Invoking Methods

18 Mar 20161 minute to read

The methods can be invoked the same way as the properties are accessed. The following syntaxes defines the ways to invoke the public methods of the widgets.

  • // First way
    var obj = $("jquery-selector").data("ej-plugin-name"); // [RECOMMENDED METHOD]
    obj.methodName(param1, param2, param3, ...)
    var gaugeObject = $("#gauge").data("ejCircularGauge");
    gaugeObject.setPointerValue(0, 0, 50);
    // Second way
    $("#myDate").ejDatePicker("getValue" );
    // Third way
    $("jquery-selector").ej-plugin-name("functionName", "param1", "param2", );
    $("#gauge").ejCircularGauge("setPointerValue", "0", "0", "30");