Print options

19 Dec 20178 minutes to read

The Print widget comes with other enhanced options to exclude specific elements on a page before printing, print the content on a new window and includes external styles to the page before printing, thus allowing appearance customization to be applied on the printed page.

Printing specific elements

It is possible to print a particular element alone from a page. For this, you need to pass that particular element into the print method.

  • HTML
  • <div id="control">
            <div id='Grid'></div>
            <br />
            <div class="control2">
                <b>Note</b>:Grid control rendered with local data
            <button class="button" id="print">Print</button>

    To print the grid layout alone excluding other items from a web page, refer the below code example.

  • $(function () {
                    dataSource: shipDetails
                    size: "normal", width: "113px", click: "onPrint"
            var shipDetails = [
                  { Name: 'Hanari Carnes', City: 'Brazil' },
                  { Name: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale', City: 'USA' },
                  { Name: 'Ricardo Adocicados', City: 'Brazil' }
            function onPrint(e) {
                var elem = $("#Grid");
                if (!elem.hasClass("e-print")) {
                } else {
                    obj = $("#Grid").ejPrint("instance");

    Printing entire page

    It is possible to print the entire web page by calling the ejPrint on document body, which is depicted in the below code example. Here, the entire page including all the items on the page will be printed.

  • function onPrint(e) {
                var elem = $(document.body);
                if (!elem.hasClass("e-print")) {
                } else {
                    obj = $(document.body).ejPrint("instance");

    Excluding specific elements

    It is possible to exclude specific selectors from a page or from specific component before printing it. This can be achieved by using the excludeSelector property.

    The below code example depicts the way to print the grid control excluding specific elements with the class name ‘e-row’ from it.

  • function onPrint(e) {
                var elem = $("#Grid");
                if (!elem.hasClass("e-print")) {
                    $("#Grid").ejPrint({ excludeSelector: ".e-row" });
                } else {
                    var obj = $("#Grid").ejPrint("instance");
                    obj.option("excludeSelector", ".e-row");

    Printing content in a new window

    It is possible to print the content in a new window by making use of the printInNewWindow property, which is depicted in the below code example.

  • function onPrint(e) {
                var elem = $("#Grid");
                if (!elem.hasClass("e-print")) {
                    $("#Grid").ejPrint({ printInNewWindow:true });
                } else {
                    var obj = $("#Grid").ejPrint("instance");

    Applying external styles

    It is possible to include other external styles on the elements of a printed page, by passing an URL of an external stylesheet to the externalStyles property.

  • function onPrint(e) {
                var elem = $("#Grid");
                if (!elem.hasClass("e-print")) {
                    $("#Grid").ejPrint({ externalStyles:"printStyle.css" });
                } else {
                    var obj = $("#Grid").ejPrint("instance");

    The style that is defined within the printStyle.css file is depicted below.

  • HTML
  • <style>
    .e-grid .e-headercelldiv{
    	font-size:20px !important;


    The CSS file can be placed in any of your system location, but its path needs to be provided accurately to the externalStyles property.