
  • #194851 - Performance is improved while merging PDF documents.
  • #194854 - Performance is improved while adding more layers to PDF pages.
  • #194875 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception no longer thrown while merging PDF documents.
  • #194300 - Fixed the performance issue while converting Word to PDF using direct conversion.
  • #193159 - Particular image is now drawing properly in PDF page.
  • #133564,195274 - PdfTextElement is not hanging if the text is lesser than the bounds.
  • #134651 - Form fields are not missing in PdfLoadedFormFieldCollection for the specific document.
  • Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while adding ink annotation using PdfLoadedDocument.
  • Improved the performance of drawing PdfGrid with row and column spans.


Breaking Changes

  • An overload method for AddChart was added to the interfaces IShapes and IPresentationCharts

Bug Fixes

  • #193673 - Image in a PowerPoint slide is no longer replaced by another image while applying PictureFill in the same slide.
  • #195363 - Charts with 3D format are now preserved properly while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #195363 - Charts are now preserved properly after editing the chart data while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #196586 - Charts in the re-saved PowerPoint presentation are now visible in Google Slides and Apple Keynote applications.
  • #195136 - The PowerPoint presentation is no longer corrupted while editing the chart data.
  • #195136 - Shapes in the charts are now preserved properly while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.


Breaking Changes

  • DataSource property’s type is changed to IEnumerable<object> from NSMutableArray.
  • SelectedItem property’s type is changed to object from NSObject.
  • In SelectionChangedEvent the event argument value is changed to object from NSObject.


  • Now Autocomplete’s searching performance has been improved by this we can load and search through 100,000 items in less than a second.
  • The Autocomplete control has a provision to apply your search logic that suggests the items based on your search


  • Now we have provided Diacritic search support to AutoComplete by these items containing diacritic marks will be filtered.
  • Now we can able to select multiple items in AutoComplete by these two options Token and Delimiter.
  • Now the user can avoid the popup and still able to get the filter items from the collection from FilteredItems property.
  • HeaderView and FooterView supports are provided in AutoComplete by this user can customize the top and bottom of the popup.
  • Now we can restrict and show top suggestions by using the property MaximumSuggestionCount. And we can load more items on demand.
  • Now we can highlight the matched text in each filtered items.



  • Now Calendar supports navigation direction both horizontally and vertically.
  • ShowYearView API has been implemented to restrict year view navigation.
  • SfCalendar supports multi range selection option.
  • Now Inline events populated in agenda view
  • CellGridOptions API has been implemented for enable or disable the horizontal and vertical lines
  • SelectionShape API has been implemented for providing selection shape to fill or circle.

Breaking Changes

  • Now OnMonthCellLoaded event get fired 126 time at initial month view loading and we have provided IsCurrentMonth boolean property to check whether the date is current month or not.



  • I158592, I157509, I158482, I190450, I192386, I194571, I197697 – Gradient color support has been provided to chart series.

  • I161620, I162865, I143497, F120103, I151003 – Now, each legend item can be customized with custom views. LegendCreated and LegendClicked event have been provided.

  • F131254, I182729 – Now, the chart control supports spline range area series type.

  • I191942, F135184 - Exposed the label style property in the event argument of label created event of chart axis to customize the appearance of individual axis labels.


  • 160860, 161726, 191664 – Now, the chart can be suspended and resumed to insert the bulk data points at run time to avoid the chart rendering for each modification in data source.

  • Now, the date time axis labels are auto-formatted based on the visible date time range. It will show only required components of date-time instead of all the components. For example, “MMM-yyyy” format will be applied if the axis labels are plotted in month interval. This can be overridden by setting the required format to ‘ChartAxis.LabelStyle.LabelFormat’ property.

Breaking Changes

  • The default label format of ‘SFDateTimeAxis’ has been modified based on the visible range.

  • The series color will be applied to the shape of data marker if the UseSeriesPalette property of ChartSeries is true.

  • The default size and margin of some chart elements have been changed for better UI appearance.

Bug Fixes

  • # 194448 – Panning will work properly for the inversed axes.

  • # 195555 – NullReferenceException will no longer occur when sharing the same axis with multiple series.

  • # 196476 – Now ‘MaximumZoomLevel’ will be considered while zooming and panning.

  • # 195248, 195956, 197176 – Chart will work properly in story board.


Bug Fixes

  • # 192990 – Memory Leaks issue has been resolved when gauge is disposed.



