Essential Studio for Xamarin.Android Release Notes

August 7, 2017



  • #179613 - Performance of StackingAreaSeries has been improved while scrolling the Chart in ScrollView.

  • #177627 - Now, the DateTimeAxis labels will not be shifted while panning the chart.

  • #180279 - Support for binding custom objects to ItemsSource have been provided.

  • #176899 - Exposed a property called ShowTrackballInfo in ChartSeries to control its trackball label visibility.

Breaking Changes

  • DataMarkerLabel.XPos and DataMarkerLabel.YPos properties have been renamed as DataMarkerLabel.XPosition and DataMarkerLabel.YPosition respectively.

  • The signature of ChartZoomPanBehavior.ZoomByRange method has been changed to ChartZoomPanBehavior.ZoomByRange (DateTimeAxis, DateTime, DateTime) from ChartZoomPanBehavior.ZoomByRange (DateTimeAxis, Date, Date).

  • The ChartPointInfo.Visible property has been renamed as ChartDataPointInfo.IsVisible.

  • The enum Orientation has been renamed as ChartOrientation.

  • The type of ChartColorModel.CustomColors property has been changed to IList<Color>.

  • CandleSeries.SolidCandlesEnabled property has be renamed to EnableSolidCandles.

  • CartesianSeries.FindNearestChartPoint(PointF) method argument has been changed to FindNearestChartPoints(float x, float y).

  • Properties which accepts ObservableArrayList as its value should now be assigned with ObservableCollection.

  • Deprecated the ChartSeries.DataSource, use ChartSeries.ItemsSource property instead.

  • Deprecated the ChartSeries.AnimationEnabled property, use ChartSeries.EnableAnimation property instead.

  • Deprecated the LabelCreatedEventArgs.P1 property, use LabelCreatedEventArgs.AxisLabel property instead

  • Deprecated the DataMarkerLabelCreatedEventArgs.P0 property, use DataMarkerLabelCreatedEventArgs.DataMarkerLabel property instead.

  • Deprecated the ZoomStartEventArgs.P1, ZoomDeltaEventArgs.P1, ZoomEndEventArgs.P1, SelectionZoomStartEventArgs.P1, SelectionZoomDeltaEventArgs.P1, SelectionZoomEndEventArgs.P1, ScrollEventArgs.P1, ResetZoomEventArgs.P1, TooltipDismissEventArgs.P0 and TooltipCreatedEventArgs.P0, access the properties directly instead.

  • LabelsGeneratedEventArgs.P0, LabelsGeneratedEventArgs.P1 properties have been removed. Instead, added LabelsGeneratedEventArgs.SfChart and LabelsGeneratedEventArgs.Labels properties.

  • Now, DateTimeAxis.VisibleRange.Start and DateTimeAxis.VisibleRange.End properties return the OLE automation date of visible start and end instead of millisecond value of date. Please refer the below code snippet to convert the DateTimeAxis.VisibleRange.Start and DateTimeAxis.VisibleRange.End properties to DateTime.

  • C#
  • var dateTimeAxis = chart.PrimaryAxis as DateTimeAxis; 
        var visibleRange = dateTimeAxis.VisibleRange; 
        var startDate = DateTime.FromOADate(visibleRange.Start); 
        var endDate = DateTime.FromOADate(visibleRange.End);



    • #177630 - Added support to insert and preserve SVG element in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
    • #178264 - Added support to apply multiple Paragraph Style in a single Paragraph while creating a Word document using DocIO.
    • #94498, #116546, #135202, #168877, #177412, #179488, #180451, #167448, #174699, #128339, #132232, #147998, #172223 - Added support to create and modify the content control in Word documents and map custom XML parts to content control.

    Breaking Changes

    • The property SvgData was added to the IWPicture interface.
    • The property EnableStyleSeparator was added to the IWParagraph interface.
    • An overload method AppendPicture was added to the IWParagraph interface.

