Getting Started with WPF TimePicker (SfTimePicker)

24 Apr 202411 minutes to read

This section explains how to create a WPF TimePicker (SfTimePicker) and explains about its structure.

Structure of SfTimePicker

WPF SfTimePicker Control

Assembly deployment

Refer to the control dependencies section to get the list of assemblies or NuGet package that needs to be added as a reference to use the control in any application.

You can find more details about installing the NuGet package in a WPF application in the following link:

How to install nuget packages

Add control through designer

The WPF TimePicker (SfTimePicker) control can be added to an application by dragging it from the toolbox to a designer view. The following required assembly references will be added automatically:

  • Syncfusion.SfInput.WPF
  • Syncfusion.SfShared.WPF

SfTimePicker control added by designer

Adding control manually in XAML

To add the control manually in XAML, follow the given steps:

  1. Add the following required assembly references to the project:
    • Syncfusion.SfInput.WPF
    • Syncfusion.SfShared.WPF
  2. Import Syncfusion WPF schema in the XAML page.
  3. Declare the SfTimePicker control in the XAML page.

    <Window xmlns=""
            Title="SfTimePicker Sample" Height="350" Width="525">
            <!-- Adding SfTimePicker control -->
            <syncfusion:SfTimePicker x:Name="sfTimePicker" 

Add control manually in C#

To add the control manually in C#, follow the given steps:

  1. Add the following required assembly references to the project:
    • Syncfusion.SfInput.WPF
    • Syncfusion.SfShared.WPF
  2. Import the SfTimePicker namespace using Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Input;.
  3. Create an SfTimePicker instance, and add it to the window.

    using Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Input;
    namespace SfTimePickerSample {    
        public partial class MainWindow : Window {
            public MainWindow() {
                //Creating an instance of SfTimePicker control
                SfTimePicker sfTimePicker = new SfTimePicker();
                //Adding SfTimePicker as window content
                this.Content = sfTimePicker;

SfTimePicker control added by code

Setting the time

We can set or change the selected time by using Value property. If we not assign any value for the Value property, it will automatically assign the current system time as Value property value.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker  Value="04:45:00"
                          Name="sfTimePicker" />
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker= new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.Value = new TimeSpan(04, 45, 00);

SfTimePicker displaying selected value

Time changed notification

When the selected time of SfTimePickeris changed, it will be notified by using the ValueChanged event. You can get the details about the checked item in ItemCheckedEventArgs.

  • OldValue : Gets a time which is previously selected.

  • NewValue : Gets a time which is currently selected.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker ValueChanged="SftimePicker_ValueChanged" 
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker = new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.ValueChanged += SftimePicker_ValueChanged;

You can handle the event as follows:

private void SftimePicker_ValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {          
    Console.WriteLine("The Old selected time: " + e.OldValue.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("The Newly selected time: " + e.NewValue.ToString());            

Display the time using the FormatString

We can edit and display the selected time with various formatting like short time, long time, universal time and 24 hour time formats by using the FormatString property. The default value of FormatString property is "h:mm tt".

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker x:Name="sfTimePicker" 
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker = new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.FormatString = "HH:mm:ss";

SfTimePicker with 24 hour time format

Here, SfTimePicker with 24 hour time format

Specifying format for the TimeSelector

We can allow the user to select the pair of hour, minutes, seconds and meridiem selector or any single selector cell from the SfTimeSelector by using the SelectorFormatString property. The default value of SelectorFormatString property is "h:mm tt" and the hour, minutes and meridiem value selector is enabled in the SfTimeSelector.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker x:Name="sfTimePicker" 
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker = new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.SelectorFormatString = "h/t";

SfTimePicker contains only hour and meridiem value selector

Here, the SfTimeSelector with only hour and meridiem value selector.

Click here to download the sample that showcases the edit, display time formatting and time selection formatting by the SfTimePicker.

Set selected value on lost focus

If we want to update the selected time of SfTimeSelector to the SfTimeSelector.Value property by moving the focus from SfTimeSelector to anywhere, use the SetValueOnLostFocus property value as true. By default, the selected time of SfTimeSelector can be sets to the SfTimeSelector.Value property only by clicking the OK button, otherwise the selected value not updated by the move focus.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker  SetValueOnLostFocus="True" 
                          Name="sfTimePicker" />
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker= new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.SetValueOnLostFocus = true;

SfTimePicker value updated on when SfTimeSelector lost its focus

Click here to download the sample that showcases the value setting support in the SfTimePicker.

Restrict Editing and Free editing

Free editing

When the AllowInlineEditing is true, you can freely edit the value in the SfTimePicker. Validation occurs either when you press Enter or when the control loses focus.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker x:Name="timePicker"
                     AllowInlineEditing="True" />
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker= new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.FormatString = "HH:mm";
sfTimePicker.AllowInlineEditing = true;

Free editing in SfTimePicker

Editing by selection

When the AllowInlineEditing is false and ShowDropDownButton is true, you can edit the time by selecting the hours and minutes.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker x:Name="timePicker"
                     ShowDropDownButton="True" />
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker= new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.FormatString = "HH:mm";
sfTimePicker.AllowInlineEditing = false;
sfTimePicker.ShowDropDownButton = true;

Editing by select the hours or minutes

Restrict editing

When the AllowInlineEditing and ShowDropDownButton are false, the control behaves as read-only.

<syncfusion:SfTimePicker x:Name="timePicker"
                     ShowDropDownButton="False" />
SfTimePicker sfTimePicker= new SfTimePicker();
sfTimePicker.FormatString = "HH:mm";
sfTimePicker.AllowInlineEditing = false;
sfTimePicker.ShowDropDownButton = false;

Localization support

Localization is the process of translating the application resources into different language for the specific cultures. You can localize the Ok and Cancel button text in SfTimePicker control by adding resource file for each language.


Refer Localization page to know more about how to provide a localization support for the SfTimePicker.


WPF TimePicker (SfTimePicker) supports various built-in themes. Refer to the below links to apply themes for the SfTimePicker,

Setting theme to WPF TimePicker


View sample in GitHub.