
21 Nov 20161 minute to read

The Syncfusion Essential JS Barcode widget enables rendering of one dimension and two dimension barcodes in web page. Barcode provides you a simple and inexpensive method of encoding text information that can be easily read by electronic readers.

Key Features

  • Supports 10 one-dimensional barcodes including Code 39 and Code 32 barcodes.
  • Supports 2 two-dimensional barcodes such as QR and Data Matrix barcodes.

This section helps to understand the getting started of the ReactJS Barcode with the step-by-step instructions.

Create an Barcode

You can create a React application and add necessary scripts and styles with the help of the given ReactJs Getting Started Documentation.

Define an HTML element for adding Barcode in the application and refer the JSX file created.

  • HTML
  • <div id="barcode-qrbarcode" align="center"></div>
    <script src="app/barcode/qrbarcode.js"></script>

    Create a JSX file for rendering Barcode component using syntax.

  • JS
  • "use strict";
        <div className="control">
            <EJ.Barcode id="default" text="http://www.syncfusion.com" symbologyType="qrbarcode" xDimension="5" >

    Run the above code to render the following output: