Data Labels in .NET MAUI Sunburst Chart

Data labels are used to display information about segments at the (X, Y) point.

Enable Data Label

Data labels are enabled and disabled using the ShowLabels property. The default value of the ShowLabels property is False.

The following code explains how to initialize data labels.

<sunburst:SfSunburstChart ShowLabels="True"/>
    . . .
SfSunburstChart sunburst = new SfSunburstChart();
. . .
sunburst.ShowLabels = true;
this.Content = sunburst;

Overflow Mode

When the data labels are large in text size, they will overlap each other. To avoid overlapping, trim or hide the data labels using the OverflowMode property. By default, the OverFlow mode is Trim.

The following code shows how to hide the data labels.

<sunburst:SfSunburstChart ShowLabels="True">
    . . .
        <sunburst:SunburstDataLabelSettings OverFlowMode="Hide"/>
SfSunburstChart sunburst = new SfSunburstChart();
. . .
sunburst.ShowLabels = true;
sunburst.DataLabelSettings = new SunburstDataLabelSettings()
    OverFlowMode = SunburstLabelOverflowMode.Hide
this.Content = sunburst;

Overflow mode as hide in MAUI Sunburst Chart.

Rotation Mode

The view of data labels can be customized using the RotationMode property. Data labels can be rotated to an angle for better readability. By default, the rotation mode is Angle.

The following code shows normal mode of data labels.

<sunburst:SfSunburstChart ShowLabels="True">
    . . .
        <sunburst:SunburstDataLabelSettings RotationMode="Normal"/>
SfSunburstChart sunburst = new SfSunburstChart();
. . .
sunburst.ShowLabels = true;
sunburst.DataLabelSettings = new SunburstDataLabelSettings()
    RotationMode = SunburstLabelRotationMode.Normal     
this.Content = sunburst;

Rotation mode as normal in MAUI Sunburst Chart.


Data labels can be customized using the DataLabelSettings property of the chart. For customizing, you need to create an instance of SunburstDataLabelSettings and set it to the DataLabelSettings property.The following properties, available in SunburstDataLabelSettings, are used to customize the data labels:

  • FontAttributes of type FontAttributes, indicates the font style of * the label.
  • FontFamily of type string, indicates the font family for the label.
  • FontSize of type float, indicates the font size.
  • TextColor of type Color, indicates the color of the displayed text.
<sunburst:SfSunburstChart ShowDataLabels="True">
    . . .
SfSunburstChart sunburst = new SfSunburstChart();
. . .
sunburst.ShowLabels = true;
sunburst.DataLabelSettings = new SunburstDataLabelSettings()
    TextColor = Colors.Red,
    FontSize = 10,
    FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
this.Content = sunburst;

Data label customization in MAUI Sunburst Chart.