    Bug Fixes

    • #175961, #179927, #180418 - Image missing issue has been resolved while performing Mail merge.
    • #178271 - Extra page preservation issue has been resolved while loading a particular RTF format document.
    • #176369 - Doughnut chart title value retrieved properly while saving a particular Word document.
    • #177890 - Changing the color of a bar chart series is not applied for negative bar series values.
    • #177890 - No longer hangs while opening a Word document which contains chart.
    • #176984 - Formula field results are preserved properly while bookmark has a special character.
    • #177064 - List number preservation issue has been resolved while saving a particular RTF format document.
    • #177586 - StackOverflowException will be no longer thrown while loading a particular RTF format document.
    • #176708 - KeyNotFoundException will be no longer thrown while loading a particular DOCX format document.
    • #179085 - Merge field values are preserved properly while performing Mail merge for a particular Word document using Execute method.
    • #179006 - Underline and Strikethrough is now preserved properly while appending particular HTML file in a Word document.
    • #177295 - Text retrieved properly from WTextFormField instance for a particular Word document.
    • #177679 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while performing Mail merge using empty data table.
    • #165843, #178727 - List number preservation issue has been resolved while importing a particular Word document.
    • #177295 - !Syntax Error is now resolved for SUM(ABOVE) field, while updating fields in Word document.
    • #176369 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while saving a Word document which contains chart.
    • #171046 - MathML element is now preserved properly in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
    • #177380 - System.TypeInitializationException will be no longer thrown while creating a Word document with chart.
    • #180409 - Field results are preserved properly while performing Mail merge.
    • #180588 - German culture texts are preserved properly while importing and exporting a HTML document.
    • #180115 - List number is preserved properly while loading a RTF document.
    • #181317, #180770 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while resaving a Word document.
    • #181263 - Shape missing issue has been resolved while resaving a Word document.
    • #181811 - Bullet characters are preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF document.
    • #181118 - InvalidOperationException will be no longer thrown while getting bookmark contents.
    • #181409 - Chart series color preserved properly while resaving a Word document which contains chart.
    • #181263 - Shape preservation issue has been resolved while resaving a particular Word document.
    • #182249 - MERGESEQ number is preserved properly while performing Mail merge.
    • #180769 - Target file missing issue has been resolved while resaving a particular Word document.
    • #180769 - Update mode of OLE linked Excel worksheet is preserved properly while resaving a Word document.



    • Added the support for digital signature.
    • Added the tagged PDF support with USDA 508 complaint.

    Breaking changes

    • Earlier, the PdfLightTable column width will not work as expected, as a result column widths are equally shared. Now this behavior is fixed, the specified width will be allocated for the columns.
    • The property Appearence is marked as deprecated, please use Appearance property from PdfSignature class instead.

    Bug Fixes

    • The PdfGrid header is now preserving properly when enable the AllowHorizontalOverflow.
    • #178247 - Internal stream of PdfLoadedDocument is now closing properly when calling the dispose method.
    • #177646 - Unexpected token exception is no longer thrown while loading particular PDF document.
    • #178830 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown when accessing PdfDocumentInformation property in the particular PDF document.
    • #182338 - args.Skip will be working fine while PDF Grid row split across two pages.
    • #182896 - PdfLightTable columns will be preserve properly with manual width.
    • #180121 - The Barcode has been rendering properly while giving ISO-8859-2 and ISO-8859-5 characters.
    • #179390 - PdfLightTable header will get draw only once when we set ShowHeader value is true.
    • #182001 - NullReferenceException no longer occurs when accessing the appearance of the signature in PdfLoadedDocument.
    • #178963,#181653,#182856 - Cannot access a closed stream object exception is no longer thrown while loading a PDF document.
    • #179731 - Annotations are now preserving properly while rotating the flattened annotation pages.
    • The PdfTextMarkupAnnotation author property is now preserving properly.
    • Fatal error exception is no longer occurs while loading the particular PDF document.



