Release notes v3.2.0.39 (Beta)

January 31, 2019

Report Server

This section describes the release notes for the Syncfusion Report Server version v3.2.0.39. It includes the newly added features, bug fixes done and how to upgrade the older version to the new version.


  • #I218751 – Provided an option to choose the filter value(username/email) for User based filtering.
  • #I218728 – The Schedule parameters can be chosen in the Report Scheduler dialog with the same look and feel as of Report Viewer.
  • #I217238 – Provided an option to save the scheduled reports to any specified location.
  • Exposed Rest APIs to Get schedule details and current culture information.
  • #205987,#215254,#218981 – Provided tablix report item support to display data in table or matrix format. It includes the following unique features:
    • Row and column grouping.
    • Total support for row and column groups.
    • Filter and sort expressions support for groups.
    • Cell customization support.
    • Cell merging support.
    • Support to insert report items such as text boxes, images, lines, and subreports in tablix cells.
    • Visual cues to indicate row and column groups.
  • #222138 - Provided reordering support for report parameters.

Bug Fixes

  • #I215419, #I216626 – Fixed the issue in scheduling and exporting a report with no default parameters.
  • #I212811 – Fixed the issue in response status code while calling Authentication API with invalid credentials
  • #I213696 – Fixed the issue in rendering reports in Azure blob storage
  • #I190468 – Shown valid response when action performed on deleted item
  • #I219952, #F140830, #I220168 – Fixed the issue in adding data source via API.
  • #I216562 – Fixed the issue in CSV import when the email contains uppercase letters.
  • #216844 - Fixed the content overflow issue in summary row property of grid report items.
  • #218559 - Resolved the schema version issue to save the report with the respective schema version instead of 2010 XML namespace by default.
  • #216246 - Fixed the report preview failure when the text from the web designer contains hexadecimal or Unicode values.
  • #221279 - Resolved issue with inheriting the alternate row cell properties from cell styles for grid report item.
  • #221279 - Fixed column resizing issue in grid report item.
  • #222796 - Fixed summary row property disable issue in grid report item.
  • #222877 - Fixed the text alignment property populate issue on select and deselect action in grid report item.
  • #222888 - Resolved the console errors thrown when continuously applying the font size for selected text in text box report item.
  • #223348 - Fixed the string to date-time conversion of report parameter in a dataset query.
  • #223797 - Fixed the image upload issue when the file name contains Unicode values.
  • #223600 - Resolved the custom header passing issue when previewing the report from web report designer.


Follow the steps from here to upgrade the Syncfusion Report Server from an older version to this version.

Report Platform SDK

This section describes the release notes for the Report Platform SDK version v3.2.0.39. It includes the newly added features and bug fixes done.



  • Provided support for optional parameters in date part function.

Bug Fixes

  • #210669 – Resolved rendering problem when the concatenation operator is used at end of the paragraph tag in HTML markup text.
  • #215303 – Now, TimeSerial function is rendered properly for double values.
  • #213238 – Text cut off problem when an empty div tag is added as HTML markup text has been resolved.
  • #218997 - Now, toggle button images are displayed properly in Windows Forms Report Viewer.
  • #219202 - Enable/Disable functionality of chart minor gridlines is now working properly in the Report Viewer.
  • #219353 - The index out of range exception will no longer occur when the multiple value parameter is used in the drill through report.
  • #221225 - Interaction in ReportDesigner has been improved when editing a report with point (pt) values.



  • #216091, #211268 – Provided user defined custom attribute to render the trendline chart.
  • #217143 – Provided support to show the tooltip for chart series.
  • #204093, #155828 - Dynamic expression support has been added.
  • #204093 - Scope support has been added for aggregate and miscellaneous expressions.
  • #154778, #155021, #154423, #160054, #123039 - Support has been added for RunningValue and CountRows expressions.
  • #217103 – Provided AjaxBeforeLoad event for report viewer in ASP.NET Web Forms.
  • #218488 - Provided support to hide specific chart legend using an expression.
  • #F130662 - Provided support to use referred assembly method directly in an expression.
  • #186305, #F132567, #212724 - Provided support to render DateTime parameter values based on the client and server language culture.
  • #216948 - Provided support to load data source connection string based on the report parameter value.