  • Default appearance of the control and the icons used in the control have been improved for a better visual experience.
  • #181871 - Support for customizing the header border color in SfDataGrid has been provided.
  • #181871 - Support to customize the grid cell’s text with attributed text has been provided.
  • Exposed View-related APIs directly in the data grid itself that allow you to bind them in XAML.
  • Support for handling the QueryRowDragging event when a row is dropped without changing the record index has been provided.
  • Support to customize the font attributes for all the summaries in the data grid control has been provided.
  • #189296 - Support to update the CellTextSize property to change only the font size has been provided.



  • Mind map diagram can be created interactively now.
  • Supports user handles which are like placeholders to add icons or view around the node and associate perform custom actions.
  • Customization support for stencil header has been added.
  • Now, provides support to add and manipulate curve connector between two nodes.
  • Diagram elements can be arranged one over the other using Z-order.

SfMaskedEdit preview

The masked text box control lets the user to restrict the input to certain types of characters, text, numbers using a mask pattern. This control is used to create a template for providing information such as telephone numbers, IP addresses, product IDs, etc.


  • Users can mask input with fixed length or variable length by setting the ‘MaskType’ to ‘Text’ or ‘RegEx’, respectively.
  • Users can set the custom prompt character.
  • Special symbols like the currency symbol, date separator, decimal separator, etc., can be localized based on culture.
  • Input validation can be done either during each key press or when the control loses focus.
  • Values can be accessed with or without literal and prompt characters.
  • Clipboard operations with or without literal and prompt characters.
  • Watermark text that can be used to display an instruction or important information.
  • The UI of the masked text box is completely customizable.


Bug Fixes

  • #194713,192776 - Reduced the memory leak while loading or unloading the PDF documents.
  • #192872 - Crop box contained PDF documents are now displayed properly.


  • #168332,168786,168713,168837,168788,179008,180907,161126,189198,190492,176128,192347 - Added support for ink annotation.
  • #165078 - Added support for built-in toolbar.
  • #196028 - Optimized loading time of PDF documents.
  • Added support for document link annotation.

Breaking Changes

  • CanUndoModifedEventArgs class has been deprecated due to typo mistake, now CanUndoModified event will have CanUndoModifiedEventArgs in it.

SfPopupLayout Preview

The pop-up layout control can communicate important information to users with ease as pop-ups. Highlight and communicate all important information to users in simple, yet fully customizable pop-up views. They’re adaptive to existing applications with few lines of code.

Key Features

  • Built-in layouts: Layouts are built-in, yet customizable, to display all information. Custom layouts can also be loaded.
  • Model View representation: Built-in close icon with command support.
  • Animations: Built-in animations for pop-ups when displayed and dismissed.
  • Position customizations: Built-in customization options to display pop-ups in different ways, such as:
    • Centered
    • Relative to another view
    • At touch point
    • At custom position
  • Validations: Built-in validations for positioning pop-ups in the view.

SfProgressBar Preview

The progress bar provides a customizable visual that indicates the progress of a task.

Key Features

  • Visualize progress in different shapes: rectangles and circles.
  • Customize the ranges with different colors in linear progress bars.
  • Customize the progress and track thickness.
  • Display custom content at the center of circular progress bars.
  • Visualize progress in segments.
  • Customize the angle of circular progress bars.



  • #131301, #134843, #190242, #191522, #193976 ,#197944 - Support to change the start and end hour display in day, week, and workweek views to show only the needed time durations for end users have been provided.
  • #193483 - Support to set the minimum appointment height regardless of appointment duration have been provided.
  • #170097 - Support to customize all-day and span appointments have been provided.
  • Month inline view, appointment rendering, and selection appearances have been improved.
  • Support for Current day highlighting in the month view have been provided.
  • Animations have been enhanced in the inline view and all day panel to improve the user experience.

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated properties DateTextSyle and DayTextSyle in SFViewHeaderStyle class have been removed, instead use DateTextStyle and DayTextStyle properties in SFViewHeaderStyle class respectively.

SfTabView Preview

The tab view control lets users explore and switch among different views.

Key Features

  • Tab header type with text, font icons, and no header.

  • Scrollable content and header.

  • Top and bottom placements of header.

  • Layout option for overflow tabs.



  • #189521 - Provided support to get cell’s precedents and dependents.
  • #174825 - Provided support for paste link option in CopyTo operation.
  • #F130774 - XlsIO now allows data to be filtered by a cell or font and conditional formatting colors.
  • #192098 - Provided support for exporting Excel data to business objects.
  • Provided support for alternative text in list objects.
  • Provided support to filter data by icons.