    • #177630 - Added support to insert and modify SVG image in PowerPoint presentation.
    • #177587 - Added support to insert columns to a table in PowerPoint presentation.
    • #176530 - Added support to retrieve the target slide of a hyperlink in PowerPoint presentation.

    Breaking Changes

    • #176530 - The property TargetSlide was added to the interface IHyperLink.
    • #177630 - The property SvgData was added to the interface IPicture.
    • #177630 - An overload method for AddPicture was added to the interface IPictures.
    • #177630 - An overload method for AddPicture was added to the interface IShapes.
    • #177587 - The method InsertColumn was added to the interface ITable.
    • #177587 - The property ColumnsCount was added to the interface ITable.

    Bug Fixes

    • #178672 - Type initialization exception will not be thrown while creating a PowerPoint presentation with charts.
    • #180902 - Argument out of range exception will not be thrown while cloning a PowerPoint slide with pie chart.
    • #179383 - Hyperlink path for another presentation can be now retrieved while loading a PowerPoint presentation.
    • #182353 - Null reference exception will not be thrown while cloning a PowerPoint slide with table.
    • #181902 - Null reference exception will not be thrown while resaving PowerPoint presentations contains internal XML files in custom naming standards.
    • #180904 - The chart data modified with Presentation library will not get reverted, while trying to edit in Microsoft PowerPoint application.
    • #182963 - The previous column formatting will be now preserved properly while inserting a new column in PowerPoint table.
    • #180902 - Null reference exception will not be thrown while cloning and merging slides having charts after disposing the parent PowerPoint presentation.
    • #178009 - Null reference exception will not be thrown while clearing and adding the slides in the PowerPoint presentation.


    Breaking changes

    • Appearance of the Autocomplete changed as like standard of Xamarin platform EditText.


    Bug Fixes

    • #180498 - CircularGauge Scale Labels will no longer intersect with Ticks

    Breaking Changes

    • Headers,Scales,Pointers and Ranges ValueType has been modified from List to ObservableCollection.

    SfDataForm Preview

    New data form control helps to edit data fields of any data object. It can be used to develop various forms such as login, reservation, data entry, and more. Key features include the following,

    Key Features

    • Support for linear and grid layout along with grouping support.
    • Support to load images as captions for editor.
    • Built-in support for text, numeric, numeric up-down, picker, date picker, time picker, switch, checkbox, and spinner editors.
    • Support for loading custom editors.
    • Built-in support to validate data based on IDataErrorInfo, INotifyDataErrorInfo, and data annotations.
    • Support for programmatically handling validation.
    • Support to customize layout with different heights for each item.



    • #182593 - Support for table summaries has been provided.

    Breaking Changes

    The below APIs are marked as obsolete and alternate APIs has been provided. Refer the below table for the obsolete APIs and new APIs.

    S.No. APIs marked as Obsolete New APIs
    1 SfDataGridTheme.GetBordercolor SfDataGridTheme.GetBorderColor
    2 SfDataGridTheme.GetCaptionSummaryRowForeGroundColor SfDataGridTheme.GetCaptionSummaryRowForegroundColor
    3 SfDataGrid.MaxswipeOffSetProperty SfDataGrid.MaxSwipeOffSetProperty
    4 SwipeStartedEventArgs.SwipeOffSet SwipeStartedEventArgs.SwipeOffset
    5 SfDataGrid.GridTappedEventsArgs SfDataGrid.GridTappedEventArgs
    6 SfDataGrid.GridDoubleTappedEventsArgs SfDataGrid.GridDoubleTappedEventArgs
    7 SfDataGrid.GridLongPressedEventsArgs SfDataGrid.GridLongPressedEventArgs
    8 SfDataGrid.GridUnboundColumnEventsArgs SfDataGrid.GridUnboundColumnEventArgs
    9 AutoGeneratingColumnArgs AutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs
    10 CellElement.CanRenderUnLoad CellElement.CanRendererUnload


    Breaking Changes

    • Deprecated the RangeChangedEventArgs.P0 and RangeChangedEventArgs.P1 properties, use RangeChangedEventArgs.ViewRangeStart and RangeChangedEventArgs.ViewRangeEnd properties instead.