Bug Fixes

  • #218557 – The blank page rendering issue when using the nested tablix with span cells has been resolved.
  • #216640 – Now, Lookup, LookupSet, MultiLookup miscellaneous functions return correct values when different scopes are used in single expression.
  • #215937 – NRE in the chart report item when it contains legend title has been resolved.
  • #213670 – Now, the external font is applied properly in the chrome browser when font contains spacing character.
  • #215645 – Now, the export and fit to page toolbar options are updated properly based on focus.
  • #215524 – The parameter block visibility problem in the print layout when the view report action is triggered has been resolved.
  • #218751 - The slash appending problem for User ID built-in collection while previewing the report with empty domain value has been resolved.
  • #220361 - Now, foreground hexadecimal color code value is applied properly in the Report Viewer when it is set through HTML markup text.
  • #F140611 - Problem in updating the report margin value in print preview has been resolved.
  • #214304 - Drill through hyperlink action with JavaScript methods will be navigated to proper page in the Report Viewer.
  • #219807 - Now, DateSerial function returns proper value if AddMonth or AddDays method is used in expression.
  • #218850 - Problem in displaying the chart legend for list of chart report item inside the subreport has been resolved.
  • #216656 - Now, Thai culture text will be displayed properly when using external Garamond font in PDF export.
  • #216800, #217998 - Problem in collapse toggle functionality for child report items in Excel export has been resolved.
  • #212724 - Now, drill through-date-time parameter values have been updated properly in the subreport.
  • #204379 - Problem in displaying the value in chart axis when the date format is applied has been resolved.
  • #216184 - Now parent row and column index is calculated correctly when tablix contains both row and column group in web report viewer.
  • #221279 - Now, textbox height is increases based on text linefeed.



  • #216656 - Provided the EnableComplexScript support to export the complex culture text in PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #222390 - Resolved the built-in page number global collection text is not right aligned when we export to PDF format.
  • #215303 – Now, the cell values with TimeSerial format can be rendered properly in the Excel export.
  • #213238 – Text cut off problem when an empty div tag is added as HTML markup text has been resolved.
  • #204594 - Incorrect font size applied to the footer content in Word export has been resolved.
  • #217328 - Now, TimeSpan expression with format returns proper value in the Excel export.
  • #218115 - The issue with rendering the Arabic content in the tablix cell when language is specified for tablix in PDF export has been resolved.

Report Designer(Web)


  • Web Report Designer is now compatible with and can work in platforms such as ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC.
  • #205987,#215254,#218981 – Provided tablix report item support to display data in table or matrix format. It includes the following unique features:
    • Row and column grouping.
    • Total support for row and column groups.
    • Filter and sort expressions support for groups.
    • Cell customization support.
    • Cell merging support.
    • Support to insert report items such as text boxes, images, lines, and subreports in tablix cells.
    • Visual cues to indicate row and column groups.
  • #222138 - Provided reordering support for report parameters.

Bug fixes

  • #216844 - Fixed the content overflow issue in summary row property of grid report items.
  • #218559 - Resolved the schema version issue to save the report with the respective schema version instead of 2010 XML namespace by default.
  • #216246 - Fixed the report preview failure when the text from the web designer contains hexadecimal or Unicode values.
  • #221279 - Resolved issue with inheriting the alternate row cell properties from cell styles for grid report item.
  • #221279 - Fixed column resizing issue in grid report item.
  • #222796 - Fixed summary row property disable issue in grid report item.
  • #222877 - Fixed the text alignment property populate issue on select and deselect action in grid report item.
  • #222888 - Resolved the console errors thrown when continuously applying the font size for selected text in text box report item.
  • #223348 - Fixed the string to date-time conversion of report parameter in a dataset query.
  • #223797 - Fixed the image upload issue when the file name contains Unicode values.
  • #223600 - Resolved the custom header passing issue when previewing the report from web report designer.

Report Designer(Desktop)

This section describes the release notes for the Syncfusion Report Designer version v3.2.0.39. It includes the newly added features, bug fixes done and how to upgrade the older version to the new version.


  • #209910 - Provided option to remove the recently added shared datasources from report designer.
  • #216091, #211268 - Provided support to specify user defined custom attribute for chart series in report designer.
  • #189917, #190928, #210533 - Provided option to browse and use local files or images in report designer.
  • #218751 - Provided support to add and save query parameters to shared dataset in Report Designer.

Bug Fixes

  • #215392 – Now, the toggle items are displayed properly for the tablix report item.
  • #216275 – Now, a dataset can be created with stored procedure when the shared data source has prompt credentials.
  • #216275 – Problem in executing the SQL query parameter when the parameter data type is not set has been resolved.
  • #215476 – Now, the chart and axis title property dialog can be shown properly in the report designer.
  • #214535 – Problem in updating the report page orientation values to properties dialog has been resolved.
  • #218980 - Now, the chart and gauge report item with custom value expression renders properly in report designer preview.
  • #217574 - Now, the tablix column visibility works properly based on expression value in the report designer.
  • #215392 - Report item names not updated issue in the tablix property dialog to perform drilldown actions has been resolved.
  • #214535 - Now, the page orientation values are preserved in report properties dialog properly.


Refer to the following steps to upgrade the Syncfusion Report Designer from an older version to this version:

  • Download the latest Syncfusion Report Designer from here.
  • Follow the installation steps from here.