Essential Studio for Xamarin.Android Release Notes

September 29, 2017


Breaking Changes

  • #186150 - IsMaxCross property is set to true and secondary axis is added to the right side of the chart, while adding new secondary chart axis. You can set the IsMaxCross property to false, to add secondary axis on the left side.

Bug Fixes

  • #186310 - Paragraph is preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF document as DOC format document.
  • #187463 - KeyNotFoundException is no longer thrown while importing a particular Word document.
  • #184941 - Bulleted list is preserved properly while merging multiple documents.
  • #186150 - Document protection is preserved properly while resaving DOCX document to DOCX.
  • #184955 - The Word document is no longer corrupted while setting the DateTime value as chart data.


Bug Fixes

  • #186604 - PDF document pages are no longer rotated, while merging a particular PDF document.
  • #186765 - Unexpected token error is no longer occurs, while loading particular document.
  • #185183 - The custom metadata added to PDF document is now displayed in custom window of PDF document properties.
  • #182001 - Form fields are not duplicated when load and save the PDF document.
  • #182438 - Named destinations are preserving properly while merging the particular PDF documents.
  • #183859 - The size of the Code128Barcode is now preserved properly.


  • #185022 - Added the support to change the tab order of the form fields.


Breaking Changes

  • IsMaxCross property is set to true and secondary axis is added to the right side of the chart, while adding new secondary chart axis. You can set the IsMaxCross property to false, to add secondary axis on the left side.

Bug Fixes

  • #187206 - Data labels in the bubble chart is now added as expected while creating a chart in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #186544- Null reference exception is no longer thrown while creating a PowerPoint slide with SmartArt diagram.
  • #184264 - The PowerPoint presentation is no longer corrupted while setting the DateTime value as chart data.
  • #186100 - Guides are now preserved properly while creating a PowerPoint slide from an existing layout slide.
  • #186105 - Shape properties are now preserved properly while creating a PowerPoint slide from an existing layout slide.


Bug Fixes

  • #188016 & #188022 – Now, Chart will no longer throw System.ObjectDisposedException.

  • # 187581 – Now, Inversed property can be configured for primary axis without any issue in RadarSeries & PolarSeries.


Bug fixes

  • #187873 - GridColumn’s text size is too small when update the text in empty cell issue has been fixed.


  • Support for exporting SfDataGrid to given corresponding page in PDF document has been provided


Bug Fixes

  • #186625 - Not supported exception will no longer occur when loading the encrypted PDF document in SfPdfViewer Xamarin.Forms.Android


Bug fixes

  • #183807,187025 - CopyTo() method is working properly when AutoFilters are applied.
  • #187751 - External exception is no longer thrown while performing text AutoFit in a cell.
  • #186234 - Custom RGB tab color is no longer changed while resaving the Excel file in XlsIO.
  • #187234 - Issue with improper row height is resolved for the given Excel document.
  • #184407 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting RTF text.
  • #185577, 186951 - Rich-text is now properly set for complex RTF string.
  • #186451 - Date filter is now working proper in pivot table.
  • #186446 - UnKnownName exception is no longer thrown while opening CSV files.
  • #185221 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel file with external workbook range in data validation formula.
  • #187026 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving XLS file with table.
  • #187723 - Overflow exception is no longer thrown while accessing DisplayText for large numbers.
  • #185270 - Key not found exception is no longer thrown while copying range to another workbook multiple times.
  • #187025 - Text filter is now proper in XLSX document.
  • #187181, 187315 - Exception is no longer thrown while invoking IRange.BorderNone.
  • #185921 - File encoding is now correct while parsing zip file with Latin characters.
  • #186738, 187783 - DisplayText returns number value for cell reference formula in Portugal culture.
  • #184801 - Currency format is now proper in PDF conversion.
  • #185138 - Combination chart with bar series is rendered properly in chart to image conversion.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while parsing category labels with external range.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while updating sheet names in Worksheet.AddCopy().
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening file with PieChart.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while copying conditional formats to another workbook.
  • The old and new cell values are validated on copy and paste operation through ValueChanged event.
  • Format exception due to pivot table data type is fixed.
  • XlsIO returns correct date for the number formats in German culture.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel document with stacked marker chart.
  • CellStyle.Font.RGBColor of a range now returns proper value.
  • DisplayText issue for number formats with ‘GMT’ is fixed.
  • Rich-text is proper in Excel to PDF Conversion.
  • Clearing contents in a merged cell doesn’t remove cell formatting.