Getting started

4 Feb 20171 minute to read

This section illustrates the details on how to render and customize a TimePicker control using various methods available in PHP wrapper classes.

Create a PHP Project and add necessary scripts and styles with the help of the given PHP Getting Started Documentation.

Create TimePicker

Create a TimePicker control by instantiating the PHP wrapper class available in EJ namespace as shown below.

  • HTML
  • <?php
            $time = new EJ\TimePicker("time");
            echo $time->value(new DateTime())->render();

    The following screenshot illustrates the output of above code.

    Configuring TimePicker

    Set MinTime and MaxTime

    EJ TimePicker provides API through which you can set the maximum and minimum allowed time values to be picked from the popup. Min and Max time values can be set at initialization as show below.

  • HTML
  • <?php
            $timeMinmax = new EJ\TimePicker("timeMinmax");
            echo $timeMinmax->value(new DateTime())->minTime("10:00 AM")->maxTime("10:00 PM")->render();

    The following screenshot illustrates the output of above code.

    Disable Time Ranges

    With this API, you can disable a set of Time ranges to prevent the user from selected a set a time ranges from time popup as shown below.

  • HTML
  • <?php
            $timeDisable = new EJ\TimePicker("timeDisable");
            echo $timeDisable->value(new DateTime())->disableTimeRanges(array(
            array("startTime" => "3:00 AM", "endTime" => "6:00 AM"),
            array("startTime" => "1:00 PM", "endTime" => "3:00 PM"),
            array("startTime" => "8:00 PM", "endTime" => "10:00 PM")))->render();

    The following screenshot illustrates the output of above code.