Breaking Changes

  • #189521 - GetDependents(), GetPrecedents() methods are added in IRange interface to get cell’s precedents and dependents.
  • #192482 - RangeIndexerMode is added in IApplication interface to include indexer behavior of Interop.
  • #174825 - CopyTo method in IRange interface is overloaded with a boolean variable indicating paste link option.
  • #F130774 - AddColorFilter and RemoveColorFilter methods are added in IAutoFilter interface.
  • #192098 - ExportData<T> is added in IWorksheet interface.
  • AlternativeText and Summary properties are added in IListObject interface.
  • AddIconFilter and RemoveIconFilter methods are added in IAutoFilter interface.
  • IWorksheet interface is implemented with IEnumerable.

Bug fixes

  • #194195 - Corruption issue while copying a worksheet with JPG image is resolved.
  • #190466 - Cell value with thousand separator is now properly detected as number in German culture.
  • #192875 - Performance issue while converting Excel documents with embedded fonts is fixed.
  • #193873 - Excel workbook with duplicate comments can be resaved successfully without corruption.
  • #193832 - File name with space is truncated in HTTP response is resolved.
  • #192726 - Issue with DisplayText property, when cell formulas involve TODAY() function is fixed.
  • #193646 - Freeze panes are now updated properly while deleting the row.
  • #193315 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting calculated column formula using table from another worksheet.
  • #192964, #192961 - Binary Excel documents with improper column value for an image can be opened successfully without exception.
  • #192558 - Issue with hyperlink address changed on resave is resolved.
  • #192558 - Borders and text alignment are copied properly between workbooks.
  • #191260 - Pivot table layout is improper when one or more fields with same name is fixed.
  • #191561 - Application hangs while setting ShowTotals to false for the table having hyperlink is fixed.
  • #192241 - Issue while adding multiple SVG images to an Excel document is fixed.
  • #191657 - Formatting issue while copying the worksheets is fixed.
  • #191673 - Hanging and corruption issues while resaving the binary Excel document with rich text stream record is fixed.
  • #191958 - Issue with table header cell string while accessing the DisplayText is fixed.
  • #191745 - Issue with group shapes hyperlink on resave is fixed.
  • #191723 - Chart number formats will be preserved properly on resave.
  • #189288 - Issue with row height for different font sizes is fixed.
  • #191316 - Issue with template marker default variable type action is fixed.
  • #188006 - Border line style issue while getting cell style is resolved.
  • #190663 - Template marker performance is improved while copying conditional formats.
  • #190031 - Excel document without table name can be opened successfully without argument exception.
  • #190343, #191860 - Formula with external workbook reference value is incorrect on resave is fixed.
  • #189712 - ArgumentOutOfRange exception while copying cells between different workbooks is fixed.
  • #190381 - Excel document no longer gets corrupted while creating chart with EnterDirectValues().
  • #190229 - Decimal separator is now recognized properly while setting formula in Czech and German cultures.
  • #190232 - Issue with display text when the number formats end with white-space is fixed.
  • #189693 - Excel document is no longer corrupted when creating new sheets in macro-enabled workbook.
  • #189681 - Excel document with empty preset dash value can be opened without XML exception.
  • #189308 - Issue with cell styles and formatting applied to the excluded hidden ranges is fixed.
  • #189191 - InvalidOperation exception is no longer thrown while saving Excel documents.
  • #191133, #194961 - Excel document is no longer corrupted while resaving Excel document with pivot table.
  • #194356 - Excel document gets corrupted while downloading XlsIO resaved file from Internet Explorer browser is fixed.
  • #195255 - Performance issue while using workbook.Close() is fixed.
  • #194919 - Commented text and underlined style is incorrect while serializing to XML format is fixed.
  • #194718 - Conditional format range gets merged while creating icon set conditional format twice is fixed.
  • #194576 - Comment gets removed while moving the range is fixed.
  • #194093 - Fill color gets modified while changing chart type of the series is fixed.
  • #193171 - Out of Memory exception is thrown while copying large data using CopyTo method is resolved.
  • #193306 - Issue with CopyTo() method while copying the column with merged area is fixed.
  • #193873 - File corruption issue when resaved with comments is fixed.
  • #196758 - File size issue due to worksheet relations for the deleted worksheet while saving the workbook is fixed.
  • Issue with RefersToRange for table named ranges is fixed.
  • Image class conflict between Compression and XlsIO is resolved.
  • Issue with position of dynamically added combo boxes in first column is fixed.
  • Excel document with scatter chart can be resaved properly.
  • Embedded chart with image format header or footer can be viewed without corruption and exception.
  • Issue with incorrect row count in table column formula is fixed.
  • Image from an embedded chart header or footer can be accessed now.
  • Corruption issue when resaving the Excel document with continuous external named ranges is fixed.
  • Corruption issue when resaving the Excel document with charts is fixed.
  • Issue with adding hyperlinks collection when adding shapes is fixed.
  • Fixed various issues while copying range and worksheets.
  • Fixed various issue in formulas and named ranges.