Fluent Theme

7 Apr 2021 / 2 minutes to read

The FluentTheme provides an elegant UI with reveal animation for interactive elements and acrylic effect for windows.

Reveal animation

The reveal animation for WPF controls can be enabled/disabled using HoverEffectMode and PressedEffectMode properties.


The reveal animation is enabled by default in fluent theme.

Hover reveal effect

The reveal animation while hovering the controls can be enabled/disabled using HoverEffectMode property.

The HoverEffect enum has following values

  • Background - The hover reveal animation effect will be applied only for control Background.

  • BackgroundAndBorder - The hover reveal animation effect will be applied for both control Border and Background.

  • Border - The hover reveal animation effect will be applied only for control Border.

  • None - The hover reveal animation effect will be disabled.


The default value is HoverEffect.BackgroundAndBorder.

SfSkinManager.SetTheme(this, new FluentTheme() { ThemeName = "FluentDark", HoverEffectMode = HoverEffect.Border });

Pressed effect

The reveal animation when pressed using mouse/touch on controls can be enabled/disabled using PressedEffectMode property.

The PressedEffect enum has following values

  • Glow - The glow animation effect will be applied when pressed using mouse/touch.
  • Reveal - The reveal animation effect will be applied when pressed using mouse/touch.
  • None - The pressed animation effect will be disabled.


The default value is PressedEffect.Reveal.

SfSkinManager.SetTheme(this, new FluentTheme() { ThemeName = "FluentDark", PressedEffectMode = PressedEffect.Reveal });

Acrylic Window Background

The transparent blurred acrylic background can be enabled/disabled for windows using ShowAcrylicBackground property.


The default value is false.

SfSkinManager.SetTheme(this, new FluentTheme() { ThemeName = "FluentDark", ShowAcrylicBackground = true });