    • Deprecated the MinorScaleLabelsCreateEventArgs.P0 property, use MinorScaleLabelsCreateEventArgs.MinorScaleLabels property instead.

    • Deprecated the MajorScaleLabelsCreateEventArgs.P0 property, use MajorScaleLabelsCreateEventArgs.MajorScaleLabels property instead.


    Breaking Changes

    • Headers,Scales,Pointers and Ranges ValueType has been modified from List to ObservableCollection.


    Breaking Changes

    • Layers ValueType has been modified from List to ObservableCollection.



    • #181129 - Support for text selection using PDF viewer in Xamarin.Android has been provided.

    Breaking Changes

    • In SearchCompleted event, TextSearchEventArgs is removed, instead please use TextSearchCompletedEventArgs.
    • In SearchInitiated event, TextSearchEventArgs is removed, instead please use TextSearchInitiatedEventArgs.
    • PageNumber property in the PageChangedEventArgs is deprecated, instead please use NewPageNumber property.
    • When invoking SearchText with a specified text, SearchCompleted event would be triggered for every page, but now TextMatchFound event will be triggered for each page instead of SearchCompleted event.

    SfPicker Preview

    The SfPicker control is a simple Picker that displays list of object and allow user to pick an item among them which comes with built-in modes for Time and Date picking.

    Key Features

    • Multi Column

    • Header view

    • Footer view with default buttons

    • Template support.

    • Custom View support

    • RTL support.


    Breaking changes

    • ItemTapped event argument type has been changed as EventArgs. New, Navigating event provided to cancel the navigation based on tabbed item that handled before in ItemTapped event.
    • SeparatorThickeness property renamed as SeparatorThickness for spell issue.
    • CenterButtonTapped event renamed as CenterButtonBackTapped for naming standard correction.
    • Close event renamed as Closed for naming standard correction.
    • Open event renamed as Opened for naming standard correction.


    Breaking Changes

    • Default appearance of schedule control has been improved.
    • CellStyle argument default value has been changed as null in MonthCellLoaded of Schedule.



    • #109496, #79552, #74319, #130146, #180064 - Password support is provided in Compression library.
    • #178228 - Support is provided for adding images from external link in Excel documents.
    • #163244, #F130797 - AutoFit support is provided in XlsIO portable library.
    • Sorting support is provided in AutoFilters.
    • Custom filtering support is provided in text filters.

    Breaking changes

    • DataSorter property is added in the interfaces IWorksheet and IAutoFilters.
    • AutoFitRows() and AutoFitColumns() are added in the interface IRange of portable library.
    • EnablePartialTrustCode property is added in the interface IApplication.
    • AddPictureAsLink() is added in the interface IPictures.
    • Picture and SvgData properties are added in the interface IPictureShape.
    • The values Contains, DoesNotContain, BeginsWith, DoesNotBeginWith, EndsWith, DoesNotEndWith are added in ExcelFilterCondition enumeration.

