Getting Started with SfPicker

8 Jan 202510 minutes to read

This section explains you the steps to configure a SfPicker control in a real-time scenario and provides a walk-through on some of the customization features available in SfPicker control.

Adding SfPicker reference

Refer this article link to know about the assemblies required for adding SfPicker to your project.

Initialize SfPicker on Android

To use SfPicker in Xamarin application. Android platform project must initialize the SfPicker renderer.


The Android launches the SfPicker without any initialization and is enough to only initialize the Com.Syncfusion.SfPicker to launch the application.

Create a simple SfPicker

This section explains how to create simple SfPicker control and configure it. SfPicker can configure using C# code.

Create the Xamarin.Android project

Create new blank project (Xamarin.Android ) using Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio for Xamarin.Android.

Adding SfPicker in Xamarin.Android project

  1. Add the required assembly reference in Android and other renderer projects as discussed in Adding SfPicker reference section.
  2. Add SfPicker control C#.
    • C# Page
      • Import SfPicker control namespace as using Com.Syncfusion.SfPicker; in C# ContentPage.
      • Create new SfPicker instance in ContentPage constructor and assign SfPicker instance to ContentPage Content property.
using System;

    using System.Collections;

    using Android.App;

    using Android.Content;

    using Android.Runtime;

    using Android.Views;

    using Android.Widget;

    using Android.OS;

    using Com.Syncfusion.SfPicker;

    using Android.Graphics;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.ComponentModel;

    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

    using Java.Util;

    namespace GettingStarted.Droid


	    [Activity (Label = "GettingStarted.Android", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
	    public class MainActivity : Activity
            SfPicker picker;
            protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            picker = new SfPicker(this);

Set Header to the SfPicker

SfPicker allows you to define header text by setting the SfPicker.HeaderText and enable SfPicker header by setting SfPicker.ShowHeader property to true. Default value of SfPicker.ShowHeader is True.

public class MainActivity : Activity
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            SfPicker picker = new SfPicker(this);
            picker.HeaderText = "Select a Color";

Adding SfPicker Items

SfPicker control is a data bounded control. Hence you must create collection of data’s and bind it to SfPicker control.

  • Create simple Observable Collection with string type of Data’s for the SfPicker
  • C#
  • public class ColorInfo
            private ObservableCollection<string> _color;
            public ObservableCollection<string> Colors
                    get { return _color; }
                    set { _color = value; }
            public ColorInfo()
                    Colors = new ObservableCollection<string>();
    • Binding the Collection to SfPicker

    SfPicker allow you to bind collection of data’s by setting SfPicker.ItemsSource property. You can bind the collection of data’s in C#.

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                SfPicker picker = new SfPicker(this);
                ColorInfo info = new ColorInfo();
                picker.ItemsSource = info.Colors;

    Set title to the Items

    SfPicker allows you to define title to the SfPicker items by setting SfPicker.ColumnHeaderText and enable title of the SfPicker items by setting SfPicker.ShowColumnHeader property to True. Default value of SfPicker.ShowColumnHeader is False.

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                SfPicker picker = new SfPicker(this);
                picker.ColumnHeaderText = "Color";
                picker.ShowColumnHeader = true;

    In SfPicker validation button (Ok and Cancel) can be enabled by setting SfPicker.ShowFooter property to True. Default value of SfPicker.ShowFooter property is False

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                SfPicker picker = new SfPicker(this);
                picker.ShowFooter = true;

    Open as Dialog

    In SfPickerSfPicker can be rendered as a dialog by setting SfPicker.PickerMode property to Dialog. Default value of SfPicker.PickerMode property is Default.

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                SfPicker picker = new SfPicker(this);
                picker.PickerMode = PickerMode.Dialog;

    The picker can be opened programmatically by setting by setting SfPicker.IsOpen property to True. Default value of SfPicker.IsOpen is False.

    Note: This property automatically changed to False when close the dialog by clicking outside of dialog SfPicker.

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                SfPicker picker = new SfPicker(this);
                picker.IsOpen = true;

    Screen shot for the above code

    Picker mode dailog in Xamarin.Android SfPicker

    We have attached sample for reference. please download the sample from the below link.

    Sample link:GettingStarted