Data Binding
28 Dec 20162 minutes to read
Local Data Binding
Essential Studio mobile JS DropDownList provides support for Data Binding.Elements can be bounded to data from a variety of data sources. In local Data Binding, the data source is written inside the program. Then it is handled by the DropDownList attribute is used to get the data source that holds the list items.
<input type="text" id="dd_grouping" data-role="ejmdropdownlist" data-ej-datasource="window.listData"
data-ej-watermarktext="Select a Country" data-ej-fields-text="name"/>
To include datasource, add the following script.
window.listData = [{ name: "Australia"},
{ name: "Brazil" },
{ name: "China" },
{ name: "India"},
{ name: "Spain" },
{ name: "United States of America" }
The following screenshot displays the Local Data Binding:
Remote Data Binding
In Remote Data Binding, the data is retrieved from a particular URL unlike the local Data Binding and then it is handled by the DropDownList control. Datasource is used to get the data that holds the list items.
<input type="text" id="dd_grouping" data-role="ejmdropdownlist" data-ej-datasource="window.datasource"
data-ej-fields-text="ContactName" data-ej-watermarktext="Select a customer" />
To include datasource, add the following script.
// DataManager creation.
window.datasource = ej.DataManager({
url: ""
window.dbitem = { "text": "ShipCity" };
The following screenshot displays the remote Data Binding: