Namespace Syncfusion.Pdf.Barcode Classes InputMode Pdf417Barcode Represents the Pdf417 barcode. Pdf417ErrorCorrectionLevel Specifies the Pdf417Barcode error correction level. PdfBarcode PdfBarcodeException PdfBarcodeQuietZones PdfBarcodeTextAlignment PdfBidimensionalBarcode PdfCodabarBarcode PdfCode11Barcode PdfCode128ABarcode PdfCode128Barcode PdfCode128BBarcode PdfCode128CBarcode PdfCode32Barcode PdfCode39Barcode PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode PdfCode93Barcode PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode PdfCodeUpcBarcode PdfDataMatrixBarcode Represents the PDF datamatrix barcode. PdfDataMatrixEncoding Specifies the data matrix barcode encoding. PdfDataMatrixSize Specifies the data matrix barcode size. PdfEan13Barcode Represents the PdfEan13 barcode. PdfEan8Barcode Represents the PdfEan8 barcode. PdfErrorCorrectionLevel PdfGS1Code128Barcode PdfQRBarcode Represents the PDF QR barcode. PdfUnidimensionalBarcode QRCodeLogo QRCodeLogo class represents a logo image that can be used in a QR code. It can be initialized with a file path, an image object, or an image stream. QRCodeVersion TextLocation