System Requirements for PHP Components

6 Jun 20231 minute to read

The system requirements for using our Syncfusion PHP platform are as follows

Operating Systems

  • Windows XP SP3
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Vista SP1
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows 8, 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Linux
  • Unix
  • Mac

Hardware Environment

  • Processor: x86 or x64
  • RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
  • Hard disk: up to 200 MB of available space may be required. However, 50 MB free space is required in boot drive even if you are installing in other drive.

Development Environment

  • PHP 5.3.3+ version. Unzip the downloaded file and move the unzipped folder to the desired drive.
  • Apache Tomcat
  • MySQL (optional. Necessary for DataBase related functionalities)