Getting Started with WPF Currency TextBox

18 Feb 20259 minutes to read

This section explains how to create a WPF CurrencyTextBox control and its features.

Assembly deployment

Refer to the control dependencies section to get the list of assemblies or NuGet package that needs to be added as a reference to use the control in any application.

You can find more details about installing the NuGet package in a WPF application in the following link:

How to install nuget packages

Adding WPF CurrencyTextBox via designer

You can add the CurrencyTextBox control to an application by dragging it from the toolbox to a view of the designer. The following dependent assembly will be added automatically:

  • Syncfusion.Shared.WPF

Dragging WPF Currency TextBox Control from Toolbox to Designer

Adding WPF CurrencyTextBox via XAML

To add the CurrencyTextBox control manually in XAML, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new WPF project in Visual Studio.

  2. Add the Syncfusion.Shared.WPF assembly references to the project.

  3. Import Syncfusion® WPF schema and declare the CurrencyTextBox control in XAML page.

    <Window xmlns=""
            Title="CurrencyTextBox Sample" Height="350" Width="525">
            <!--Adding CurrencyTextBox control -->
            <syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox" Width="100" Height="25" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>

Adding WPF CurrencyTextBox via C#

To add the CurrencyTextBox control manually in C#, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new WPF application via Visual Studio.

  2. Add the Syncfusion.Shared.WPF assembly references to the project.

  3. Include the required namespace.

    using Syncfusion.Windows.Shared;
  4. Create an instance of CurrencyTextBox and add it to the window.

    //Creating an instance of CurrencyTextBox control
    CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
    // Setting height and width to CurrencyTextBox
    currencyTextBox.Height = 25;
    currencyTextBox.Width = 100;
    //Adding CurrencyTextBox as window content
    this.Content = currencyTextBox;

WPF Currency TextBox Control

Setting Value

The value of the CurrencyTextBox can be set by using the Value property.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox" Width="100" Height="23" Value="100"/>
CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
currencyTextBox.Width = 100;
currencyTextBox.Height = 23;
currencyTextBox.Value = 100;

WPF Currency TextBox diplays Value


Do not use the Text property to set the value for the CurrencyTextBox. Use only the Value property.

Binding Value

Data binding is the method of forming a connection between the application UI and business logic. Data binding can be unidirectional (source -> target or target <- source) or bidirectional (source <-> target). You can bind data to the CurrencyTextBox using the Value Property.

The following code snippets illustrate the value binding from one CurrencyTextBox to another.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox1" Height="25" Width="100" Value="{Binding MyValue,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox2" Width="100" Height="25" Value="{Binding MyValue,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />


class ViewModel : NotificationObject
    private double myValue;
    public double MyValue
            return myValue;
            myValue = value;

WPF Currency TextBox displays Binding Value

Value Changed Notification

The CurrencyTextBox control can notifies the value changes through the ValueChanged event. You can get old value and new Value from OldValue and NewValue properties in ValueChanged event.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox ValueChanged="CurrencyTextBox_ValueChanged"/>
CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
currencyTextBox.ValueChanged += new PropertyChangedCallback(CurrencyTextBox_ValueChanged);

You can handle the event as follows:

private void CurrencyTextBox_ValueChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    // Get old and new value
    var newValue = e.NewValue;
    var oldValue = e.OldValue;

Min Max Value Restriction

The Value of CurrencyTextBox can be restricted within maximum and minimum limit. You can define the minimum and maximum values by setting the MinValue and MaxValue properties. It allows the user to enter the value between MinValue and MaxValue.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox" Width="100" Height="25" Value="455" MaxValue="999.99" MinValue="-999.99"/>
CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
currencyTextBox.Width = 100;
currencyTextBox.Height = 25;
//Setting minimum value
currencyTextBox.MinValue = -999.99;
//Setting maximum value
currencyTextBox.MaxValue = 999.99;
currencyTextBox.Value = 455;

Restricts Minimum and Maximum Value of WPF Currency TextBox

Step Interval to increase or decrease the value

The CurrencyTextBox control allows to increase or decrease the value by pressing up and down arrow keys in keyboard or mouse wheel over the control. The ScrollInterval property is used to specify the increment or decrement intervals. The default value of ScrollInterval is 1.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox" Width="100" Height="25" Value="8" 
                          IsScrollingOnCircle="True" ScrollInterval="4"/>
CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
currencyTextBox.Width = 100;
currencyTextBox.Height = 25;
currencyTextBox.MinValue = 0;
currencyTextBox.MaxValue = 100;
currencyTextBox.Value = 8;
currencyTextBox.IsScrollingOnCircle = true;
currencyTextBox.ScrollInterval = 4;

WPF Currency TextBox displays Incrementing Interval Value

Formatting the value

You can customize the number format by using either the NumberFormat property or the CurrencyGroupSeparator, CurrencyGroupSizes, CurrencyDecimalDigits and CurrencyDecimalSeparator, CurrencySymbol, CurrencyNegativePattern, and CurrencyPositivePattern properties of CurrencyTextBox.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox" Height="25" Width="150"  Value="1234567">
    <syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox.NumberFormat >
        <numberformat:NumberFormatInfo CurrencyGroupSeparator="/" CurrencyDecimalDigits="4" CurrencyDecimalSeparator="*"   CurrencySymbol="$"/>
CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
currencyTextBox.Width = 100;
currencyTextBox.Height = 25;
currencyTextBox.Value = 1234567;
currencyTextBox.NumberFormat = new NumberFormatInfo()
    CurrencyGroupSeparator = "/",
    CurrencyDecimalDigits = 4,
    CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "*",
    CurrencySymbol = "$"

WPF Currency TextBox with Formatting

Setting the Culture

The CurrencyTextBox provides support for globalization by using the Culture property. The Culture is used to format the decimal separator and group separator of the CurrencyTextBox value based on the respective culture.

<syncfusion:CurrencyTextBox x:Name="currencyTextBox" Height="25" Width="100" Culture="en-US" Value="1234567"/>
CurrencyTextBox currencyTextBox = new CurrencyTextBox();
currencyTextBox.Width = 100;
currencyTextBox.Height = 25;
currencyTextBox.Value = 1234567;
currencyTextBox.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

WPF Currency TextBox with Culture


When you use both NumberFormat and Culture, the NumberFormat will have a higher priority.


CurrencyTextBox supports various built-in themes. Refer to the below links to apply themes for the CurrencyTextBox,

Applying Theme to WPF Currency TextBox