    Bug fixes

    • #177888 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a file with error value in named range.
    • #176158 - Opening an Excel document with picture will no longer get corrupted in Mac OS.
    • #178929 - Issue with wrong combo boxes count in an Excel document is fixed.
    • #178697 - Conditional formatting rules are now applied proper with priority.
    • #178368 - Custom number format ends with whitespace is preserved properly.
    • #176718 - DisplayText now returns number value for cell reference formulas.
    • #179055 - Exception is no longer thrown while saving XLS document to XLSX format with invalid named ranges.
    • #178577 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel document with empty relation in image hyperlink.
    • #179601 - Setting a pivot table row layout to tabular style and saving the document will no longer throw exception.
    • #179303 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting header text within the limit.
    • #175065 - Saving a workbook multiple times will no longer increase its file size.
    • #177928 - Removing worksheets will reduce the file size properly.
    • #178745 - Issue with changes in table formatting after resaving the document is fixed.
    • #177927 - Removing multiple worksheets and saving the document will no longer throw exception.
    • #177832 - License issue in XlsIO assembly has been resolved.
    • #177210 - Issue with wild card criteria search in Excel document is fixed.
    • #180466 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening chart with value axis title.
    • #181226 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening particular file with shape’s offset value exceeding integer limit.
    • #180940 - Issue with font color when setting font style in conditional formats is fixed.
    • #181016 - Exception is no longer thrown while accessing LineStyle property of a shape in threading.
    • #178198 - Exception thrown on parsing the named range with complete file path is fixed.
    • #180478 - Issue with AutoFit when cell text contains line breaks is fixed.
    • #180329 - XML Exception is no longer thrown while parsing Excel file with chart having empty legend position.
    • #180337 - Line width is changed while changing series color for radar chart is fixed.
    • #180213 - Exception is thrown while parsing MissingItemsLimit property in pivot cache is resolved.
    • #179997 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a chart with discontinuous filtered ranges.
    • #179874 - Default value is not set in Excel pivot table while applying Pivot filter is fixed.
    • #179874 - File corruption issue while applying pivot filter is resolved.
    • #179732 - File is no longer corrupted when table is created with merged cell ranges.
    • #181584 - Overflow exception while accessing Value property is fixed.
    • #179026 - Text is wrongly updated in shapes after add copying of worksheet is fixed.
    • #177928 - File size is not reduced after removing all worksheets is fixed.
    • #177314 - Security settings is enabled in portable platform for Excel 2003 file formats.
    • #183388 - Memory leak issue due to CalcEngine not disabled on workbook dispose is fixed.
    • #183016 - Issue with text casing while setting number format is fixed.
    • #182853 - Performance issue while resaving Excel document with large number of named ranges is fixed.
    • #182915 - Cell contents are cleared on Unmerge() is fixed.
    • #182153 - Issue with setting incorrect HasFormulaString property is fixed.
    • #182422 - Exception is thrown while applying formula to a row due to wrong name index is fixed.
    • #163659 - An overload is now available to open a file with filename and encoding.
    • #182246, 182247 - Named index is now properly updated while copying external formulas using CopyTo().
    • #182241 - External formulas will now be copied proper when destination workbook has formulas.
    • #181970 - Corruption issue while copying external formula is resolved.
    • #181715 - Conditional format formula is properly updated in binary Excel files.
    • #180478 - AutoFit is properly performed while invoking it multiple times for the range with line breaks.
    • #181802 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving binary Excel file.
    • #181707 - Wrong file header exception while importing particular XML file is fixed.
    • #180842 - File with table formulas is no longer corrupted while resaving in Spanish culture.
    • #181183, 183446 - Wrong syntax error is thrown while performing layout operation in pivot table is fixed.
    • #181190 - Issue with worksheet FindFirst() for search values having pipe character is fixed.
    • #179749 - RefersToRange is null while named range is referring the table range is resolved.
    • #178735 - GDI exception thrown while opening an Excel document in Azure platform is resolved.
    • #181980 - Out of memory exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel document with wide filter range.
    • #181375 - Issue with font index is incorrectly updated while setting same font index for multiple times is fixed.
    • #182125 - Performance issue with applying styles in large number of cells is fixed.
    • Excel file with pivot table no longer gets corrupted during AddCopy().
    • Corruption issue when resaving Excel file with group shapes is fixed.
    • Cell value with cross sheet reference formula will be updated properly.
    • Sorting a range twice with same index will no longer throw exception.
    • Exception is no longer thrown while copying worksheets with chart.
    • Issue with improper print title values is fixed.