Event in Xamarin.Android Chart(SfChart)

3 Sep 20201 minute to read

StateChanged event

Occurs when the value(state) of the Checked property is changed by either touching the check box or setting the value to the Checked property using C# code. The event arguments are of type StateChangedEventArgs and expose the following property:

checkBox = new SfCheckBox(this);
checkBox.Text = "Unchecked State";
checkBox.IsThreeState = true;
checkBox.StateChanged += CheckBox_StateChanged;

private void CheckBox_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.IsChecked.HasValue && e.IsChecked.Value)
        checkBox.Text = "Checked State";
    else if(e.IsChecked.HasValue && !e.IsChecked.Value)
        checkBox.Text = "Unchecked State";
        checkBox.Text = "Indeterminate State";

CheckBox Unchecked State
CheckBox Checked State
CheckBox Indeterminate State