Essential Studio for File Formats Java Release Notes

March 30, 2021
Starting with version 19.1 (2019 Vol 1), you need to include a valid license key when using the Jar files from our trial setup or from the maven repository within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information



  • #269076, #296116 - Added support to remove style in Word documents.
  • Added support to write CSS styles as inline and internal while converting a Word document to HTML.
  • Added support for find and replace functionality in Word documents.
  • Added support for mathematical equations (MathML) in Word documents (DOCX and WordML).
  • Added support to access metadata properties in DOCX format Word document.

Bug Fixes

  • #309791 - The OutOfMemoryException exception will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #305623 - Encoded Chinese characters are now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document.
  • #307321 - Text wrapping styles for textbox are now parsed properly while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #310403 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a DOC to DOCX format document.
  • #313607, #313824 - IF fields are now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #312923 - Table alignment is now preserved properly while converting a HTML to DOCX format document.
  • #312957, #313774 - The default image is now preserved properly when a corresponding image does not exist in the given path.
  • #313959 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #313943 - List value is now parsed properly while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #317998 - The StackOverflowException will no longer be thrown when calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #317514 - Document will no longer corrupted while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #316710 - Mail merge is now executed properly in a Word document.
  • #317425 - Track changes options are now preserved properly while resaving the protected DOCX format document.
  • #318560 - The ClassCastException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #314434 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a HTML to DOCX format document.
  • #314249 - Text format (TXT) document is now opened properly when using FormatType.Automatic API.
  • #305623 - Chinese characters are now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document.
  • The ** InvalidCastException** will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
  • #297755, #302215 - ChildShape positions value is now preserved properly while opening a Word document.
  • #307506 - Text background color is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML file.
  • #160177 - The XmlException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
  • #306696 - Page break is now preserved properly while converting a HTML file to DOCX format conversion.
  • Editable ranges is now preserved properly for content controls while resaving a Word document.
  • #305864 - Content formatting is now preserved properly while resaving a Word document.
  • #307241 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
  • #306319 - Content is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX to RTF format document.
  • #304956 - Content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #305716 - Content controls is now preserved properly while resaving a Word document.
  • #159692 - The XHTMLValidation.None type is now working properly while opening an HTML format document.
  • #305277 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while parsing a Word document.
  • #306345 - Symbol is now preserved properly while updating table of content in Word document.
  • #306333 - Image is now preserved properly while calling UpdateAlternateChunks() method.
  • #306112 - Bullet list text is now preserved properly when resaving a Word document.
  • #301823 - Table with horizontally merged cells in now preserved properly while parsing an RTF format document.
  • #301968, #306120 - Document is now preserved properly while importing the Word documents.
  • #302177 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while resaving a Word document.
  • #301208 - Font is now preserved properly when resaving a RTF format document.
  • #294075, #305802 - Grid span values is now retrieved properly while parsing a RTF format document.